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Is there a 'cooling off' period after winning the City of Culture thing before you can win it again?

It doesn't seem to be London very much...
Is there a 'cooling off' period after winning the City of Culture thing before you can win it again?

It doesn't seem to be London very much...
London has sucked in all the culture from everywhere else though so much of London culture is actually expropriated from the wider UK
i believe Hull faced stiff competition for its City of Culture status. Dundee, Leicester, Aberdeen, Plymouth and East Kent were all considered. Well done Hull, it was probably the mountainous terrain, along with the imaginative colour scheming that swung it.;);):D

You know that line between light-hearted joshing and smug snearing?...
i believe Hull faced stiff competition for its City of Culture status. Dundee, Leicester, Aberdeen, Plymouth and East Kent were all considered. Well done Hull, it was probably the mountainous terrain, along with the imaginative colour scheming that swung it.;);):D

So was Swansea ... :eek:
So was Swansea ... :eek:

Swansea was the front runner, AFAIK. Dundee was never really in with a shout and Leicester's bid faded out pretty quickly: in the end it was between Swansea and Hull. I walked past Hull Truck theatre - where the great and the good were gathered - a couple of hours after the result was announced. There were literally people dancing in the street. :D
Is there a 'cooling off' period after winning the City of Culture thing before you can win it again?

It doesn't seem to be London very much...

The City of Culture thing is very much used these days as a lever for economic regeneration through cultural investment rather than a reward for Cultural excellence.
Is there a 'cooling off' period after winning the City of Culture thing before you can win it again?

It doesn't seem to be London very much...

As Gromit says, it's about using arts and culture to drive regeneration, not about rewarding success.* That said, it's not about creating something from nothing, and you need to have something going on already to be a credible bidder.

*London is a 'success' because it receives several times the national average spend on the arts and so on anyway.
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Roadkill : Will return to this .... didn't know that Swansea had been in with a serious shout at all, because there wasn't nearly as much local publicity as there should have been.

I did hear that, actually. One of the reasons Hull won was that there was so much public backing for it, whereas the same surveys showed that it wasn't nearly as well publicised and/or supported in the other shortlisted cities.
ffs :rolleyes: who hasn't at some point worn a black shirt?


are refs fascists?


FFS does that obvious JOKE really need a joke disclaimer?

My job once involved managing/monitoring the smashing down of a large chunk of Hull (the bit by the station). I pinched a few bits and pieces, bricks, a gutter pot, the entire tiled floor of the gent's toilet in the former electricity showroom. Bits are now embedded in my house, forever part of Hull despite being 60 odd miles west. I'm not sure the bit I knocked down has been improved much. The shops in/around the centre are (or were) better than Leeds.
not surprising really some fuckwit whose spent his years working for his daddies firm having these sort of views.

immigrates taking jobs from people bad.. nepotism good..

I thought Hull was only the second place to receive this particular accolade, after Derry was awarded the dubious title of UK city of culture last year. The one that Liverpool was awarded a few years ago was a European palaver.
We lose Bob Crow and Tony Benn yet this piece of shit wins a lottery? i used to believe in hope and light at the end of the tunnel.. Even the wholemeal loaf i've just pulled out of the breadmaker has failed to rise.

The good lord seems to be a free marketeering fascist faced arsehole.

any good catholic will tell you its the horn.ed one who runs the show on earth

this proves it
I thought Hull was only the second place to receive this particular accolade, after Derry was awarded the dubious title of UK city of culture last year. The one that Liverpool was awarded a few years ago was a European palaver.
glasgow was european city of culture in 1990.
This is very close to the Dualist, Manichean, heresy of the Cathars, careful now CR or you'll have the Inqusition round.

theyre round here for tea and biccies every week . And to peruse my lists .But Im right on this one . I regularly get sloshed with an Opus dei member and he agrees too .
so this piece of shit is a bnp lover i hope the money chokes him to death lowlife scum

In this situation you imagine is he eating the money? Or does a giant wad of twenty pound notes animate into the form of a fist and throttle him?
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