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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

I’ve got Prime for a month, thanks to Prime Day and Amazon’s never ending optimism that if they just offer me one more free trial, I’ll somehow change my mind and become a regular prime subscriber when I haven’t done that in the past ten years they’ve been plugging it. Well, God loves a tryer I suppose.

So, any good movies not to be missed in my free month? I can’t be getting into series as I doubt I’ll finish them.
We know you are a F1 fan.
The excellent Senna documentary is available .
No doubt you have seen this already..

Going to watch this later.

I only decided to check this out because I saw your post a couple of days ago- at the end of the day, 'Paper Girls' is not exactly a title that promises great things.

But it turns out it is pretty much an all-female Stranger Things meets Back to the Future. So a lot more interesting premise than its name would suggest, and pretty intriguing so far. Certainly once you get past the first two thirds of the first episode.

So recommended to fans of Stranger Things-style sci-fi series :)
Only watched the first series of 'Stranger things' and wasn't too impressed considering all the hype. Enjoying 'Paper Girls' so far though. It makes a nice change from the Marvel type stuff that seems dominant at the moment.
I only decided to check this out because I saw your post a couple of days ago- at the end of the day, 'Paper Girls' is not exactly a title that promises great things.

But it turns out it is pretty much an all-female Stranger Things meets Back to the Future. So a lot more interesting premise than its name would suggest, and pretty intriguing so far. Certainly once you get past the first two thirds of the first episode.

So recommended to fans of Stranger Things-style sci-fi series :)
Other than a brief eighties setting and teen (or in this case, preteen) casting, it isn't really Stranger Things, more Dark crossed with Blake's Seven. But not (mostly) the good bits of Blake's Seven.

I only stuck with the first three episodes cos I was stoned and cba to go to bed. Both the weird goodies and baddies looked just like they were straight from B7. The original version, not some high production remake. ie, shit. Eventually it has got sufficiently silly and enjoyable (I still have the last episode to watch). Although there is an element in episode 6 for which I cannot forgive them. It risks undermining the entire series (unless there is a clever bit later on where the plot hinges on XX rectifying their mistake). I must forward delicate readers, for it is shocking

They skip Barry Lyndon. Barry muckle flugging Lyndon. They could sit through 2001, a movie which fails all three aspects of the Bechdel Test, but not Barry Lyndon? They're fucking philistines.
Thirteen Lives. New Ron Howard film about the Thai boys who got trapped in a flooded cave.

It is actually bloody good! Much better than I’d anticipated it to be. The only weak link is the underdeveloped characters and wooden dialogue of the two British divers who went there to help, with a bizarre performance by a miscast Colin Farrell, but don’t let that out you off. This film isn’t really about them, and Howard is wise enough to make this film mainly about the boys, their families and the local community, as well as the technical challenges the rescue team faced.

A gripping and enjoyable film, and a firm recommendation from me.
I've been watching The Blacklist recently, which is absolute nonsense, but really good fun.

James Spader pretty much plays his Alan Shore character from Boston Legal (who's one of my favourite TV characters) but a very dark and sinister version, prone to a bit of torture and murder. The premise is totally bonkers but it's well made and romps along nicely after the first few episodes. Also, bad guys die horribly in most episodes which makes it rather satisfying.
I also watched Harlem which is like a black Sex in the City similarly centred around a band of four professional women including a lead who is a writer who delivers an inane narration at the start of every episode.
But it is actually much better than Sex in the City as it explores lots of the complexities of being a black woman including sexual orientation and one really good episode where one of the main characters gets poor medical treatment because of her race and the dismissiveness of the medical community towards women's medical issues in general.
I also watched Harlem which is like a black Sex in the City similarly centred around a band of four professional women including a lead who is a writer who delivers an inane narration at the start of every episode.
But it is actually much better than Sex in the City as it explores lots of the complexities of being a black woman including sexual orientation and one really good episode where one of the main characters gets poor medical treatment because of her race and the dismissiveness of the medical community towards women's medical issues in general.
There is also some stuff on gentrification which was timely considering the issues of gentrification in Brixton and the recent Harlem festival here.
Thirteen Lives. New Ron Howard film about the Thai boys who got trapped in a flooded cave.

It is actually bloody good! Much better than I’d anticipated it to be. The only weak link is the underdeveloped characters and wooden dialogue of the two British divers who went there to help, with a bizarre performance by a miscast Colin Farrell, but don’t let that out you off. This film isn’t really about them, and Howard is wise enough to make this film mainly about the boys, their families and the local community, as well as the technical challenges the rescue team faced.

A gripping and enjoyable film, and a firm recommendation from me.
It’s good, but I thought everything was underdeveloped. Every character, the rainwater/local govt/Myanmar subplots… it touches on lots but never at any depth. Despite all of that it’s compelling and moving and doesn’t feel overlong (though it’s almost 2hr 30.)

Mortesson was excellent, I thought. And Howard resists any temptation to melodrama. It’s all very understated. Should probably have been a three-parter.
Thirteen Lives. New Ron Howard film about the Thai boys who got trapped in a flooded cave.

It is actually bloody good! Much better than I’d anticipated it to be. The only weak link is the underdeveloped characters and wooden dialogue of the two British divers who went there to help, with a bizarre performance by a miscast Colin Farrell, but don’t let that out you off. This film isn’t really about them, and Howard is wise enough to make this film mainly about the boys, their families and the local community, as well as the technical challenges the rescue team faced.

A gripping and enjoyable film, and a firm recommendation from me.
Deliberate choice not to make it a 'white saviour' film.

I've been watching The Blacklist recently, which is absolute nonsense, but really good fun.

James Spader pretty much plays his Alan Shore character from Boston Legal (who's one of my favourite TV characters) but a very dark and sinister version, prone to a bit of torture and murder. The premise is totally bonkers but it's well made and romps along nicely after the first few episodes. Also, bad guys die horribly in most episodes which makes it rather satisfying.
Yes, I like The Blacklist too. James Spader is brilliant in it, as the central complex character who's neither completely bad or good, but more nuanced. It's another good example of the type of show that has a strong story per episode, but then other story arcs crossing multiple episodes, or the whole season, and then the overall multi-season story arc. Good ensemble cast too.
Deliberate choice not to make it a 'white saviour' film.

Good on him. It would have been an embarrassing travesty if anyone had tried to make that kind of film here.

It is absolutely incredible that they pulled it off. If the film hadn’t been based on a true story, one would go ‘Oh, fuck off!’ at it. I was also surprised at how much politics was at play at a local level from day 1.
How It Ends is a likeable and entertaining offbeat independent comedy. Sinopsis and review on the ‘what dvd did you watch last night’ thread. Ignore the lukewarm ratings, I’d say. Perfectly watchable at the least.
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