Urban critical thinker
11 to 17. I was allowed to stay up late to watch by-election results and all that so I was quite the nerd about news and politics. My grandad had been a miner from 14 to retirement so I knew all about this big bad creature called "Thatcher" soon enough!
I'm no Tory (he says, hastily). I just remember hearing him try to find consensus on everything while his party fell apart around him. And given where we are now, I'd be happy with consensus rather than extremists.
I think he may have tried to find consensus within the Tory party but that was because of Thatchers early retirement due to the coup. The consensus that he sought wasn't about the end of Thatcherism or a consensus Labour or with trade unions ( Thatcher had finished them off) . It wasnt even a consensus on the public sector ., Major actually reduced civil service costs, expanded marketisation, and continued Thatchers 'reform ' programme. Despite criticisms of her abrasive style and internally divisive style Major continued the Thatcherite model. As a Tory commentator said at the time the Conservative Party “wanted Thatcherism pursued by non-Thatcherite means. Major delivered that and then suffered one of the biggest defeats a Tory government has ever had in the elections.