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Albums with the same name but different


Did do all Google car mistakes


Any others?
Faith, Cure. And, causing a massive row between me and Alexa, George fucking Michael.

E2A - goodness. Your Alexa too, Spandex?
Special mention to Rancid for being the most unimaginative band ever:
Obv you also get your Led Zeppelins and Run the Jewelses and so on who make a deliberate thing of sort of giving all their albums the same name, but making your first and fifth albums self-titled when all the ones in between had proper names just feels lazy.
Special mention to Rancid for being the most unimaginative band ever:
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Obv you also get your Led Zeppelins and Run the Jewelses and so on who make a deliberate thing of sort of giving all their albums the same name, but making your first and fifth albums self-titled when all the ones in between had proper names just feels lazy.

Points also deducted for the blatant Crass artwork rip-off.
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