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Are bagels in New York better than bagels elsewhere?

So, you don't make your own bagels even though someone in the beginning of this thread said you did? I apologize as I did not see you jumping down their throat for being mistaken.

It was more this bit

I think you're pissed off

But give yourself a big pat on the back for taking my advice and using google, it's a good start! :)
Hah :D I like your style, that old 'my ill-formed argument has been proved wrong twenty three thousand times so I'll try and insinuate you're losers' chestnut. Good effort but you just keep firing blanks, carry on though, you might get something right eventually.
holy jeebus folks it's just bagels ffs..........

only here could people get so aggro about bread
Don't get upset Miss, I'm fine and dandy, look at this as a learning opportunity, a personal journey, a chance to grow.
seriously, you are starting to creep me out a bit. I'm not even joking now. I don't know what you're all bitter about, but I don't really think it's about me and my views on bagels. So, have a nice night.
i'll tell you what's creepy, thinking that a bagel is only a bagel when it's got cream cheese on it. now THAT'S creepy!
A bagel

Not yet a bagel

Never will be a bagel
Anyway, I wish I had a freshly toasted NYC 'everything' bagel for breakfast tomorrow with a cup of piping hot British Earl Grey tea. Best of both worlds then.
well, I asked what you do put on bagels and nobody answered.

I honestly did not intend to offend anyone there...it's just that we over here usually just eat bagels with cream cheese..all different flavors of cream cheese, sometimes with something else on top pf the cream cheese like a slice of tomato, or lox, or onion slice. Some times people use it as as sandwich bread, but not too often.

I really don't know what else people put on bagels and I really am starting to feel ganged up on here over some silly misunderstandings.
all kinds of things! sometimes butter and cheese, sometimes chilli sauce, sometimes honey, marmite, nutella, all kinds of things. the bagel truly is your oyster :cool:
i expect people who eat meat put that in their bagel sometimes too. back when i used to eat meat, i'm fairly sure i bought a ham and gouda bagel from a stall in Reading train station.
This is a bit silly. Miss Caphat's come out with some duff info (and some poor backtracking tbf) but she's been a cool poster here for as long as I can remember, so why not cut her some slack? I mean, it's only a bagel ffs!

I actually did some research about alkalinity, ph and stuff because of 'NYC water quality is better' comment somewhere up there and because various types use lye/baking soda in the water, but it's a massive subject and in the end I couldn't be fucked to go all Harold McGee and everone has a different opinion. NYC, Brick Lane and Montreal bagels are all slightly different, and as long as they're good and fresh, who cares?
butter and cheese?

see, I think this just boils down (no pun intended) to different tastes. Our food has similar roots, so there are some things we eat almost exactly the same way, but some are just unimaginable to each other.

I remember the first time I heard you guys put lemon and sugar on pancakes, and I just found that impossible to comprehend..not because it sounded bad, (it actually sounds good and I want to try it) but because it's just so different to anything we would ever do here.
today i had cheddar cheese and chilli sauce in two bagels. i was quite hungry at lunchtime. no butter that time though
This is a bit silly. Miss Caphat's come out with some duff info (and some poor backtracking tbf) but she's been a cool poster here for as long as I can remember, so why not cut her some slack? I mean, it's only a bagel ffs!

Thank you....I just wish someone would believe me though, maybe based on the fact that I don't generally go around here pissing people off like this? I was super, super busy yesterday trying to do a million things on the computer. I should have put a little more thought into the words I used. And yeah, I was kind of rude, but was just kind of shocked at the responses to what to me were pretty harmless, normal statements. (Until the point where I said you had low self- esteem about food)

there were definitely things I didn't get about bagels. Yeah, i didn't know that in the UK you had anything different than what they would have in say, Iowa, for bagels. I never knew there was a big Jewish community in London, and I didn't know that you guys didn't basically just use cream cheese as a bagel topping.
sometimes i do use cream cheese
In the States, their toasted 'everything' bagels + cream cheese can deliver in no uncertain terms if you've got a beastly hangover. I recommend Daniel's Bagels on Third Avenue. Cheap, cheerful and fucking lush.
I just had marmalade on a bagel for breakfast, and made a lancashire cheese and piccalilli one for lunch.
i did have a salt beef bagel at Katzs Delhi in New York... it was too big to hold though, so not really to my taste. so from that no i don't think they are particularly better than a lot of london ones, though lots of food i did think was better.

Should have had the pastrami on rye. One of the best sandwiches ever.
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