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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

Sundance are just another streaming service like Prime and Netflix. Why would it be included in your prime sub? Do you complain that you have to pay extra to use Netflix app on the fire TV?
Sundance is part of Prime. You can't subscribe to it separately. So it's a hustle really. You subscribe to Prime, but any time you find something you actually want to watch, you click on it and get asked for more money.
Sundance are just another streaming service like Prime and Netflix. Why would it be included in your prime sub? Do you complain that you have to pay extra to use Netflix app on the fire TV?

It’s a continued fragmentation of service. You can subscribe to half a dozen steaming services and still not be get access to the films you want.

It’s a shit state of affairs for consumers.
It’s a continued fragmentation of service. You can subscribe to half a dozen steaming services and still not be get access to the films you want.

It’s a shit state of affairs for consumers.
No it’s not. You just have to pay for some films. You get a hell of a lot for very little. Seems fair to charge a few quid a month for the add-on channels
No it’s not. You just have to pay for some films. You get a hell of a lot for very little. Seems fair to charge a few quid a month for the add-on channels
It's not really about whether you're getting value for money (although, with Amazon's add-on channels you are usually not, compared to similarly-priced standalone services). Amazon's model seems to be set up to take money from customers by stealth. Firstly by making it easy to sign up to Prime without realising you've done it. But even if you make a conscious decision to subscribe, you're unlikely to realise that the good stuff is behind further doors that require further payment. So people end up paying substantially more than they initially thought they would be, plus more if they're not on the ball about managing their subscriptions and cancellations.
I dunno what you’re looking at, but the paid for channels and films are blatantly indicated
I suppose so. And also no-one's holding a gun to anyone, and there's worse things happening in the world. None of that means it isn't as I described, though.
Amazon Prime has increasingly become a gateway drug for much of the decent content, fwiw.

If you like horror, almost all of the decent stuff is behind the Shudder additional paywall. Similar situation with the Stephen King-type quality series, which can only be accessed past the Starzplay paywall.
Stumptown was pretty good we’ve just finished watching the series. Don’t have to do a whole lot of thinking watching it.

Blew me away this. Deffo crashed into my Top 5 documentaries of all time. This is the proper ugly side of corporate greed that will see your jaw spend most of the time on the floor. Cracking documentary!
I guess it’s not as much of an issue for people watching Prime on a computer or device, but on the TV through the built-in app, the sound balance for most Amazon films and series is unbelievably shit.

An all-time record was reached today whilst watching Psycho Goreman on Shudder (pretty good actually). We had to rack up the volume to 70 on our TV (25 would be too loud for terrestrial channels) to properly hear the dialogue, and of course the sound effects were incredibly loud by comparison.

At least Netflix offers you the option to downgrade the sound to bog standard quality, which often mitigates the issue. But it’s really fucking shit with Amazon :mad:
It’s probably old news but I really enjoyed Patriot after finding it earlier this week. Offbeat, darkly comic spy show which presents the CIAs covert ops as hopeless and ill fated. Not so much feet of clay, as of mud.
It’s clever, surprising, and not so much “character led” as “character meandering”.
Shame there were only two series. I enjoyed it enormously.
More of a non-recommendation this, but then I’ve always seen threads like this as a discussion platform anyway...

Disappointed with Solos. Basically a one-man-show Black Mirror anthology, and starring fairly fairly big names, so overall lots of potential in the right hands.

Unfortunately the three episodes I’ve watched so far were pretty flat and felt like a massive missed opportunity. Not terrible but you are left wondering how much better this could have been.
On our continued search for enjoyable films without guns and car chases, we came across "A Man Called Ove". It's lovely.

IMDB summary: Ove, an ill-tempered, isolated retiree who spends his days enforcing block association rules and visiting his wife's grave, has finally given up on life just as an unlikely friendship develops with his new neighbours.

We really liked it, and it's not as predictable as it sounds from the above description.
Plus October Sky, also really good and worth watching. "The true story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner's son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry against his father's wishes."
Brand new series Panic has less than glowing reviews, but I don’t think it’s that bad. Can’t be bothered to explain the premise, but as mindless entertainment goes I’ve seen worse.
May have missed it but I’m surprised The Bureau hasn’t been mentioned.Best Foreign Language series ever, maybe best series period
I'm enjoying the Bureau which is a French spy caper. As you'd expect some of it is implausible but this doesn't spoil it.
I flagged it last year when it was still free to watch. It is very good. I would definitely recommend it.
Arrrrrhhhh! I have been watching 'Soulmates' thinking it was 'Solos', wondering when Helen Mirren would come into it, and bearing with it because I heard the last episode ties it all together in a really satisfying way. Arrrhhhhhhhh.
On the last season of The Man in the High Castle. Certainly moved on (a bit) from the glacial pace of the first 2 seasons - just feels a bit odd after
a sizeable chunk of the cast are gone at the end of season 3 and beginning of 4... still, it hasn't gone completely to shit like Wayward Pines did

Anyways, parallel worlds always of interest.
When they spent every penny on the big names?

Who could have seen that coming?
They are mercifully only 25 minutes each if that.
One thing that is good is that they are all audio based, so you can just get on and do something else why listening. I'm up to morgan freeman.
Just curious as to what the final reveal is. Though I think I have an idea, and if I am right it's pretty boring.

Maybe this is the new Prime formula. Dispatches from elsewhere, Solos, soulmates,
They are mercifully only 25 minutes each if that.
One thing that is good is that they are all audio based, so you can just get on and do something else why listening. I'm up to morgan freeman.
Just curious as to what the final reveal is. Though I think I have an idea, and if I am right it's pretty boring.

Maybe this is the new Prime formula. Dispatches from elsewhere, Solos, soulmates,

Well, if it is I can save myself a bit of cash each month.
Without Remorse is not bad, I have a Michael B Jordan man crush.

I was disappointed that is nothing like the book which is a jolly good revenge tale.
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