Bob_the_lost said:
Abscence of pigs is the same as 0 pigs. Not -5 pigs. If you cannot understand the difference between zero and minus five, with all respect due there is no way on earth you should be on a thread discussing mathematics. However neither you or i can see the difference, because you cannot see either one of those states. (except in the most tenuous manner)
Mathematics is a way to describe the world, it has no more reality than that, no intrinsic universal god given existence such as that proposed at the start.
How about an analogy. Language is used to describe the world, it's amazing, pretty much everything has a word or a way of using words to describe it. Therefore language must be somehow "god given". It's just as foolish as an idea as giving integers divine status.
I haven't said that integers are god given
And its not amazing that pretty much anything has a word to it - I can easily decide to refer to rocks as jocks, but 1+1 does not legitimately = 3.
Stop repeating your position and give an argument.
Lol at saying I don't know how to minus 5 piggies!
I was having a chat the other day with my psychology lectiurer about how Sartre goes into a Cafe where he is expecting his friend Piere, and the whole e takes on the status of a cafe-without-Piere, or cafe-mius-Pere. You ahve to explain what you mean by "too tenuous", too tenuous for what and why.
What about if your partner had just died, you think that her absence is the same as her never being there. You can feel -5, you can count -5, and Sartre would have that you can see -5. Sure, its a little diferent to +5, but what do you expect, there is a different symbol
infront of it.
According to some number scales is not an absence of 5 = to 0 pigs anyway. I really suggest that you do some reading, or outlione a positive account of mathematics - anmd not just repeatedly mumble something about "invention".
PS - imho you are arguing for a fictional account of numbers withouit realizing it. How then, does what is only true "in the stroy" work, in science. If you can answer that question then imho your not ignorant, you just have strong opinions on ontology, depsite what modern philosophy may say otherwise.
And if something is only true_or_false_by_convention why does everyone agree. You poor mathematicians, pressured into agreeing on the most baisc of mathematical problems, when any answer is correct! Mathematics must be objective.