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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. gentlegreen

    Is Brexit actually going to happen?

    Alt-right by your standards - but then I guess I'm probably alt-right on your scale. The political compass had me in the far left / far "liberal" corner - roughly the Dalai Lama.
  2. not-bono-ever

    Billy Caldwell requires Cannabis oil for his condition.

    she has tried to do the right thing and has got nowhere. Time to her & families in her position to bring the meds back & make a big play of declaring them at the border - may has no human compassion or sense of shame, she needs to have her hand forced on this
  3. Fozzie Bear

    "Solidarity for both trans rights and women's rights" by Janine Booth

    A recent article by Janine Booth. (summary below) There have been a few threads about this recently which have descended into unpleasantness and then been locked. I hope that won't happen to this thread, but I'm not going to post up rules or anything except to say that, whilst there are...
  4. Streathamite

    Local Elections 2018

    You are about a million miles from the truth of the matter. Fact: Beforehand, EVERYONE expected Labour to get absolutely buried, and consequently finished for a generation. Their result was miles better than anyone expected. Fact two:they gained EIGHTEEN percentage points over the course of...
  5. Pickman's model

    Local Elections 2018

    it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to post a rambling repetitive post which proves you one.
  6. K

    Local Elections 2018

    there, there, love. let it all out .
  7. R

    Local Elections 2018

    These (predictable) results just state the bleedin' obvious, which is: Corbyn is a busted flush and The Labour Party are now as abysmal as the Tory party. The warning signs were clear to see at the last General election, where despite having one of the most callous and uncaring Tory governments...
  8. Vintage Paw

    A Woman's Place is Speaking Up in Wales

    She's referring to trans girls afaik and misgendering them. Edit: re-reading I'm not certain, but if I'm wrong then I'm very confused as to why a person so obviously hostile to trans people and who refuses to accept they exist and who refuses to allow them the courtesy of politely using their...
  9. M

    Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

    It’s kinda fantastic that you’ve managed to use this as an opportunity to score points against non vegans on the basis that you’re surprised they haven’t yet point scored :D That is full on dark arts mastery, dude :D
  10. Spymaster

    Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

    Proof, if it were needed, that vegans are dangerous and angry. Fortunately we don’t allow armed vegans to walk the streets in the UK which has contributed to the lack of vegunnery here and forced angry Brit vegans to rely on rhubarb clubs an tofupults.
  11. PaoloSanchez

    Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

    I'm surprised that none of the forum antis has jumped all over this one yet... "Plz don't be an opportunistic political point scorer by using this tragedy to attack a movement for compassion."
  12. The39thStep

    Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

    Just read The Rise of The Right by Simon Winlow (Author), Steve Hall (Author) https://www.amazon.co.uk/rise-Right-nationalism-transformation-working-class/dp/1447328485 Its a devastating and powerful polemic on how at a time of...
  13. MochaSoul

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    Last time I checked, The Morning Star was the political voice of those closer to socialism. Where do you think gender critical socialism should have a voice, especially now that you and your sisters want any one with an ounce of doubt about trans ideology or simple concern about the direction of...
  14. MochaSoul

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    Yes, like both of mine. "No woman should have to identify with her shackles. Gender is the oppressor not a mere "identity"" and "People asking women to give up their hard won seats at the political table should ponder on why do those seats need to be taken from women when men are the one's who...
  15. Miranda Yardley

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    Julia Serano, Andrea James, Zinnia Jones and a bunch of 'rationalists' (LOL) do exactly that: The real "autogynephilia deniers" | Whipping Girl Autogynephilia: a disputed diagnosis Alice Dreger, autogynephilia, and the misrepresentation of trans sexualities (Book review: Galileo’s Middle...
  16. S

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    I wasn't attacking you over the Daily Mail, just your comrades. I was attacking you for cosying up to a Tory misogynist. I think it reveals you as part of a movement that has lost all semblance of objectivity, that is reduced to conspiracy theories and crackpot 1970s sexology, and that is...
  17. elbows

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    Given one of the foundations of your wisdom involves crudely shoehorning autogynephilia into areas it doesnt belong, you'll always be a bigot to me.
  18. Miranda Yardley

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    No, and neither did 'classic liberals'. My political compass is JS Mill, who was not just years ahead of his own time, but is years ahead of now, with his thoughts on democracy, women's rights and free speech. Please advise me of anything I have ever said that is 'bigoted'.
  19. G

    Croydon - nightlife, accommodation, things to do and general chat

    This is 17 year-old Aren Mali, 17, from Kenley ... ... 29 October 2017, shortly before 7 p.m., he was stabbed to death after a fight which spilled into Whitgift Shopping Centre in the centre of Croydon, and became the the 21st teenager killed on London's streets in 2017. Aren was pronounced...
  20. Miranda Yardley

    Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

    Please do not lie about me. I am not a ‘self confessed autogynephile’. On the contrary, I argue for honesty and compassion for those who live with this. I have written on this subject many times and always referenced the scientific literature which defines the typology and which lends empirical...
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