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age of female gymnasts....

Other people have said it about other things though (10 year olds with playboy logos on them, beauty pagents a la little miss sunshine , S club Juniors). My girlfriend and I both commented on it (why are they wearing makeup? why is there so much buttock flesh on display?) Just seems a bit suspect to me. And that makes me a pervert? Or my girlfriend? I don't folllow your logic....

Seriously, explain yourselves. Once more, I've done nothing wrong....

I always thought that their 'trainers' sometimes got a bit tactile with them when they won... :hmm:

But leotards aren't sexualising them in the same way that beauty pageants do imo. To say that then kids wearing bikinis on the beach are too, which they're not. Only if you're viewing them in that way, which most people don't.
OK, enough of this. Repeated references to me being a paedo are not acceptable. Please refer to the forum guidance on "endless personal attacks".

Also, does this remind anyone of the aftermath of the News of the World printing pictures, names and addresses of known paedos? Created some mad witch hunt where paedeatricians got there practices burned down or something. Don't even think about mentioning paedophilia or you'll be branded as one yourself (look at chris morris....) Might not seem that way to others but when you are on the receiving end of all this abuse you might look at it another way.
OK, enough of this. Repeated references to me being a paedo are not acceptable. Please refer to the forum guidance on "endless personal attacks".

Also, does this remind anyone of the aftermath of the News of the World printing pictures, names and addresses of known paedos? Created some mad witch hunt where paedeatricians got there practices burned down or something. Don't even think about mentioning paedophilia or you'll be branded as one yourself (look at chris morris....) Might not seem that way to others but when you are on the receiving end of all this abuse you might look at it another way.

I warned ye:D
Other people have said it about other things though (10 year olds with playboy logos on them, beauty pagents a la little miss sunshine , S club Juniors). My girlfriend and I both commented on it (why are they wearing makeup? why is there so much buttock flesh on display?) Just seems a bit suspect to me. And that makes me a pervert? Or my girlfriend? I don't folllow your logic....

Seriously, explain yourselves. Once more, I've done nothing wrong....
So much stupidity in one post...

You think Olympic standard gymnastics is comparable to S Club Juniors and beauty pageants? I cant help you there, if that is how you see young girls.

They are gymnasts; they wear leotards because it fits both form and function.
They spray glue on to their leotards to prevent them from riding up as much as possible.
Would you prefer they wore burkhas? Would that stop you from thinking 'funny' about them?

Many female athletes of many disciplines from pole vault to hockey wear makeup.

Get back to your mini pops vids.
You're confusing over-sexualisation of young girls with sports attire, which they've always worn. Over-sexualisation is about little girls being dressed by their parents as mini adult night clubbers, wearing make up and generally being encouraged to behave in a 'sexy' way.

You appear to be projecting your own stuff here and trying to pass it off as something else. Your initial posts on this subject would have anyone think you were positively relishing the sight of their bodies. Pretty mucky if you ask me. At the very least, keep it to yourself.
Are we going to have an on line trial now like we did with steelgate?

*books front row seats and orders in the rotten tomatoes*
Urban, later on

So much stupidity in one post...

You think Olympic standard gymnastics is comparable to S Club Juniors and beauty pageants? I cant help you there, if that is how you see young girls.

They are gymnasts; they wear leotards because it fits both form and function.
They spray glue on to their leotards to prevent them from riding up as much as possible.
Would you prefer they wore burkhas? Would that stop you from thinking 'funny' about them?

Many female athletes of many disciplines from pole vault to hockey wear makeup.

Get back to your mini pops vids.

I seriously object to all the pervert accusations. Please see my above post re personal insults. As it happens, I am about to start a job working with children who have been abused and gone on to abuse other children, and thus take such insinuations quite seriously. In short, I object to paedophilia as much as the next man and have not said anything that implies that I find it acceptable (let alone want to indulge in it).

On a more personal level, I think it shows some serious lack of imagination on your part to start insulting me just because I mentioned this subject, and may say more about your own issues than it does about me. What is it that you find so objectionable about someone discussing this subject in a frank matter?

On your points which seem to take my arguments seriously, why could they not wear longer legged custumes? Would that affect the form and function? I don't really see that this point makes me the same as some kind of mysogynist (why couldnt the S club Juniors cover up more? Should they wear burkhas?)

This glue you talk of, doesn't work that well, does it?

As for make-up, well the competitors in those other sports are generally older women and the sports are less aesthetic. They also don't wear as much make-up.
You're confusing over-sexualisation of young girls with sports attire, which they've always worn. Over-sexualisation is about little girls being dressed by their parents as mini adult night clubbers, wearing make up and generally being encouraged to behave in a 'sexy' way.

You appear to be projecting your own stuff here and trying to pass it off as something else. Your initial posts on this subject would have anyone think you were positively relishing the sight of their bodies. Pretty mucky if you ask me. At the very least, keep it to yourself.

They do wear make up though. And very short gym wear. And I'm hardly the first person to "mistake" sports wear for being overly sexualised. Look at tennis skirts in previous wimbledons....

And I apologise if my frank language is upsetting to some. I thought this was urban, not the Mary Whitehouse forum. I shall respect others prudishness in future (actually, I won't)
I seriously object to all the pervert accusations. Please see my above post re personal insults. As it happens, I am about to start a job working with children who have been abused and gone on to abuse other children, and thus take such insinuations quite seriously. In short, I object to paedophilia as much as the next man and have not said anything that implies that I find it acceptable (let alone want to indulge in it).

On a more personal level, I think it shows some serious lack of imagination on your part to start insulting me just because I mentioned this subject, and may say more about your own issues than it does about me. What is it that you find so objectionable about someone discussing this subject in a frank matter?

On your points which seem to take my arguments seriously, why could they not wear longer legged custumes? Would that affect the form and function? I don't really see that this point makes me the same as some kind of mysogynist (why couldnt the S club Juniors cover up more? Should they wear burkhas?)

This glue you talk of, doesn't work that well, does it?

As for make-up, well the competitors in those other sports are generally older women and the sports are less aesthetic. They also don't wear as much make-up.
Bollocks. Steaming dissembling pile of.

You want a serious discussion of the sexualisation of children, and refer to gymnastics as "Ultimate Paedovision....." in your OP.

You want to discuss the sexualisation of children, and you describe highly trained athletes as: "Young lithe girls in tight lycra body suits, showing all sorts of bum flesh and camel toe. Paedo heaven, imo...."

The wearing of leotard leggings is provided for in the rules to make it possible for girls and women from conservative religious countries to compete. Had those girls qualified to be in Beijing, they would be wearing leggings.

Your next point about make up- you dont seem to have the smallest idea how old these gymnasts are, many of them are in their late teens.
Different sports call for different body types; their peers/ counterparts in track and fields are built for power and speed and therefore will be in the junior/ student ranks for longer. However if any of them want to wear make up- it hasnt got the first thing to do with you.

Perhaps all female athletes under 21, from all disciplines should wear leggings? And frickin hoods.

Your OP and all your subsequent posts have not had a shred of integrity. Trolling bullshit or ignorant dodgy bullshit. Take your pick.
WHY??? What have I done? Just commenting on the oversexualising of young teenage girls. Hardly the first person ever to do so. Which particular part of this are you all objecting to?

If people just keep insinuating that I'm some sort of pervert I'll forget about this thread. If you wish to expand upon your criticisms, I might respond.

so what about the 16-year-old (or younger) walking around this country every day showing off their tits and belly-buttons?
They do wear make up though. And very short gym wear. And I'm hardly the first person to "mistake" sports wear for being overly sexualised. Look at tennis skirts in previous wimbledons....

And I apologise if my frank language is upsetting to some. I thought this was urban, not the Mary Whitehouse forum. I shall respect others prudishness in future (actually, I won't)

Its fuck all to do with prudishness. Maybe more to do with working with so many young women who become the object of men's sexual satisfaction. Again, the way you wrote about it did not initially come over as concern for their modesty, rather, it read more as a, phoor, grab a look at this. Sorry if you don't like our interpretations of what you wrote, but you need to take some responsibility for lasvicious tone used.
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