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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

How It Ends is a likeable and entertaining offbeat independent comedy. Sinopsis and review on the ‘what dvd did you watch last night’ thread. Ignore the lukewarm ratings, I’d say. Perfectly watchable at the least.
I found it quite disappointing. (And I'm generally easily pleased, will watch lots of cheesy disaster stuff.) I was left thinking 'Meh, is that it?'
Is The Green Knight good?
It’s both good and a bit turgid at the same time. As a whole, it comes together and is quite satisfying. Well acted and well shot too. But like so many films, it’s too long and indulges the director’s and cinematographer’s personal fancies too much, at the expense of tightness. I ended up watching it in two or three chunks because I was getting bored.
And shot in a studio without lights, seemingly at times. :p (personal bugbear)

That said, someone had told me there's a fight scene in The Batman that was almost entirely in the dark. I braced myself to hate it on principle, but it was actually well done and I liked it.
I also think some of The Green Knight's issues are Amazon fucking up the HDR, so if you don't have that feature it may look less dark.
Right, here's a question for all you hep cats of the switched on generation

Whilst I'm not, exactly, "popular beat combo, m'lud" when it comes to 'puters 'n' stuff, I am acutely away of how "one" can be easily trapped into trying something and then not being able to get out of an agreement

Rightly or wrongly Mrs Voltz has an Amazon Prime account, and I'm piggy backing on that, thus saving a subscription

We also have a Netflix account - which appears that it can be switched off and on, on a month by month basis, quiet easily

What I want to know is, how easy would it be, say, to have a Disney+ account on AP for . . . a month, then switch it off and try another streaming supplier, on AP and the switch that one off after a month

I would just get Disney on its own for ~£20 for the year: (and in fact, that's what I did on a previous deal for £18)

They're re-selling unused codes from Samsung tellys and phones that come with a free year. Disney doesn't seem bothered on the assumption that you'll re-sub next year.
I would just get Disney on its own for ~£20 for the year: (and in fact, that's what I did on a previous deal for £18)

They're re-selling unused codes from Samsung tellys and phones that come with a free year. Disney doesn't seem bothered on the assumption that you'll re-sub next year.

Good to know. This membership expires in October though so twenty quid for a few months.
Enjoyed Lodge 49 but it looks like S2 isn’t on Prime. Hopefully it will turn up at some point.

It's a real shame that series 2 isn't on either Netflix or Amazon especially as Paul Giamatti enters the fray. There isn't even a DVD release of the series. Apparently, it's on AMC channel on Sky and Virgin in the UK. Its on some torrent sites and some film movie apps and its on Hulu in the states but you'd need a good VPN. I've watched both seasons and am halfway through watching season 1 again.

The writer says that if funding is available he could try and use what the team had for series 3/4 into into a one off film like special but doesn't hold much hope out. Its got a small cult following so....

There's also an interesting video essay on the series (which has some clips from season 2 so spoiler alert)

How It Ends is a likeable and entertaining offbeat independent comedy. Sinopsis and review on the ‘what dvd did you watch last night’ thread. Ignore the lukewarm ratings, I’d say. Perfectly watchable at the least.
Isn't this a Netflix Original film?
Not a comedy either. Are there two 'How it Ends'?

EDIT - I see that there are. Phew. I was about to sit down and watch some shite netflix thriller.
I have started watching The Show on Prime.
It's one of the those ones that's 'free with ads' so anyone can watch it.

It's an Alan Moore production and it really shows. It really is like reading one of of his more recent graphic novels.
Great stuff.
It oddly looks cheap, a bit 'TV', but when you analyse the shots, they have obviously been chosen with care and are actually very good. It might even just be down to not getting a nice grade, or even the decision not to give it a 'filmic' grade.
Anyway, sadly I have been working long hours and I keep falling asleep watching it. Give it a shot.

I missed the opportunity to buy Show Pieces, also by Moore and also in the same universe (I think). Hopefully that will make it's way onto a streaming site.
I am really kicking myself for not buying that when I had the opportunity. I thought it looked cheap and silly and wasn't interested in Moores adventures in video.
Tried Paper Girls. Wanted to like it, but the story was all over the shop, didn't hang together as well as I'd like, so gave up on it.

We watched Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane last night. 1977 Jodie Foster film, which she was amazing in, but

omfg! That kind of gratuitous nudity of such a young girl was shocking. I read later that her 21 year old sister stood in as a body double, but it is still absolutely unnecessary to the story, and screams predator
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I've watched it now and thought it was v good.

But why does he die when he gets tied up in the forest and then he's not dead?
Because he really does die then and all the rest of the story is a what if... possibly going through his mind as he dies

I loved it too and think it could be a film that bears multiple viewings
Because he really does die then and all the rest of the story is a what if... possibly going through his mind as he dies
Not sure that works, because there is a "what if" reverie segment at the end, so it would mean a what if within a what if. If that's not illegal, it should be.

OTOH, perhaps the death itself is a what if. That seems like it could work.
Not sure that works, because there is a "what if" reverie segment at the end, so it would mean a what if within a what if. If that's not illegal, it should be.

OTOH, perhaps the death itself is a what if. That seems like it could work.
I DO remember that it got me thinking all the things, if that helps. Not sure I came to a firm conclusion myself, but I kinda like that.
Not sure that works, because there is a "what if" reverie segment at the end, so it would mean a what if within a what if. If that's not illegal, it should be.

OTOH, perhaps the death itself is a what if. That seems like it could work.
Perhaps he just feels dreadful; he feels really dreadful?
Not sure that works, because there is a "what if" reverie segment at the end, so it would mean a what if within a what if. If that's not illegal, it should be.

OTOH, perhaps the death itself is a what if. That seems like it could work.
Iv only peeped at the source material but I think that also has a large element of ambiguity to it, for me the lack of clarity was an attraction
Not sure that works, because there is a "what if" reverie segment at the end, so it would mean a what if within a what if. If that's not illegal, it should be.

OTOH, perhaps the death itself is a what if. That seems like it could work.
You should watch RRE on Netflix, that's got a flashback in a flashback in a flashback.
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