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Anne Robinson to leave Countdown


Well-Known Member
It's been reported that Anne Robinson is to leave Countdown after just one year in charge and she has said she has stayed longer that she intended?

How well do you think she has done presenting the show?

And who do you think the next host will be?
No idea what they were thinking employing her. I watched one episode and she was just what you'd expect from Anne Robinson, which isn't what you want from Countdown.

Unusually, I think the gender balance means a male presenter would be good. Just someone friendly, chatty and nice. Dion Dublin's a good presenter.
I am One of the most dyslexic people you could meet, I like countdown
Ann Robinson put me off it for a bit ,it's a shame they chose her but not
sure about who would replace her?
I caught them both on it the other day and thought they presented it fine. :confused:
Riley has been caught up in bullying on twitter with her bestie Tracey Ann oberman. One of which has paid out massively in libel. Robinson is also a bully and her " persona' on the weakest link isn't manufactured. She's also a twat.
I'm sure Riley also has an upcoming case for defamation.
She picked on a guy yesterday for having 'a girl's haircut'. He explained that he grew it long and then had it cut off to donate to a charity making wigs for kids with cancer. That shut her up and made her look like a dick.
Hasn't Colin Murray been doing it? I was channel hopping and saw him presenting it a while ago, I didn't watch long enough to form an opinion of his suitability although he seems a bit young & trendy for Countdown's OAP viewership.
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