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Actors who were miscast as relatives and actors who should play relatives


Is so vanilla
Sometimes, when I watch a movie, there will be actors who play siblings or parent and child, and I think to myself 'That casting is ridiculous, they look nothing like one another, they don't remotely look like they're related!'.

Then sometimes I'll see an actor and think, 'I wonder why they didn't cast her as suchabody's sister? That would be much more believable/appropriate casting?'

Although I've wondered whether the actors themselves don't want to be cast with someone who looks like they could be sisters or brothers or mother and child? Maybe it's a taboo in the industry, in case casting directors start thinking of you and the other actor as sort of interchangeable, and they fear the other actor might get cast in roles they go for?

Can you think of any examples of miscasting? Or people who could/should play relatives?

I just saw a photo of Michelle Williams and was thinking she sort of looked a bit like Geneviève Bujold, they could play mother and daughter or grandmother and granddaughter.
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