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Annoying Adverts

Another soylent-type gunge in a packet.

By all accounts "eating healthily is impossible" - etc ...

There is an advert for Jane Plan, where you sign up and they deliver you calorie controlled meals for weight loss. The woman on it says "It's so easy. All my meals are pre-prepared"

I am pretty sure that prepared doesn't need another pre- prefix. If it wasn't prepared when you got it then it would only be pared, Which makes no sense.
Youtube have been hosting some incredibly stupid adverts recently, but at least some of them are targetted.
I've just ordered a £24 watch to replace the previous one which packed up after 11 years ...
I actually sent back a £30 one that was too shiny.


So naturally, Youtube shows me loads of adverts for garish Swiss watches that were too expensive for them to show the prices...

And now THIS :-

"Quite possibly the best watch roll in the world. A game changing hexagon shaped luxury case for up to three ... 24 May 2020"

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I was on the local bus a couple of years ago - poorish area of Cornwall - and a woman (late teens) was saying how she'd paid £800 for her bag - looked nice but was just a handbag. Reminded me of a mate once said "She had a coat on that cost more than I do".

I felt like saying "A HAAAANDBAAAAG?" :confused:
Adverts on Youtube have been even worse than usual since all this started - recently lots of "sell shit using Amazon" and other get-rich quick schemes...

But also cheap tat - and here is a SECOND dodgy gadget for unblocking ears.

Just how many people are there with this much gunge in their ears ?

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Yeah, I get the same ads too - there’s loads of content showing that 99.9% of these get rich mentoring courses are unsurprisingly scams.
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