Found this (not exactly open though is it?) Maybe the brick tower will become a toilet? High for Disabled Children.aspx
Lambeth leads the way
in inclusive design
Building work has begun at Max Roach Park in Brixton. The park is being
transformed into a play park through the injection of Aiming High capital
funding and will be open at the start of the school summer holidays. The play
park has been designed to include the needs of children with profound and
multiple disabilities.
In the new park there will be a sand and water play area all within a dog free
play lawn. An accessible route will lead past a nest swing and hammocks to
the existing adventure playground building.
The adventure playground building is having a general refurbishment and a
new toilet facility to ‘Changing Places’ standards is being installed which will
be accessed using a new entrance.
Max Roach Adventure Playground will continue to lead the way in art and
digital media projects. A new and larger digital media room will have height
adjustable desks and a permanent outdoor screen will transform the
playground into a cinema space for viewing digital art, film and music projects.
The new play park will be open all year round and staffed by a skilled team of
play workers – delivering play activities for children.
John Sloan, Aiming High programme manager said: “council officers, Lambeth
Community Health, parents, carers, children, young people and an award
winning team of architects got together through workshops to come up with
this very exciting and inclusive design, which is located in the very heart of
Brixton and will provide a interactive fun experience for children and young
people with complex needs”.
The play park will open in June 2010 (please note that children and young
people accessing Max Roach must be accompanied by a parent carer or
personal assistant).
For further details contact: John Sloan on 020 7926 9653 or
[email protected][/I][/I][/I][/I]