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age of female gymnasts....

wouldn't you see more flesh at your local beach/swimming pool?

Everybody knows that swimming pools are paedo hangouts. Children should be covered head to toe in a bag so as not to stimulate the perversions of paedos, just like all women shouldn't encourage rapists by wearing skirts and revealing tops.

In fact, its probably all these young athletes faults that paedos exists.

Everybody knows that swimming pools are paedo hangouts. Children should be covered head to toe in a bag so as not to stimulate the perversions of paedos, just like all women shouldn't encourage rapists by wearing skirts and revealing tops.

In fact, its probably all these young athletes faults that paedos exists.


Ban the Olympics :mad:
Mmm, new post working with young perpetrators? But contemptuous about genuine concerns relating to your posts. I wonder which authority/agency? I'm sure your future employers would be very concerned if they knew you were posting this shit. Had you said, I think female competitors should wear the same gear as the males, well, that might have been different. But your reference to paedovision, bum flesh, camels toe, lithe bodies in tight lycra smacked of something else.

You need to be very careful about what you post. Especially someone in your position.
Mmm, new post working with young perpetrators? But contemptuous about genuine concerns relating to your posts. I wonder which authority/agency? I'm sure your future employers would be very concerned if they knew you were posting this shit.

So are you suggesting that paedos don't get off on young girls in the gymnastics?

That's all that was said in the op. He wasn't advocating it imo.

But carry on the hysteria if you so wish. It's clearly a contentious subject.
I'm not saying they won't get off on looking at girls/boys in gymnastics. But it'll just be one of many opportunities these people have to fantasise about kids. Neither am I being hysterical. But the lasvicious tone used in whatever his name's postings clearly worried quite a few posters, men included. It seems to be worse that he's gonna be working with young people who are victims and perps of sexual abuse and he should be more fucking responsible about what he writes. That's all. No hysteria. Just concern.
I'm not saying they won't get off on looking at girls/boys in gymnastics. But it'll just be one of many opportunities these people have to fantasise about kids. Neither am I being hysterical. But the lasvicious tone used in whatever his name's postings clearly worried quite a few posters, men included. It seems to be worse that he's gonna be working with young people who are victims and perps of sexual abuse and he should be more fucking responsible about what he writes. That's all. No hysteria. Just concern.

Fair dos maybe he's a troll.

But these subjects are contentious.

And I HATE the 'outing' of paedophiles in trash papers like the sun, as it would have you believe that abusers of children are a relative small minority of people. Most kids are abused by family members or people known to them. Media campaigns calling for outing of predatory paeds contributes to a false sense of safety. Yes, beware of predatory paedophiles but always be aware that someone close to your family might also have an unhealthy interest in your child/ren.
There's a semi 'Sarah's law' just come in I think where you can ask if someone who has access to your children be it a child minder or new partner has convictions. Obviously that doesn't really cover trusted family members or paedophiles without convictions etc.
Mmm, new post working with young perpetrators? But contemptuous about genuine concerns relating to your posts. I wonder which authority/agency? I'm sure your future employers would be very concerned if they knew you were posting this shit. Had you said, I think female competitors should wear the same gear as the males, well, that might have been different. But your reference to paedovision, bum flesh, camels toe, lithe bodies in tight lycra smacked of something else.

You need to be very careful about what you post. Especially someone in your position.

As I say, sorry if I offended you. And did I say anything like that in my interview? Fuck no. At the same time, I'm not immune to laughing at paedo jokes (Jimmy Carr does loads of them in some of his routines...) Not funny really (when you think about the subject matter), but I don't think that laughing at such jokes would disqualify me from working at my new job. Perhaps better to keep them out of work though, granted.

I think I used such language partly because I'm in an adult internet forum where I assumed people wouldn't give a fuck, and partly to highlight that, yes, pervs who would have those exact thoughts going through their heads could be watching and getting off on said routines.
This thread is sullying our shiny new Olympics forum. :(

Perhaps it could be moved? The dustbin might have a bit of room.......
So are you getting excited by a bit of bum flesh? :rolleyes:

Please re-read what you are responding to. Whoever it was who pulled me up about the "camel toe" effectively acknowledged that they had noticed the bum flesh. I was simply stating that surely they are just as bad as I was being accused of being.

I think the buttocks are widely acknowledged as a "sexual" area of the body.
Please re-read what you are responding to. Whoever it was who pulled me up about the "camel toe" effectively acknowledged that they had noticed the bum flesh. I was simply stating that surely they are just as bad as I was being accused of being.

I think the buttocks are widely acknowledged as a "sexual" area of the body.

Maybe we'll get to see some young buttocks in the mens' diving. Do you object to that as well?
Gymnastics - child porn for cowards...as Frankie Boyle said on Mock The Week on Thursday.

What an utterly shite thread - funny, but shite. Someone makes a pretty decent, if luridly posted, point about the sexualisation of girls in the gym squads, and is instantly jumped on. A slightly better topic might have been 'What are the quality of life implications for children trained for 8 hours a day in extreme body contortion whilst they're growing and whom suffer from a vareity of bone and muscle disorders later in life' perhaps, tho...
I'd rather they covered up than the gymnasts who aren't showing much at in comparison

Hmm, debateble. Whilst I do sometimes think that young girls (perhaps a bit younger than 16, maybe pre-pubescent...) dress in an oversexualised fashion, there is a case for saying that it is a normal part of teenage sexual development. I mean, what teenage girl doesn't want to wear, say, a short skirt and vest in summer? Surely they are just apeing the fashions of slightly older women? Where/how could we draw a line? Not saying it isn't a cause for concern, just a bit of an ethical minefield imo....
Gymnastics - child porn for cowards...as Frankie Boyle said on Mock The Week on Thursday.

What an utterly shite thread - funny, but shite. Someone makes a pretty decent, if luridly posted, point about the sexualisation of girls in the gym squads, and is instantly jumped on. A slightly better topic might have been 'What are the quality of life implications for children trained for 8 hours a day in extreme body contortion whilst they're growing and whom suffer from a vareity of bone and muscle disorders later in life' perhaps, tho...

They end up looking like drag queens?

I'd be happy to forget about it....
Well before you do, could you respond to my post please?

Bollocks. Steaming dissembling pile of.

You want a serious discussion of the sexualisation of children, and refer to gymnastics as "Ultimate Paedovision....." in your OP.

You want to discuss the sexualisation of children, and you describe highly trained athletes as: "Young lithe girls in tight lycra body suits, showing all sorts of bum flesh and camel toe. Paedo heaven, imo...."

The wearing of leotard leggings is provided for in the rules to make it possible for girls and women from conservative religious countries to compete. Had those girls qualified to be in Beijing, they would be wearing leggings.

Your next point about make up- you dont seem to have the smallest idea how old these gymnasts are, many of them are in their late teens.
Different sports call for different body types; their peers/ counterparts in track and fields are built for power and speed and therefore will be in the junior/ student ranks for longer. However if any of them want to wear make up- it hasnt got the first thing to do with you.

Perhaps all female athletes under 21, from all disciplines should wear leggings? And frickin hoods.

Your OP and all your subsequent posts have not had a shred of integrity. Trolling bullshit or ignorant dodgy bullshit. Take your pick.
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