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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

This review is accurate imho

I understand its quite a hit in the farming community cos it conveys the trials and tribulations farmers face every year.

I personally enjoyed all the different machinery they use - most it it capable of turning a farm hand into strawberry jam if a terrible accident happens. Something Clarkson is keen to point out - how dangerous farming is and how many people lose their lives every year. More than any other industry combined.

The machine that buries a water hose a metre underground then fills it back in as you tow it behind the tractor is a great bit of kit
I’m watching a 1999 “comedy” film called Mystery Man that is never heard of. It’s awful but it’s got a hell of a cast for a shit parody film.
I’m watching a 1999 “comedy” film called Mystery Man that is never heard of. It’s awful but it’s got a hell of a cast for a shit parody film.

Are you all the way through? It's slow starting and very silly, and some of it has aged pretty badly, but it has quite a lot of fun moments.
I had no idea it was that old!
I’m watching a 1999 “comedy” film called Mystery Man that is never heard of. It’s awful but it’s got a hell of a cast for a shit parody film.
If you mean Mystery Men it's not a 'parody film', it's based on a comic book (one which Deadline readers will remember)
Are you all the way through? It's slow starting and very silly, and some of it has aged pretty badly, but it has quite a lot of fun moments.
I had no idea it was that old!
I’m about half way through but I’ve stopped to make dinner. I guess I’ll watch the second half at some point in the next 24 hours
If you mean Mystery Men it's not a 'parody film', it's based on a comic book (one which Deadline readers will remember)
Yeah, the “Man” seems to be an autocorrect, because I knew it was Men.

It feels totally like a parody film, regardless of source material. It’s presented like an early and much shittier version of something like Super or even The Boys.
Yeah, the “Man” seems to be an autocorrect, because I knew it was Men.

It feels totally like a parody film, regardless of source material. It’s presented like an early and much shittier version of something like Super or even The Boys.

It's definitely a parody film. None of the darkness of the The Boys (which I love).
Yeah, The Boys is brilliant. It’s using its (very dark) parody of a genre as a vehicle for satire. Pitch perfect.

Mystery Men is none of those things but, like I say, hell of a cast. Even its supporting roles have people like Geoffrey Rush.
I get an overwhelming urge to punch the cunt's teeth down his neck when I so much as catch a glimpse of the handbag face, so I'll give it a swerve.
I have a friend of a friend who does some cleaning at his place in Sodbury. Apparently he has quite a few ching-heavy parties there.

He was an outspoken remainer, genuinely loves his cars etc. Don't know why people get so bent out of shape
The Captain (Der Hauptman). German WW2 thriller, supposedly fact-based, about a German deserter who finds a captain's uniform, forms a rag-tag unit with other deserters, and basically goes on a murder spree in the last weeks of the war. Quite difficult to watch and surreal in places and shows how cheap life was in those times.

Looked to see if anyone else had watched this. Found it on weekend and its gripping film. Agree its a difficult watch and surreal.

It is a true story.

I did feel that this side of German history has been told before. But this film does it so well.

I thought the film was about how ordinary people get caught up with committing atrocities. The film starts out as him being a deserter ( this appears to be different from his wickapedia history) in last weeks of WW2. Finding a uniform of a high ranking German officer he finds he is suddenly treated with respect.

He gets around him a rag tag private army of deserters.

My take is that the film is about how ordinary non ideological people can get drawn into committing war crimes.

Other theme is putting on an act to survive in a totalitarian regime. The act can become the perpetrator. This I found interesting. Without plot spoilers its obvious to his fellow deserters he is a charlatan. They all go along with it to survive. And get drawn into evil.

I think this film works if one thinks its not just about Germans in WW2.

Decided to give Good Omens another go.
This time instead of giving up after one ep I watched to the end.

Such a shame. Lots of money, decent enough original story, some decent actors. It is however a muddled mess. Initially I thought that it could have re-edited in a different way (and order for some of it), but actually I think it's really not been thought out properly from the ground up.
It follows the format of a book at times when it shouldn't and despite being global and beyond with multiple stories, its shot like a load of people talking in various rooms. The stories flow into each other jarringly and it never feels like it all connects into one grand adventure.

Missed opportunity.
i read the book and it was pretty shit so no wonder the series was a bit shit too. Gaiman and Pratchett are almost as overrated as Douglas Adams, all of them conveying the pompous manner of an insufferable nerd saying ‘well, actually…’
Decided to give Good Omens another go.
This time instead of giving up after one ep I watched to the end.

Such a shame. Lots of money, decent enough original story, some decent actors. It is however a muddled mess. Initially I thought that it could have re-edited in a different way (and order for some of it), but actually I think it's really not been thought out properly from the ground up.
It follows the format of a book at times when it shouldn't and despite being global and beyond with multiple stories, its shot like a load of people talking in various rooms. The stories flow into each other jarringly and it never feels like it all connects into one grand adventure.

Missed opportunity.

Yeah, looks gorgeous and great cast but just doesn't quite gel together. Pity.
i read the book and it was pretty shit so no wonder the series was a bit shit too. Gaiman and Pratchett are almost as overrated as Douglas Adams, all of them conveying the pompous manner of an insufferable nerd saying ‘well, actually…’
As an adult I find Douglas Adams a tough and embarrassing read, but as a teen I really loved it. Smashed through his books very quickly. I also really enjoyed the TV adaptation.
I really don't like Pratchett's books at all, and never did. . . However if you just read the summary of the good omens it actually sounds like a pretty decent and interesting story on many levels. It was maybe a mistake to have gaiman so heavily involved in the adaptation from book to screen, as it's been treated too much like a book, but with bits that can't be replicated mostly removed or in narration.
I didn't buy the friendship between the leads over thousands of years. The relationship section was rushed but also went on forever, but was just two men talking in different 'rooms', I didn't see a 'friendship' blossom, I saw two people come to an understanding.
A bad sign in any film (or TV show) is a five minute narrated into setting the story up. The whole first episode was narration, and this trend continues, setting up every character and scene. IT'S NOT A BOOK.
It follows the format of a book at times when it shouldn't
I felt that was the main problem. I still enjoyed it, but Gaiman trying to make it - at times - word for word from the novel just didn't work out that well.
Pretty sure most of it is scripted. Out of interest what do you think isn't?
TBH I wasn't taking notes but some of it felt more natural and less staged. I'll see if I can put my finger on it next time I watch an episode.

Watched the last 2 episodes last night and made a point of thinking about what you said. You're right, I think it is largely scripted but with some ad lib allowed to give it a more natural feel.
Some amazing production work, getting those lambs to be born in such a pattern through the night, getting them to act so convincingly as sick and dying over a course of hours, engineering an escape into another ewe’s pen and choreographing fights safely.

Maybe it was dwarves in little lamb suits, come to think of it… 🧐
Some amazing production work, getting those lambs to be born in such a pattern through the night, getting them to act so convincingly as sick and dying over a course of hours, engineering an escape into another ewe’s pen and choreographing fights safely.

Maybe it was dwarves in little lamb suits, come to think of it… 🧐
Obviously some bits are not, but in general if you are making TV properly you will have prepared for most outcomes. I have not seen beyond episode one so I can't really comment on anything else, and that was quite obviously scripted with wiggle room, just as all the top gear bullshit was. . . but that's TV. It's usually all bullshit. As an editor (and not a writer/producer anymore) my main problem is that nothing is pre scripted enough. I mean you know (and should know) roughly what will/might happen and you should really have a jolly good reason for going out and filming something.
It's not just shite because of the misuse of the word akimbo, or the type of film it is. . . It's just bad. The acting bar Harry Potter is just terrible. It's like a terrible B movie thats not daft enough to be over the top good bad. . . But somehow it has Daniel Radcliffe.
Does he do an accent? He really fucking seems to love doing an accent 🤨
Does he do an accent? He really fucking seems to love doing an accent 🤨
Yes. Not being American myself, I thought it was convincing enough. However it does change in intensity throughout the film, most noticeably in the narration. Also, I find that narration in films is rarely a good sign.
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