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50 years for FAD?

Looks like its due to all the work having to censor patient details/ clinical trial personal data/ commercial trade info. Limited amount of staff & budget.
What's this thread about? Can someone summarise in a post, please?
What's this thread about? Can someone summarise in a post, please?

Some of yonder loonspuds are saying that the FDA, saying a "simple" FOI request will take 50 years, is clear signs of a cover-up of vaccine shenanigans, illuminati, 5G, etc.

Mundanity means that they actually don't have the staff to redact the records any faster than they state and they think it'll take 50 years or so to do it.

The FDA did not request a delay in the release of its COVID-19 data until 2076. The FDA responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for more than 300,000 pages of data related to the licensure of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine by proposing a processing schedule that would see the release of 500 pages every month. While the FDA argues that this is a rather standard processing schedule, if adhered to it would take the FDA more than 50 years, or until 2076, to completely fulfill.

I dont think you have to be a conspiraloon to think a pre-estimate of 50 years is indeed bollox, someone is worried about what they did..either the usual backhanders between drugs companies and authorities or unlawful experimentation (something the Septics have lots of previous for)
Looks like its due to all the work having to censor patient details/ clinical trial personal data/ commercial trade info. Limited amount of staff & budget.
OK so there is a system in place to create such masses of data in 2 years but it can't be read and scribbled on in less than 50?, nah its arse covering well above and beyond patient details being blanked out
Original claim was 75 years - 7 minutes of your life will hopefully give you a better "take on it"

There are some elements of truth about the time line - because the FOI request was for ALL documents etc

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