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Are You "Anyone But England"?

And which team was he cycling for? Was it Great Britain, or was it Wales?

Because that would explain the headline.
Well there isn't a "Great Britain" team in the tdf. Perhaps your confusing it with the Olympics or something. Of course Team Sky is British based but it has riders from multiple nationalities. If one of their Columbian riders won the headline wouldn't be "Britains Egan Bernal wins the Tour de France", so no it doesn't really explain the headline tbh.
Is there a reason you hate the English so vehemently? I mean I can understand why someone might hate the English aristocracy or the English government, but a blanket hatred of the English, from an English person, seems very odd.
lol ;) you've simply made up a false narrative and have run with it. None of what you've said there is true. Nice try though.
Well there isn't a "Great Britain" team in the tdf. Perhaps your confusing it with the Olympics or something. Of course Team Sky is British based but it has riders from multiple nationalities. If one of their Columbian riders won the headline wouldn't be "Britains Egan Bernal wins the Tour de France", so no it doesn't really explain the headline tbh.
Yes, Paolo. We already established this.
This is getting a bit weird now.
Yeah, ok, well not sure a quote was needed for that revelation but whatever. imo being ABE isn't any more weird than the collective nationalistic flag worship whenever there's some kind of major sporting event. Good to see that the neighbours opposite have finally taken down their numpty flag, it was a bit of an eyesore and I'm glad to see the back of it.
Yeah, ok, well not sure a quote was needed for that revelation but whatever. imo being ABE isn't any more weird than the collective nationalistic flag worship whenever there's some kind of major sporting event. Good to see that the neighbours opposite have finally taken down their numpty flag, it was a bit of an eyesore and I'm glad to see the back of it.

So how is the "collective nationalistic flag worship" of England different to, well... every other nation in the world? You could be original and be ABN (Anyone But Netherlands) or ABBF (Anyone But Burkina Faso).
So how is the "collective nationalistic flag worship" of England different to, well... every other nation in the world? You could be original and be ABN (Anyone But Netherlands) or ABBF (Anyone But Burkina Faso).
There isn't necessarily a difference. I don't know for sure because I don't live in any of those "other nations". Not sure why I need to try and "be original", I'm reasonably happy with my ABE status at the moment, it's just a personal preference and a bit of fun. I have noticed that it does seem to irritate some of the Lundoners, I'm not sure why.

Anyway, yesterday there was good news on the ABE front with India's comprehensive test match win at Trent Bridge (20 minutes from where I live), this after a fairly lean post world cup spell with England thrashing the Indians in the ODI's and the first two tests. As usual in these sorts of matches, there were sections of the crowd who were clearly supporting India, but were born in the UK. Norman Tebbit would not approve. ;)
diaspora support for home country teams isn't anything like 'anyone but England' anyway.
Diaspora support for home country teams is a subset of ABE, along with diaspora support for other "commonwealth" countries, notably India, Pakistan (zindabad) and the West Indian countries +Guyana. They are all welcome under the ABE umbrella. For example when England are playing India at cricket in England, there is always a sizeable number of British Asians supporting India and not England. ABE's that have any interest in cricket will also be support India and not England, so to say that it "isn't anything like" ABE is inaccurate, they have at least that one thing in common, not supporting England.
You think too much about this
Really? I disagree, if I had the time I'd think about it a bit more. It's a subject that I find interesting. If you're not particularly interested in the subject then you're not obliged to participate in the discussion, there are other topics available. Perhaps some of the Lundoners could do with thinking about this a bit more instead of getting annoyed at ABE's it might help to understand the ABE perspective a bit more.

For many South Asians, support for home teams has its roots in family tradition, but is now expressed as part of a cosmopolitan diasporic identity. And amongst a significant number interviewed for this study, cricket helps fuel an unforgiving attitude to the English. A perception of the ongoing social exclusion of migrant communities in Britain stimulates their attachments to 'homeland' teams. A strong feeling that they would 'never really belong', as one taxi driver who had been in Britain since the 1960's put it, gave support for the Pakistan or Indian teams an added salience, even when ideas of 'home' were highly ambivalent.

lol @ Dreyfuss dick chiming in yet again with his /ˈblɛf(ə)rəʊˌspaz(ə)mz/

Prompted by the killers claim that ABE and diaspora home country support had nothing to do with each other, as I was down in London for the carnival I asked my dad why he was ABE, given that I inherited his ABE genes. I kinda knew what his answer would be, and he looked at me with a "it should be obvious, why are you even asking that question?" look.

The after effects of this countries imperial and colonial past and how badly the immigrants were treated after they were invited here, where the "streets were paved with gold". Which all ties in nicely with how the Notting Hill Carnival got started in the first place, the Windrush generation, police brutality, Grenfell etc. A common refrain to that is "yeah but all that happened years ago, why can't you lot just forgive and forget? ..move on" etc, which is easy for those that aren't affected to say.

So whenever the past "masters" get a bit of a sporting bloody nose, there is joy amongst the ABEL bodied folk, which annoys the Lundoners.

Oh yeah, and another thing. Three LIONS? Excuse me? Lions? That well known animal native to these shores. The British Lions. Hows that for blatant appropriation. Change the song to "three stoats on my shirt", and the touring rugby team to the British Badgers. (stewwwwwps)

Although I'm not optimistic, I hope the Indians will carry their form from the last test and bring more cheer to us ABE folk starting tomorrow.
lol @ Dreyfuss dick chiming in yet again with his /ˈblɛf(ə)rəʊˌspaz(ə)mz/

Prompted by the killers claim that ABE and diaspora home country support had nothing to do with each other, as I was down in London for the carnival I asked my dad why he was ABE, given that I inherited his ABE genes. I kinda knew what his answer would be, and he looked at me with a "it should be obvious, why are you even asking that question?" look.

The after effects of this countries imperial and colonial past and how badly the immigrants were treated after they were invited here, where the "streets were paved with gold". Which all ties in nicely with how the Notting Hill Carnival got started in the first place, the Windrush generation, police brutality, Grenfell etc. A common refrain to that is "yeah but all that happened years ago, why can't you lot just forgive and forget? ..move on" etc, which is easy for those that aren't affected to say.

So whenever the past "masters" get a bit of a sporting bloody nose, there is joy amongst the ABEL bodied folk, which annoys the Lundoners.

Oh yeah, and another thing. Three LIONS? Excuse me? Lions? That well known animal native to these shores. The British Lions. Hows that for blatant appropriation. Change the song to "three stoats on my shirt", and the touring rugby team to the British Badgers. (stewwwwwps)

Although I'm not optimistic, I hope the Indians will carry their form from the last test and bring more cheer to us ABE folk starting tomorrow.
You're talking shit (quelle surprise). I'm Irish but I don't hold England's sporting teams accountable for past transgressions of the English government.
You're just a bitter little man.
You're talking shit (quelle surprise). I'm Irish but I don't hold England's sporting teams accountable for past transgressions of the English government.
lol, wow, check out that sample size of a single Plastic Padraig in support of the tree lions. Not a single ABE has said that Gareth Southgate or Raheem Sterling are personally "accountable for past transgressions", that's just another strawman that you've pulled out of your arse.

You're just a bitter little man.
Now who's talking utter gobshite (pot meet kettle). Yeah, sure, I'm as bitter as Larry, or as Mr Partridge might sing..."I'm stupidly bitter"...and all this despite the spectacular ABE world cup win. Woe is me. :( ( ;) )
Although I'm not optimistic, I hope the Indians will carry their form from the last test and bring more cheer to us ABE folk starting tomorrow.

It's odd that you care so much about the cricket. Most cricket fans who support England don't mind if India win as long as the game is played well. It's nothing like the football supporters at all.
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