Can you explain why this is really important this thing of orange men walking through a particular road ?
For them it's a display of outright dominance, contempt and supremacy . They own the place and can march into your district and insult you as they see fit . in nobody...wants them marching there . They're marching over you, not past you . And they believe it's their birthright . These baby's bibs spell it out.
. They also believe as long as they can do this the union is secure .
For residents it's abject humiliation . Because its a ritual humiliation . Your expected to stay off your own streets , keep your head down and know your place . They're celebrating their seminal victory as colonisers over the natives. Irish dispossession and defeat. The imposition of the penal laws and Protestant supremacy . . Many of those residents grew up knowing to keep their heads down , as did the generations before but they're determined their kids and grand kids won't ever experience this bullshit and nonsense .
Nobody wants to ban orange parades, just keep them the fuck out of districts were they're deeply resented . Many of the people on these parades and in their bands are loyalist paramilitaries or affiliated to paramilitaries who tormented and murdered in these contentious districts . The parade is accompanied by jeering hangers on, often themselves paramilitary affiliated . And a huge security presence to keep the residents in lock down in their own homes . and there's just a horrible atmosphere of tension and hate surrounding the whole thing . The residents dread it .
All the cunts have to do is march anywhere else but those handful of districts . For the Orangemen to be marching through those districts is the point of the exercise . The point of being an Orangeman in the first place . It's a hate fest , marketed today as " cultural expression " .
And what happens to those residents sends a direct message to the nationalist community as regards what they are worth within the statelet . If an orangemans allowed to walk over a nationalist district and the state is prepared to forcibly subdue nationalist communities in order to facilitate supremacists and bigots then it's a stark message to everyone in that community as regards their worth .
So if the DUP have secured a deal on this type of thing from May it'll have far reaching consequences . And pretty profound ones at that .