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All the sports!! What y'watching?

...But the story of that event is fairly 'wtf'...

The German competitor smashed her first 3 events, in front by a country mile

Fourth event was the horsey stuff...Where it's not 'your' horse, and one is picked at random...And her horse has just said "Nope (neigh)...fuck this...not today thanks", and the German competitor's event is practically over.

Final event was a mix of shooting lasers and running (and won by Team GB).

Feel like they packed a LOT of drama into this event, will watch next time!
...But the story of that event is fairly 'wtf'...

The German competitor smashed her first 3 events, in front by a country mile

Fourth event was the horsey stuff...Where it's not 'your' horse, and one is picked at random...And her horse has just said "Nope (neigh)...fuck this...not today thanks", and the German competitor's event is practically over.

Final event was a mix of shooting lasers and running (and won by Team GB).

Feel like they packed a LOT of drama into this event, will watch next time!

It's safe to say that it's the most bizarre event in the Games I think. Apparently they only brought the laser shooting into for the first time this year because it must have been too boring before with just swimming, sword fighting, horsey stuff and a run. Let's throw in a bit of laser target practice.
It's safe to say that it's the most bizarre event in the Games I think. Apparently they only brought the laser shooting into for the first time this year because it must have been too boring before with just swimming, sword fighting, horsey stuff and a run. Let's throw in a bit of laser target practice.
They used real guns before
Iron fist and iron hoof salute to this mighty comrade horse refusing to jump!

Could only have been trumped if he'd have thrown off and trampled the violent abuser.

That's awful. I was brought up in a 'horsey' family. So I know how close to the horses the competitors are in the main equestrian events, they're their best friends, their pride and joy and would (mostly) never abuse them after a bad result. But maybe being given a random horse on the day isn't a good idea. That's no excuse though for that tantrum.
It's actually an incredible achievement for the athletes to compete at that level on a horse they've just met. The main equestrian competitors would have spent years getting to know their horse, training them, becoming synced with them.
Watching the men's one, the course is obviously quite a bit less than the main jumping event. Looks the same course but they've removed the top one or two rails. Still amazing.
Google tells me Tony Hawk's net worth is $140m. I doubt Usain Bolt is worth $140m. Fucking hell, that 13 year old girl who got the bronze has supposedly made £4m in sponsorships. These pushy parents shoving their kids into gymnastics and ice-skating are missing a trick.

Don't worry, the pushy middle class mums of the world will have crushed all the fun out of skateboarding by the time the next Olympics rolls round.
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