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My ex is a anti-vaccer / covid skeptic. I want my 11 year daughter vaccinated

IIRC the two vaccines licenced for children are only for those over 12, although if she's in contact with you, they may consider her, because of your compromised immune system .
On the radio this morning they said the D variant was just as likely to be spread by people who have been double vaccinated (concentrations just as high in their throat and nose) so don't get lulled into a false sense of security. Apparently the A variant is present in much lower concentrations in vaccinated people but it is D that is around at the moment.
I've spent two years fighting this. In court about five times. No holidays for us!

As I said, really sorry to hear that. Usually shared parental responsibility does allow that.

When I had it, I shared it with both of my niece's parents. Any one of us could take her on holiday, provided neither of the other two had reasonable objections.

Whatever hellish situation you are in, and I do sympathise, it does sound hellish - it is not simply because she is the mother or you are the father. That's not how it works.
As I said, really sorry to hear that. Usually shared parental responsibility does allow that.

When I had it, I shared it with both of my niece's parents. Any one of us could take her on holiday, provided neither of the other two had reasonable objections.

Whatever hellish situation you are in, and I do sympathise, it does sound hellish - it is not simply because she is the mother or you are the father. That's not how it works.

I can't deny it's been hellish! She (or rather her new partner) can afford lawyers, I can't. So. Anyway, my strategy is to spoil him rotten for those 6 hours a week, make them the best hours of his week and soon he'll just put his foot down and say he wants to stay with daddy (im not even allowed him overnight). It's shit, but that's life. I'm not gonna dress up like spiderman and climb the shard but I can sort of understand what led those guys to that point having been through it.

Anyway, thats another subject, I really hope you get a say (to the original poster) if you feel that strongly about it. My son's 5. Personally I don't see the need for him to have it. I'm gonna trust the scientists on this, but try not to let it play on your mind and become a power struggle losing sight of the real prize, which is your kid's happiness.
On the radio this morning they said the D variant was just as likely to be spread by people who have been double vaccinated (concentrations just as high in their throat and nose) so don't get lulled into a false sense of security. Apparently the A variant is present in much lower concentrations in vaccinated people but it is D that is around at the moment.
It doesn't mean that, it means that if a vaccinated person has a symptomatic infection then they are probably equally likely to spread it as a similarly affectedunvaccinated person, but since symptomatic infection is less likely among vaccinated people, the rate of transmission is still lower with vaccines.
you don't say who the primary carer, who looks after the child most of the time, is here and that may have some bearing on the matter.

Recently its been 50 / 50 but in normal times pre covid I had her 10 nights a month. I'd have her 50% of the time and my daughter would be happy with that. We tried it for a few months but the mum freaked out and started claiming she was 'estranged from her daughter'. Normally its mums complaining the dad isn't involved enough!
Don’t get her jabbed behind her mums back.

Just be glad you are not still with the ex.

Jesus there was no future in that relationship, She's a climate change denier too. Even though she's German it really wouldn't surprise me is you supported Brexit too!
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If when your daughter reaches an appropriate age, her mother is still objecting then you'll need to book (and probably pay for unless you're on a low income) mediation on the matter, before any legal route can be taken. A C100 application specifically asks for evidence of mediation, or a justification of why there hasn't been any. So, arrange mediation. It may well achieve the desired aim, but if it unfortunately fails, you'll then be in the correct position to take the matter further (ie. to court)

I've been through the family court, I picked up a few useful skills and tips during that time. If you need help or support (I wouldn't say advice as I'm not a lawyer) feel free to PM.
If when your daughter reaches an appropriate age, her mother is still objecting then you'll need to book (and probably pay for unless you're on a low income) mediation on the matter, before any legal route can be taken. A C100 application specifically asks for evidence of mediation, or a justification of why there hasn't been any. So, arrange mediation. It may well achieve the desired aim, but if it unfortunately fails, you'll then be in the correct position to take the matter further (ie. to court)

I've been through the family court, I picked up a few useful skills and tips during that time. If you need help or support (I wouldn't say advice as I'm not a lawyer) feel free to PM.

Thanks you. That's very decent of you my friend. Long live U75!
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