but it did happen. Only in the minds of people like you it didnt....... are we still members of the Eu? ....dont think so...and that's we were asked to vote for.....
another hair splitter. when you have an intelligent contribution to make, post it.
lack of care workers, like lack of other workers such as crop picking and hospitality ,is because the industries affected chose to exploit cheap foreign labour, and offer pittance wages the English wouldn't work for, but were ea fortune if you were Romanian or Somalian. However, the laws of Supply and Demand work both ways. If these people are complaining of a shortage of workers they are lying, there's only a shortage of people willing to work for insultingly bad wages and conditions. These moaners might find if they start offering a liveable wage, they might attract some staff. The Transport industry has just clicked onto this fact. No sympathy. The days of getting fat from exploiting third world slave labour has gone.
And while we are on the subject, the Labour Party was supposed to stand up for the rights and conditions of the working class, instead they stood by and did nothing while Blair flooded the country with the aforementioned cheap foreign slave labour, and Blair's successors also did nothing, up to and including the Marxist Corbyn. This represents the biggest betrayal of the English working class since the creation of the Labour Party. And the main reason labour will never win power, because they stopped representing the best interests of their core voters. Under labour, millions of permanent contract jobs were turned in agency or zero hours jobs on far worse conditions, lower wages and no job security.
Im from Lincolnshire, if you drove round Boston area ten years ago, all those people picking the crops in the fields were either illegal immigrants or east Europeans paid peanuts. and the Gangers were either Irish, or Poles. Occasionally you see Immigration vans turn up at a field, and the pickers would all scatter. You couldn't even get a job with the processing factories like Geest, unless you spoke fluent Polish. Not that it mattered, because they would only advertise the jobs in Poland anyway.
And the Unions and Labour said nothing.
Forum full of nit pickers
If they’ve any sense it’ll be pitched as rejoining EEA/single market first, as people (genuinely) didn’t vote to leave those according to polling at the time. Boil the frog slowly.Labour Party Conference coming up , wonder if there will be a motion or a fringe meeting on rejoining the EU?
and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.No, it wasn't. Pity poor Britain, producing someone like you, and pity poor Spain, for having to put up with you
Boring tosser. As far as my IQ can reach.and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.
And the other thing we have discovered is we have a few here, like you, incapable of civilised debate, who resort to insult and ad hominem. This is not unusual for Marxists like you, since the inadequate IQ level you possess prevents you from deep analysis of a situation. Personally, i dont resort to insult unless you insult me first, and once you cross that line I can mark you down as 'intellectual midget', (or worse, 'looney lefty'), and not bother with you again. It makes life so much easier.
and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.
And the other thing we have discovered is we have a few here, like you, incapable of civilised debate, who resort to insult and ad hominem. This is not unusual for Marxists like you, since the inadequate IQ level you possess prevents you from deep analysis of a situation. Personally, i dont resort to insult unless you insult me first, and once you cross that line I can mark you down as 'intellectual midget', (or worse, 'looney lefty'), and not bother with you again. It makes life so much easier.
and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.
And the other thing we have discovered is we have a few here, like you, incapable of civilised debate, who resort to insult and ad hominem. This is not unusual for Marxists like you, since the inadequate IQ level you possess prevents you from deep analysis of a situation. Personally, i dont resort to insult unless you insult me first, and once you cross that line I can mark you down as 'intellectual midget', (or worse, 'looney lefty'), and not bother with you again. It makes life so much easier.
Oh look, a new poster who seems to believe it's got a deep insight into the psyches of Urban's posters. Well, who'd have thought it?and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.
And the other thing we have discovered is we have a few here, like you, incapable of civilised debate, who resort to insult and ad hominem. This is not unusual for Marxists like you, since the inadequate IQ level you possess prevents you from deep analysis of a situation. Personally, i dont resort to insult unless you insult me first, and once you cross that line I can mark you down as 'intellectual midget', (or worse, 'looney lefty'), and not bother with you again. It makes life so much easier.
You'd be very pushed to find many Marxists on here tbh.and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.
And the other thing we have discovered is we have a few here, like you, incapable of civilised debate, who resort to insult and ad hominem. This is not unusual for Marxists like you, since the inadequate IQ level you possess prevents you from deep analysis of a situation. Personally, i dont resort to insult unless you insult me first, and once you cross that line I can mark you down as 'intellectual midget', (or worse, 'looney lefty'), and not bother with you again. It makes life so much easier.
Oh I'm capable of civilised debate. But you're not.and god help the UK, stuck with hostile traitors like you still in its midst. In 1940 the would have thrown people like you i nan Internment Camp.
And the other thing we have discovered is we have a few here, like you, incapable of civilised debate, who resort to insult and ad hominem. This is not unusual for Marxists like you, since the inadequate IQ level you possess prevents you from deep analysis of a situation. Personally, i dont resort to insult unless you insult me first, and once you cross that line I can mark you down as 'intellectual midget', (or worse, 'looney lefty'), and not bother with you again. It makes life so much easier.
A lesser version, some sort of manky francois this the Hitler lettuce guy again?
is this the Hitler lettuce guy again?
A lesser version, some sort of manky franco
He blighted blighty now he's a pain in spain. If he is indeed in iberiaHe can just allez, can't 'e?
Godwin's before breakfast; doesn't bode well for a long stay.
They h8 your crapto-Marxist "facts" like slugs react to salt.And it's not really grammar it's being picked up on, it's facts and righties don't like being corrected when they get facts wrong they go all Hitler accusatory.