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A thread in praise of the private car!

everyone pays for car use
Yes, they do. But car drivers pay more than they think - it's easy to write off the fixed costs (ownership, depreciation, maintenance, etc) and just make comparisons on a per-mile basis, and to some extent it makes sense - you've already bought the thing, paid the insurance, and you're kind of stuck with the servicing.

But to do comparisons on that basis is a bit specious.

That said, I live in the arse end of nowhere, and life would be pretty much impossible without a car: you need a calendar to read bus timetables around these parts, and the only way to get from the bottom to the top of the county other than by (expensive and shit) First Bus is to take a train out of the county to the east 20 miles, and back in again, on lines where the best service frequency is two-hourly.

I like my car. Other people like it - they say things like "nice car". It's enjoyable zooming around the place with the stereo up loud and the sunroof open (when it isn't raining), and as an indulgence, it's great. But I'd far rather be being a responsible human being and not pumping gunk out into the atmosphere and flattening the wildlife.

Since I have to, though, I'm determined to enjoy my car, and driving around in it. When they deprive me of that by providing a decent transport infrastructure, I shall, with some reluctance, do the Decent Thing and get rid of it.
it's a four litre petrol so unfortunately there are girth issues.
plus i burnt my delicates.

the infernal combustion engine is sinful, polluting and an affront against common decency. We burn the parish records, we hold all land in common and we torch every motor from lands end to jon o groats
Until it's powering an ambulance - or a bus. Then everyone loves it for some reason.
Or the mini cab to take one home from the nightclub at 5 am. Or the van used by the removal company chap that you hire to help move your gear every time you move flats. Or your mate's car when he gives you a lift to/ from a festival and saves you the bother of sharing a train/ coach with a bunch of sweaty & wasted revellers. They are okay. But everyone else can fuck off.
If I could have ever been able to drive, I've always sort of fancied having a van. A campervan or something like that. Just to be able to fuck off for the weekend or go somewhere, move things.
If I could have ever been able to drive, I've always sort of fancied having a van. A campervan or something like that. Just to be able to fuck off for the weekend or go somewhere, move things.

someone two streets from me has a converted transit van that has a bedroom in the load space :cool: I wouldn't want to have to live in it though.
Actually, I don't think so. The vast majority of the population of the UK lives in places where public transport is patchy at best, for them the car is the best solution for their transport needs and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable.
79% of British people lived in cities in 1950. That's predicted to be 92% in 2030.

The vast majority actually live in places with decent public transport.

Not me, two buses a day. My rent is cheap so I have money to spend on a car. Plus sharing a car is cheaper than public transport and my car doesn't smell of piss and nobody has a fight in it.
I don't know how to break this to you gently, so I'm just going to come out and say it: you are not the vast majority of people. Sorry :(
I hadn't finished. I have anxiety issues. I can board a bus and pay £4 and have to leave next stop. I live rural for my sanity. I hate to break it to 'you' not everything is black and white. Plus you don't have to be gentle. ;)
There's a bloke at work who witters on and on about the evils of cars, and how he'd never own one, and won't someone think of the future generations blah blah, but he always accepts a lift home if I offer, particularly after 5.15, when the last bus goes.
There's a bloke at work who witters on and on about the evils of cars, and how he'd never own one, and won't someone think of the future generations blah blah, but he always accepts a lift home if I offer, particularly after 5.15, when the last bus goes.
thats cos the evil is on you, planet raper. You drive that motor anyway so his conscience is clear.
There's a bloke at work who witters on and on about the evils of cars, and how he'd never own one, and won't someone think of the future generations blah blah, but he always accepts a lift home if I offer, particularly after 5.15, when the last bus goes.

I go on about the evils of cars blah blah blah - I also own one of the fucking things.
I praise my car because on the rare occasion it makes sense to use it I'm able to put two bikes in the back - without having to remove their wheels or making adjustments of any kind.

It has been a pleasure being car free for many years, but as I'm renovating a house and the cost isn't much of an issue it's occasionally useful. As I'm used to being car free my use of it is exceptional rather than routine.

My commute is an easy six mile ride. Much, much prefer getting on the bike for this than taking the car.
last weekend I hitch hiked (first time in years) having walked part of Devon coastpath and needing to get back to the start. I did it in 2 lifts each time waiting less than 90 seconds !
So long as people stop to get others lifts I'm happy to share the road with some cars ( we have 1 car, 1 motorbike and 8 bikes in our family). Get pissed off with 1 person 1 car and folk not stopping to give lifts.
My last home was an urban area but not a city and bus provision was woeful, I used my car pretty much every day.
I think I live in an urban area in census terms, judging from that little map snippet in the PDF anyway, in a town of ~7,000 people surrounded by countryside, minimal public transport as previously described. But add me to the well-provisioned city stats all the same!
Yes, they do. But car drivers pay more than they think - it's easy to write off the fixed costs (ownership, depreciation, maintenance, etc) and just make comparisons on a per-mile basis, and to some extent it makes sense - you've already bought the thing, paid the insurance, and you're kind of stuck with the servicing.

But to do comparisons on that basis is a bit specious.

That said, I live in the arse end of nowhere, and life would be pretty much impossible without a car: you need a calendar to read bus timetables around these parts, and the only way to get from the bottom to the top of the county other than by (expensive and shit) First Bus is to take a train out of the county to the east 20 miles, and back in again, on lines where the best service frequency is two-hourly.
Other people like it - they say things like "nice car". It's enjoyable zooming around the place with the stereo up loud and the sunroof open (when it isn't raining), and as an indulgence, it's great. But I'd far rather be being a responsible human being and not pumping gunk out into the atmosphere and flattening the wildlife.

Since I have to, though, I'm determined to enjoy my car, and driving around in it. When they deprive me of that by providing a decent transport infrastructure, I shall, with some reluctance, do the Decent Thing and get rid of it.

My car (330cd) is a pure indulgence. It pretty much only gets used at weekends (I live within a quarter mile of 3 tube stations), and for "fun blasts" here and abroad (France, Italy, and Switzerland this year, zooming around The Alps). It's handy to be able to jump in and go anywhere, anytime and not be reliant on PT, but I could easily do without it. But I don't want to. The fact is, I love cars and driving and it's a hobby of mine.

I've also sold cars for more than I've paid for them (most recently the Brera for £200 more after a year, and I reckon I could get a few hundred more for the BMW if I sold it now). Obviously, people who use cars to commute are unlikely to be able to do that but for leisure drivers it's not impossible with a bit of effort/luck.

On here, of course, the above makes me Urban enemy #1, but now that I'm emissions and fuel sharing with Orang Utan I expect that to change.

I already feel much greener and it's only been a day, so I'm going to propose that other U75 motorists do the same and team up with an Urban environmental type. Maybe we should start a thread in Science, Nature, and Environment for this but for now I propose the following teams:

DownwardDog and editor
Bahnhof Strasse and 2hats
discokermit and teuchter

Please propose any other Urban Emissions Unions here, by tagging the relevant Urbs to let them know that they are now doing their bit for the environment.
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