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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. C

    And next, Syria?

    Explain to me how the survival of the current government benefits Russia in any major way ? The united states supported various regimes across Latin America because the USA sought to physically, politically, economically and militarily dominate that entire hemisphere . If you're arguing Russia...
  2. critical1

    Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

    Keith Hart just posted this on FB After the Paris attacks. A letter to my daughter, Lou Hart. Sophie and Constance are shaken, S more moved by all the calls from kin and friends, poring over images of the carnage, but also thinking of what it means to be gunned down in a bar, asking why people...
  3. JHE

    Question Time tonight

    Teenagers may have allegiances that chop and change. Grown-ups generally don't, but many adults don't have strong party allegiances at all. Back in the days when almost everyone in Britain who voted did so for one or other of the two main parties, the level of allegiance was higher. Perhaps...
  4. Zabo

    Question Time tonight

    I liked your 'rant'. I find it impossible to feel any compassion whatsoever for anybody who votes Vermin. I can't switch over from the Manchester protest to suddenly showing some heart for somebody who has voted in a party that does not give a screw about anybody other than lining the pockets of...
  5. ska invita

    Corbyn & Cabinet in the Media

    Corbyn getting the job has got me picking up the Evening Standard again looking for slurs... In todays there was a double page spread on him, written in what appears to be a fun, puff piece style, but its definitely a soft slur piece It starts with the assertion the JC didnt got to the rugby...
  6. J Ed

    Corbyn & Cabinet in the Media

    This is great Guardian’s terrible dilemma over Corbyn | Jonathan Cook's Blog
  7. T

    Labour leadership

    Excellent letter in the G, likening all this to 1834 Poor Laws.
  8. S

    The Tory attacks on the BBC begin in earnest

    Yeah, wasn't really intending to say that people should be deprived of anything - we all like different things and the BBC does try to deliver across the board to a varied audience. More that given the sheer number of digital/radio channels (and online) they've amassed in the last ten years...
  9. SpookyFrank

    The Tory attacks on the BBC begin in earnest

    Radio 4 extra is largely archive stuff isn't it? Probably doesn't really cost them anything. There are obviously things I'd happily get rid of, the entire daytime schedule for example, but just because I don't watch it doesn't mean nobody else should get to. I'm sure there are at least as many...
  10. panpete

    Combating hopelessness

    I haven't read all of this thread, so excuse me if my points have already been mentioned. I think that throughout the ages, people have fought for their rights against authoritarianism, unfair exploitation, etc etc, but we live in un-precedented times where these things are happening on a global...
  11. 8ball

    A new Political Compass test

    Nah, they bollocksed it up more than that. And it was hardly great to start with.
  12. FridgeMagnet

    A new Political Compass test

    So basically somebody ganked Political Compass, swapped Liberal for Libertarian, Communitarian for Authoritarian, and called it Political Coordinates? This changes everything.
  13. Q

    A new Political Compass test

    This is based on the old Political Compass but tests against Liberal / Communitarian instead of Libertarian / Authoritarian. Left / Right is still there. I took the test and came up almost dead centre.
  14. B

    Andy Coulson arrested [now charged]

    You can make a point about a) the class nature of law b) the perverse nature of this particular system of law c) wider political motives/outcome without shouting that he was guilty when the within the legal system he was tried in, he wasn't. Were you part of the pro-sheridan SWP faction?
  15. organicpanda

    Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2015

    we have similar with people jacking up on ours and in retaliation for being asked (politely) not to do that here they leave their used needles and crap on the doorstep - at times it strains my compassion for their situation!
  16. Spanky Longhorn

    Frome Town Council Elections

    Independent middle class liberal lefty/green types on the whole though claim to be broad - Compass love them or did last year. They created this drivel http://www.flatpackdemocracy.co.uk/ having said that, I think they're decent sorts who mean well - like most decent sorts the world is...
  17. Bahnhof Strasse

    Lampedusa boat disaster: Divers recover more bodies

    I came to the thread to see if I could learn something of the situation and possible ideas for a solution. Flavour has been calm and polite in offering a response, but all anyone looking at this thread can really learn is what a divvy twat you have been.
  18. C

    Lampedusa boat disaster: Divers recover more bodies

    Thinking of the mass evacuation of city children during WW2 and the displacement arising from MOD appropriations of land and property, there are precedents for this sort of thing...but politically, there remains a horrid feeling that the ruling elites, the beneficiaries of brutal trade set-ups...
  19. Dogsauce

    Political Compass 2015

    Bored of polital compass and especially some idiot on my facebook discovering it every six months and having a fucking epiphany. I reckon we could have a new one with axis for cuntishness and insincerity and place political figures on that instead.
  20. articul8

    Political Compass 2015

    so turning the world into a gigantic labour camp would be "left wing"?
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