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A thread in praise of the private car!

Ill praise them. Would prefer if they used an alternative method of propulsion eg hydrogen fuel cells. Hopefully one day soon.
I need an Eco partner or 2, checking out a 480WHP RS2 tomorrow. :thumbs:

Grr just been talking with the guy on phone.

Me; Is this a definite RS2?
Him; Yes it has been modified though.
Me; What do you mean modified, what from?
Him; Well I bought it with 260 BHP and have pushed it well past RS2.
Me; Rs2 is 311BHP standard, are you sure it is an RS2?
Him; Yes.
Me; Can I have chassis number to check please?
Him; Look mate, it's got 480BHP why are you so bothered what's on the log book.
Me; Because I want a RS2.

This is about the fifth person I have talked to like this, luckily I only went to see the first two in person, these scammers don't realise that V5 reveals original model, fucking time wasting twats.
i drive a 3 litre suv currently... i may need a couple of hippies...erm more responsible types as partners
You clearly know nothing of life on the high seas. You cannot sail into the wind, merely tack at max 45deg to the wind in a zig zag

I know all about the seas, which is why I needs to know if you'd engines on when faced with a head wind or yoghurt weave your way through an interminable series of tacks. If the later I'd like to pair up and get that RS6 please...
i've started liking subarus lately.

lol at the shitty spoiler thing on the back of it

there's mine (before i bought it). 375bhp/ 0-60 in 4-ish seconds

lol at the shitty great big grin i have when i drive it

only a few left these days, the rest wrapped around trees i imagine .... SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STI WR1 - How Many Left?

its not got gold rims, its not properly blue and it doesn't have some shitty decals on it designed to make it look vaguely rally style. Rubbish. I bet you weren't even remotely involved in the drug trade while riding dirty in it. Swizz
its not got gold rims, its not blue and it doesn't have some shitty decals on it designed to make it look vaguely rally style. Rubbish. I bet you weren't even remotely involved in the drug trade while riding dirty in it. Swizz

you have whipped away all my credibility. i'm getting the gold felt tip pens out

(pedantic note: *that* blue was for the limited edition... )
I know all about the seas, which is why I needs to know if you'd engines on when faced with a head wind or yoghurt weave your way through an interminable series of tacks. If the later I'd like to pair up and get that RS6 please...
Depends on what the tide is up to and how good your vessel is upwind tbh

It's all about the VMG ultimately :)

Does pumping undiluted, untreated turds out into the sea from the ship's bog embellish my anti-environmental credentials? It fucking should do - Untreated sewage is 250,000 times more toxic than what comes out of the standard sewerage system outlet pipes :(

Tbh yeah if patience runs low and progress is slow then I'm quite happy to stick the engine on and motor sail all the way if necessary :)
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Do you have kids or eat meat? That should even it up a bit.
Fuck, that's a point: I'm a vegetarian.

How many computers do I have to leave on 24/7 to compensate for my non-meat-eating tendencies? Or do I need to start doing burnups down the nice straight bit of the A477 that I can easily hit 110 on?
Grr just been talking with the guy on phone.

Me; Is this a definite RS2?
Him; Yes it has been modified though.
Me; What do you mean modified, what from?
Him; Well I bought it with 260 BHP and have pushed it well past RS2.
Me; Rs2 is 311BHP standard, are you sure it is an RS2?
Him; Yes.
Me; Can I have chassis number to check please?
Him; Look mate, it's got 480BHP why are you so bothered what's on the log book.
Me; Because I want a RS2.

This is about the fifth person I have talked to like this, luckily I only went to see the first two in person, these scammers don't realise that V5 reveals original model, fucking time wasting twats.
Your commitment to petrolheadedness is truly admirable. But then the big difference between you and the people that you're trying to buy an RS2 from is that a) you care, and b) literacy.
its not got gold rims, its not properly blue and it doesn't have some shitty decals on it designed to make it look vaguely rally style. Rubbish. I bet you weren't even remotely involved in the drug trade while riding dirty in it. Swizz
Think of all the trees his compatriots fucked, though. Think of the additional CO2 burden.

Does collective responsibility count for nothing these days???? :mad:
I have to say, DotCommunist deserves some cred for his attempt to cobble together a workably car-centric dystopian tome on this motoring monolith of a thread. I reckon with a bit more polish - try AutoGlym®, by Royal Appointment - he can make it into a TV movie starring a washed up Emil Minty-a-like, if only he as an author can physically make it to publication without first being ironically taken out by a texting teen mother in a battered Renault Scenic with 'powered by fairy dust' on the back of it. "It's clearly hydrocarrrrrbonnnnssss" hanging on the breeze as his final legacy.
and I haven't even got to the bit where I rip off Crash and the idea of car-crash junkies who like to fuck each others wounds
A long time ago we decided never to have any children. This was in no small part influenced by our belief that overpopulation is the single biggest problem our planet faces, and that reproducing is in our era nothing more than a lifestyle choice.

As such I reckon I'd be entitled to drive a main battle tank for my commute and would still have a far smaller impact on the planet over my lifetime than even a most frugal frutarian cyclist who chose to bring but a single child into this world. Not that I would.

But then I'd never dream to lecture anyone about their offspring. We all contribute to the planet's ecological woes to some degree. Of course we should be sensible and trying to cut down on waste and pollution- but a balance ought to be struck. It doesn't need to be all or nothing. Fewer car journeys, less meat consumed should be encouraged. A total ban on car ownership ir meat consumption should not.
A long time ago we decided never to have any children. This was in no small part influenced by our belief that overpopulation is the single biggest problem our planet faces, and that reproducing is in our era nothing more than a lifestyle choice.

As such I reckon I'd be entitled to drive a main battle tank for my commute and would still have a far smaller impact on the planet over my lifetime than even a most frugal frutarian cyclist who chose to bring but a single child into this world. Not that I would.

But then I'd never dream to lecture anyone about their offspring. We all contribute to the planet's ecological woes to some degree. Of course we should be sensible and trying to cut down on waste and pollution- but a balance ought to be struck.
Ooh, cor, that's a point.

*starts putting supergrade petrol in the Celica, and fills the boot with sacks of sand*
Brothers, sisters, comrades all. I just had a vision. A well funded and extensive rail network kept everyone on link. The trains, oh god, I can't describe them truly. Imagine if the heavenly father rode a train. What would his train look like? that was the trains in my vision. The dining car was stocked with the finest of things. Their were no carraige classes, for all that had passed away.

Motorways were broken up, the bodies of small time hoods missing for 30 years given a decent burial at last. Just as the vision ended I cried 'oh lord what about the A and B roads?!' and lo, he brought forth standard restrictors that mean your car does no more than 40mph. In my marvelling and thankfulness I said 'But god, what about all them people who think driving really quickly is a right blessed by yourself?'

'My child' he said 'my child these people are dickheads. You and I see the wisdom of the velocipede. Forgive them dickheads for they knew not what they did'
A long time ago we decided never to have any children. This was in no small part influenced by our belief that overpopulation is the single biggest problem our planet faces, and that reproducing is in our era nothing more than a lifestyle choice.
Me too. Reckon I'm due a 1974 Porsche, exempt from road tax, sometime soon :cool:
The best way to get people to use trains more than cars would be to somehow condensify the geographical spread of populations so that it makes sense to supply everyone with a train line from a materials/energy consumption perspective, or to otherwise make trains as useful and flexible as cars. This idea that you can stop people driving fast with a piece of technology that is not functionally essential to the machine in question (i.e. speed restrictors) is an absolute fantasy, because the level of technical expertise required to bypass it would be trivial.

Another thing to consider; with the current infrastructure of cars and roads, it's possible for one to load a significant number of heavy items into a car in front of one's front door, and deliver said items in a single journey to the front door of another house an arbitrary distance away. Can a train network provide anything like that level of flexibility? If so, how?
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