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age of female gymnasts....

The thing is - and this might be what JoA is getting at - is that in a society that already sexualises girls at a young age, you can't just turn around and say 'Well, because it's for sport none of that stuff applies' - it's society that is, in turn, sexualising and sanctifying the 'innocence' of youth at the same time ; it's doublethink at it's best.
Gymnastics - child porn for cowards...as Frankie Boyle said on Mock The Week on Thursday.

What an utterly shite thread - funny, but shite. Someone makes a pretty decent, if luridly posted, point about the sexualisation of girls in the gym squads, and is instantly jumped on. A slightly better topic might have been 'What are the quality of life implications for children trained for 8 hours a day in extreme body contortion whilst they're growing and whom suffer from a vareity of bone and muscle disorders later in life' perhaps, tho...
Yes, that would have been a better discussion.

If the OP wanted a serious discussion on the sexualisation of gymnasts then Im sure he had the language skills to instigate one. He chose not to.
The thing is - and this might be what JoA is getting at - is that in a society that already sexualises girls at a young age, you can't just turn around and say 'Well, because it's for sport none of that stuff applies' - it's society that is, in turn, sexualising and sanctifying the 'innocence' of youth at the same time ; it's doublethink at it's best.

You're too clever and reasonable for this thread. :(
Maybe Tom Daley should be denied the chance to compete then?

I don't think anyone under the age of 18 should be competing at Olympic level full stop. Leaving aside the potential medical issues, NO child should have to live under a full time training regime for sport - it's completely unbalanced, so yes, I do think he should be denied the chance to compete.
I don't think anyone under the age of 18 should be competing at Olympic level full stop. Leaving aside the potential medical issues, NO child should have to live under a full time training regime for sport - it's completely unbalanced, so yes, I do think he should be denied the chance to compete.
The thing is - and this might be what JoA is getting at - is that in a society that already sexualises girls at a young age, you can't just turn around and say 'Well, because it's for sport none of that stuff applies' - it's society that is, in turn, sexualising and sanctifying the 'innocence' of youth at the same time ; it's doublethink at it's best.


You can't say that applying a bit of make up to young girls and having them compete with each other by singing happy birthday dear president is any more or less sexual or exploitative than having them competing with each other half-dressed and gyrating around a sports stadium for 'viewing pleasure'.

Not everyone sees little girls in beauty pageants as a sexual thing. Same as not everyone sees young gymnasts in a sexual way. But some do.
The thing is - and this might be what JoA is getting at - is that in a society that already sexualises girls at a young age, you can't just turn around and say 'Well, because it's for sport none of that stuff applies' - it's society that is, in turn, sexualising and sanctifying the 'innocence' of youth at the same time ; it's doublethink at it's best.

but gymnasts have been wearing leotards for years.

14-year-old girls haven't been showing off their tits and bellies for years, so it's not like they learnt that off gymnasts
but gymnasts have been wearing leotards for years.

14-year-old girls haven't been showing off their tits and bellies for years, so it's not like they learnt that off gymnasts

When were under-16s first ergularly competing Olympic gymnastics? 20 years ago? 25? Society has changed since then in respect of the way it portrays and has changed to accept, for want of a better term,'Lolita' displays in clothing and behaviour, so while the leotards are the same (assuming they are), the world in which they exist has changed. The context in the way they're looked at is different - as I said, it's now seen within some bizarre 'sexy but sacred' lense, and that I suspect is what JoA was getting at.
Bollocks. Steaming dissembling pile of.

You want a serious discussion of the sexualisation of children, and refer to gymnastics as "Ultimate Paedovision....." in your OP.

You want to discuss the sexualisation of children, and you describe highly trained athletes as: "Young lithe girls in tight lycra body suits, showing all sorts of bum flesh and camel toe. Paedo heaven, imo...."

The wearing of leotard leggings is provided for in the rules to make it possible for girls and women from conservative religious countries to compete. Had those girls qualified to be in Beijing, they would be wearing leggings.

Your next point about make up- you dont seem to have the smallest idea how old these gymnasts are, many of them are in their late teens.
Different sports call for different body types; their peers/ counterparts in track and fields are built for power and speed and therefore will be in the junior/ student ranks for longer. However if any of them want to wear make up- it hasnt got the first thing to do with you.

Perhaps all female athletes under 21, from all disciplines should wear leggings? And frickin hoods.

Your OP and all your subsequent posts have not had a shred of integrity. Trolling bullshit or ignorant dodgy bullshit. Take your pick.

As demanded....

"Ultimate paedovision"? Well I thought it was pretty succinct. And who said "serious"? I wanted a discussion. As you can tell, I was being pretty blase about the subject because I didn't think that anything we said on here would make the darndest bit of difference. Was just using what you might term "colourful language" because I think it makes for more interesting posts...

Same for your second paragraph.

Don;t see what your leggins/religious culture point is about. Neither contradicts anything that I have said nor backs up anything you have said.

I don't think they wear make up "by choice", more because it's kind of what is expected of them. Many of them are in their late teens, many are in their early/mid teens. WTF has (the seemingly obligatory) make-up got to do with anything?

I'm not suggesting any rules for anyone in the olympics. Simply making the point that there seems to be some overt sexualisation of young girls.

I'm not sure what you mean by "integrity" M-W defines it as "firm adherance to a moral code". WTF do you know about my moral code?

Troll? If you like. But you know the best way to get rid of them? Don't feed....
When were under-16s first ergularly competing Olympic gymnastics? 20 years ago? 25?

I don't know what was earliest starting age, but it would seem gymnastics has been going for some time.

Gymnastics is among the oldest Olympic sports, dating back to ancient times as well as the first modern Games in 1896.

The term "gymnastics" derives from the Greek word "gymnos", meaning naked, and the sport in its modern form evolved during the 19th century.

Two styles of gymnastics were in conflict - the Swedish and German systems - with German Frederick-Ludwig Khan introducing parallel bars and the horizontal bar to what had been a floor-based event.

The Federation Internationale de Gymnastique (Fig) was founded in 1881, and men's artistic gymnastics was included for the first time in the 1896 Olympic Games, with women joining in 1928.

In 1936, individual apparatus events for men began to resemble today's Olympic programme, and a four-apparatus programme for women was introduced at the 1952 Olympic Games.[/quote]

1908 games, although it was a display rather than participation. Check out those knickers showing off her bum :eek:



Also, does this remind anyone of the aftermath of the News of the World printing pictures, names and addresses of known paedos? Created some mad witch hunt where paedeatricians got there practices burned down or something. Don't even think about mentioning paedophilia or you'll be branded as one yourself (look at chris morris....) Might not seem that way to others but when you are on the receiving end of all this abuse you might look at it another way.

Oh the irony. You're just as bad as them, with your ultimate paedovision comments.

Olga Korbut in 1972, inspired so many school kids including me. Leotards were standard even then, it's not that long ago :D
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