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Anne Robinson to leave Countdown

Another who's surprised it's still going. And another vote for Brian Blessed. I might start watching it again.

Just checked. BB is still alive. He's 85, but age never stopped Nicholas Parsons. According to wiki, he's been fitted with a pacemaker, which seems unfair. :(
Gosh, it's the first I have heard she has got anything to do with it. I'm also surprised to hear Rachel Riley is still being employed.

I was just thinking Des Lynam would be quite good on it, but have a vague memory of him actually presenting countdown. . . also is he still alive even?
Another vote for Brian Blessed to present, with Charlie Chuck taking Rileys place.
Robinson is vile. Totally unsuited to the programme and often has no interest in anyone on the show and is just rude.

Someone earlier mentioned Colin Murray hosting it for a short stint. I didn’t see him do it but my parents thought he did well so maybe he could return for a longer period.
We can train dogs without unpleasant punitive training I’m sure we can do it for humans

Angry ramsey being a prick to people is just blood sports for the audience nothing else
I've only seen a few eps of his shows, but it looks like he's mean and supportive in equal measures, and mean for good reason, not irrelevant comments on someone's appearance.
I worked with him on his earlier TV days and he was a typical belligerent rugby yob bully boy. Not someone 'fun' to be around. He'd had a bit of channel 4 success with one short show that they then dropped. We made another series on the super cheap for ITV (I think, but if so, not prime time. . . it might have been a cable channel). Somehow this eased his comeback. He could be nice if he needed to be, but everything was about him, and it didn't gel with me. I get the impression though that it was just that he was young and full of posh bravado and self importance, I imagine after being dropped and having to settle for a cheap shit show must have mellowed his attitude (though pissed him off at the time). Watching him now, I think he is a relatively 'norma'l person trapped in a 25 year old TV persona. A relic of when being a shit head on TV was the new up and coming thing. I really hate that kind of programming, it's funny for one minute but then it just eats away at your soul. Think what it does to a nation when the entire TV output is geared towards creating content of people being constantly and unnecessarily mean and angry.

It's that sort of shit that justifies the on and off screen behaviour of Anne fucking Robinson.
I worked with him on his earlier TV days and he was a typical belligerent rugby yob bully boy. Not someone 'fun' to be around. He'd had a bit of channel 4 success with one short show that they then dropped. We made another series on the super cheap for ITV (I think, but if so, not prime time. . . it might have been a cable channel). Somehow this eased his comeback. He could be nice if he needed to be, but everything was about him, and it didn't gel with me. I get the impression though that it was just that he was young and full of posh bravado and self importance, I imagine after being dropped and having to settle for a cheap shit show must have mellowed his attitude (though pissed him off at the time). Watching him now, I think he is a relatively 'norma'l person trapped in a 25 year old TV persona. A relic of when being a shit head on TV was the new up and coming thing. I really hate that kind of programming, it's funny for one minute but then it just eats away at your soul. Think what it does to a nation when the entire TV output is geared towards creating content of people being constantly and unnecessarily mean and angry.

It's that sort of shit that justifies the on and off screen behaviour of Anne fucking Robinson.
Are you a producer?
I worked with him on his earlier TV days and he was a typical belligerent rugby yob bully boy. Not someone 'fun' to be around.

I get the impression though that it was just that he was young and full of posh bravado and self importance,

I'm not a huge Gordon Ramsay fan but a) he was a footballer when young, never heard of him being involved in rugby b) he's definitely not posh.
I occasionally watch YouTube compilations of the after-the-watershed version of countdown and that’s it, so I can’t really muster an opinion on who I think ought to take over. I like that it’s been on telly for so long. Favourite slippers and all that.

But I do have an opinion about Gordon Ramsey. I think he’s an execrable bully. And while I like good fluent swearing, he just uses swearing as a bludgeon. Even when he’s calm he’s comic-book-villain levels of arrogant. And if he’s unwillingly stuck in this persona, that demonstrates a venal desire to keep mining it for the cash (bullying for profit, yuk) or moral ineptitude. Anyone who thinks he’s alright should look at the way he behaves on American telly and measure again.
if all people had just one single opinion it'd make sense to label people good/bad but all it takes is one bad opinion per person
I'm not a huge Gordon Ramsay fan but a) he was a footballer when young, never heard of him being involved in rugby b) he's definitely not posh.
To be honest it was a long time ago, maybe it was football, but at the time (whatever his background) he seemed like one of the poshy posh ealing/richmond pubby rugby boys I used to see around in the 90s. I don't remember him actually playing anything (though I have a vague memory that he did) it was just a comment on the type of character he appeared to be . . . . to me.
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