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The Beatles’ albums ranked - submit your ranking

I think the only Beatles albums I have heard, as albums, have been:

1. Sgt Peppers

One of the few things my parents had as a cassette, which meant I could listen to it while doing the washing up as a child if the radio was boring.

Cracking album to hear as kid - just enough weirdness to keep you interested. So probably this above anything, because it has all those associations.

=2 Revolver/White Album

Recorded off vinly onto cassettee, probably out of the library or as a swap with a mate for something of mine.

Both great, but I am rarely seized with an urge to hear them. It's far more common for me to hear Beatles songs in random contexts than voluntarily put them on myself. That over exposure is part of the issue really and is why people don't like them I think. Also the tweeness of some of it, and being made to sing "Yellow Submarine" at school for some of us.

Actually, I just put the Blue album on and the recorder solo in "Fool On The Hill" can fuck off too.
Maybe it was that I was born in the early 80s but I don't really remember the Beatles being all that revered or cool at all during my childhood.

It was only in the mid-90s when there seemed to be resurgence of Beatles interest when they released the 'Anthology 1, 2, & 3 series and the Free As A Bird single (not to mention some very obvious influences on Oasis).
I think the only Beatles albums I have heard, as albums, have been:

1. Sgt Peppers

One of the few things my parents had as a cassette, which meant I could listen to it while doing the washing up as a child if the radio was boring.

Cracking album to hear as kid - just enough weirdness to keep you interested. So probably this above anything, because it has all those associations.

=2 Revolver/White Album

Recorded off vinly onto cassettee, probably out of the library or as a swap with a mate for something of mine.

Both great, but I am rarely seized with an urge to hear them. It's far more common for me to hear Beatles songs in random contexts than voluntarily put them on myself. That over exposure is part of the issue really and is why people don't like them I think. Also the tweeness of some of it, and being made to sing "Yellow Submarine" at school for some of us.
We were made sing Mull of Kintyre when it was popular, so count yourself lucky!
Nobody sane would claim etc etc :D

I mean you can't escape from the fuckers. I know there are a few hipsters who claim not to like them but their place the in the pop music hall of fame and British Culture is unassailable.
Nobody sane would claim etc etc :D

I mean you can't escape from the fuckers. I know there are a few hipsters who claim not to like them but their place the in the pop music hall of fame and British Culture is unassailable.
If you’ve heard something too many times, surely it’s fair to say you don’t like it.
Maybe it was that I was born in the early 80s but I don't really remember the Beatles being all that revered or cool at all during my childhood.

It was only in the mid-90s when there seemed to be resurgence of Beatles interest when they released the 'Anthology 1, 2, & 3 series and the Free As A Bird single (not to mention some very obvious influences on Oasis).

Throughout the seventies, was aware of the band and loved the songs that would still be played on the radio.

There was some kind of Stars on 45 Beatles mix that got into the charts in the early eighties and by the end of the decade,it was twenty years since the release of Sgt Pepper's....

That's when my interest in them was boosted. Were they cool? Maybe. Never really bought into that what's hot and what's not vibe.
If you’ve heard something too many times, surely it’s fair to say you don’t like it.
It’s absolutely fine to like or not like anything you like or don’t like.

That said, I never really bought Dubversion’s alleged dislike of them. He tried too hard. It reminded me of those homophobic preachers who turn out to have had a string of gay affairs.

Personally I think at their best they were great. That doesn’t mean I don’t think they had some duds, or other tracks that maybe haven’t stood the test of time.
I remember being aware of them in the 80s but they seemed ancient to me. Although weirdly the mid-80s would've been only 20 years after Beatlemania, it was like something really old fashioned to my eyes.
It’s absolutely fine to like or not like anything you like or don’t like.

That said, I never really bought Dubversion’s alleged dislike of them. He tried too hard. It reminded me of those homophobic preachers who turn out to have had a string of gay affairs.

Personally I think at their best they were great. That doesn’t mean I don’t think they had some duds, or other tracks that maybe haven’t stood the test of time.
I believe him.
Some people just can’t understand that other people like music for different reasons.
I can’t imagine any circumstances where o would ever choose to hear a Beatles song, myself
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