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An unfolding mini-caravan for cyclists

What kind of average distance is your typical cyclist going to achieve towing that? I guess it'd be okay if you were planning a road trip in which each day you travelled no further than 15 miles down the road from the previous night's location, and were happy with the fact that you'd be unable to visit any local pubs and amenities in the evening due to falling asleep exhausted the moment you'd finished assembling the contraption.
What kind of average distance is your typical cyclist going to achieve towing that? I guess it'd be okay if you were planning a road trip in which each day you travelled no further than 15 miles down the road from the previous night's location, and were happy with the fact that you'd be unable to visit any local pubs and amenities in the evening due to falling asleep exhausted the moment you'd finished assembling the contraption.
There are these amazing things called e-bikes. They're very popular now. :D
Nobody will take this sort of contraption seriously unless it is accompanied by sheep.
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