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Our regular vet phoned me today (Numbers, Angel was just on leave, not Corona'd thank goodness) to offer his condolences, he said he was really shocked when he returned to work today to find out what had happened, there'd been no obvious sign back when he last saw Sonic in November that he was becoming this unwell (we were keeping an eye on weight loss which had been very gradual) and his health must have declined very quickly quite suddenly, which I confirmed. I just keep thinking that if I'd had some sort of tests done then, we might still have Sonic and been giving him medication of some sort rather than arranging his cremation. On the other hand it might still have made no difference and tests then may still not have picked anything up, I'll never know.

I let Jakey in the bedroom with us while I was trying to sleep again today and after half an hour of him trying to dig me out from under the duvet and getting some accidental scratches - I had forgotten about his weird dislike of anything being covered - he ended up back in the sitting room in disgrace! He settled ok there though and only wailed when he heard me get up to use the loo. I think he'll be OK not having access to the bedroom while we are sleeping, especially as our (mine and OH's) sleep schedules only tend to have a short overlap and Jakey won't be alone for too long. Plenty of cats spend time alone and usually use that time to sleep, so it is just a case of him getting used to it. I slept a lot better once he was back in there.
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Our regular vet phoned me today (Numbers, Angel was just on leave, not Corona'd thank goodness) to offer his condolences, he said he was really shocked when he returned to work today to find out what had happened, there'd been no obvious sign back when he last saw Sonic in November that he was becoming this unwell (we were keeping an eye on weight loss which had been very gradual) and his health must have declined very quickly quite suddenly, which I confirmed. I just keep thinking that if I'd had some sort of tests done then, we might still have Sonic and been giving him medication of some sort rather than arranging his cremation. On the other hand it might still have made no difference and tests then may still not have picked anything up, I'll never know.

I let Jakey in the bedroom with us while I was trying to sleep again today and after half an hour of him trying to dig me out from under the duvet and getting some accidental scratches - I had forgotten about his weird dislike of anything being covered - he ended up back in the sitting room in disgrace! He settled ok there though and only wailed when he heard me get up to use the loo. I think he'll be OK not having access to the bedroom while we are sleeping, especially as our (mine and OH's) sleep schedules only tend to have a short overlap and Jakey won't be alone for too long. Plenty of cats spend time alone and usually use that time to sleep, so it is just a case of him getting used to it. I slept a lot better once he was back in there.
I Love Angel, he's a great vet and lovely man. Like I mentioned before I always liked the idea of our cats being put to sleep (when the time comes) by an Angel.

Did you know that our vet, when they cremate pets they sprinkle the ashes in a Rose garden :cool:

Fwiw, IME a cat can decline almost overnight sometimes. Many years ago we went away for the night and left the 3 cats at the time, Hanson, Wolfie & Ti on their own as we did and have done plenty of times, loads of food/water etc. the house is big enough and they all have their fav spots so there never was any bother. But when we got home the next day there was a big clump of fur like we'd never seen before in 16 years of them being left on their own for a night and Hanson looked a completely different cat, hard to explain but he was completely different and from that point forward he deteriorated and died within 3 months, for no obvious reason, even Angel couldn't understand.


He was a lovely cat was Hanson.

I Love Angel, he's a great vet and lovely man. Like I mentioned before I always liked the idea of our cats being put to sleep (when the time comes) by an Angel.

Did you know that our vet, when they cremate pets they sprinkle the ashes in a Rose garden :cool:

Fwiw, IME a cat can decline almost overnight sometimes. Many years ago we went away for the night and left the 3 cats at the time, Hanson, Wolfie & Ti on their own as we did and have done plenty of times, loads of food/water etc. the house is big enough and they all have their fav spots so there never was any bother. But when we got home the next day there was a big clump of fur like we'd never seen before in 16 years of them being left on their own for a night and Hanson looked a completely different cat, hard to explain but he was completely different and from that point forward he deteriorated and died within 3 months, for no obvious reason, even Angel couldn't understand.


He was a lovely cat was Hanson.

View attachment 305376

What a serene expression 🙂
Just to add to the pussy photo Marathon here's one of the late Missy, the only time in her whole five years that I ever saw her in this position.

View attachment 305365

It looks very uncomfortable, but then I'm only a human.

Wait, the late Missy? Did I miss her passing? If so, really sorry to hear it stavros, swear you were posting about her not that long back :(
I am having an urn/casket crisis again - this seems to be A Thing That I Do while I am struggling in the aftermath as I did the exact same thing after Radar died - ordered one thing, changed my mind, had a massive panic attack about it - well I have just had an almost exact repeat of that last night/this morning about Sonic's urn.

I have now sorted it out and feel a little calmer, but I get really really anxious about their remains and I am probably going to continue feeling anxious until I get his ashes back.

I originally did the sensible thing and when I had been told he was dying, after a couple of days I gritted my teeth and went and looked at the crematorium website to pick an urn or casket, as I knew I would be asked about it at the vets. They had a lovely one that was a modern/contemporary type stylised cat urn that looked a bit like an Ori type body shape and I immediately knew I wanted that one.

Turned out that the vet changed the crematorium service that they use starting at the beginning of this year, and they didn't do that urn. In a panic, I chose a different one, which was out of stock. I then realised after looking around online what the crematorium's markup was on these items (also significantly more expensive for urn/casket/keepsake products than the previous service that the vets used to use), and that I could get the one I really wanted for half the price of my (even cheaper elsewhere!) 2nd choice one if I shopped around. I was starting to feel less and less happy with my 2nd choice anyway and then I started having panic attacks about it in the middle of the night.

Anyway it is all sorted now, the vet receptionist just replied to my probably somewhat insane sounding email about it letting me know that his ashes will be returned to me in the standard scatter box.

I'm a bit odd about this sort of thing tbh - I want to have their ashes when they die, but only because I have nowhere to bury them, and will want their ashes buried with me when I die. In the meantime, I want them here in my home with me, but I don't want anything that looks funerary like a traditional box or urn. So I am a bit of a difficult customer in that regard! The one thing I don't want to do is transfer his ashes into the urn myself, I think seeing his ashes might break me. As I said, I am odd about these sorts of things. I'll get someone else to do that for me.

Anyway I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in knobbing and sobbing but I thought you folks would probably understand, even if it does look a bit like I have lost the plot.
I am having an urn/casket crisis again - this seems to be A Thing That I Do while I am struggling in the aftermath as I did the exact same thing after Radar died - ordered one thing, changed my mind, had a massive panic attack about it - well I have just had an almost exact repeat of that last night/this morning about Sonic's urn.

I have now sorted it out and feel a little calmer, but I get really really anxious about their remains and I am probably going to continue feeling anxious until I get his ashes back.

I originally did the sensible thing and when I had been told he was dying, after a couple of days I gritted my teeth and went and looked at the crematorium website to pick an urn or casket, as I knew I would be asked about it at the vets. They had a lovely one that was a modern/contemporary type stylised cat urn that looked a bit like an Ori type body shape and I immediately knew I wanted that one.

Turned out that the vet changed the crematorium service that they use starting at the beginning of this year, and they didn't do that urn. In a panic, I chose a different one, which was out of stock. I then realised after looking around online what the crematorium's markup was on these items (also significantly more expensive for urn/casket/keepsake products than the previous service that the vets used to use), and that I could get the one I really wanted for half the price of my (even cheaper elsewhere!) 2nd choice one if I shopped around. I was starting to feel less and less happy with my 2nd choice anyway and then I started having panic attacks about it in the middle of the night.

Anyway it is all sorted now, the vet receptionist just replied to my probably somewhat insane sounding email about it letting me know that his ashes will be returned to me in the standard scatter box.

I'm a bit odd about this sort of thing tbh - I want to have their ashes when they die, but only because I have nowhere to bury them, and will want their ashes buried with me when I die. In the meantime, I want them here in my home with me, but I don't want anything that looks funerary like a traditional box or urn. So I am a bit of a difficult customer in that regard! The one thing I don't want to do is transfer his ashes into the urn myself, I think seeing his ashes might break me. As I said, I am odd about these sorts of things. I'll get someone else to do that for me.

Anyway I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in knobbing and sobbing but I thought you folks would probably understand, even if it does look a bit like I have lost the plot.

We had Buttons cremated and she came home in this box which resides on our mantelpiece. It’s a great comfort knowing she’s up there and I still talk to her from time to time and raise a glass to her on her birthday.

Actually thinking about it, as it was taken on Xmas day he is probably waiting for my mum to come back from the bathroom so he can resume his tenancy of her lap. He loves my mum and was glued to her all day. My mum is a bit bemused by this adoration, because she doesn't 'get' cats and doesn't quite know what to do with him.

Reminds me of the cat I had as a kid (Suki). 😍
I was distraught after the previous cat (Polly) died and my mate's Dad found her (Suki) under some pallets at his farm and was about to drown her then remembered his conversation down the pub with my Dad.

She was fucking insane when we got her, tiny and crawling like a rat from skulking around under the pallets. Attacked anyone within sight. Kept running away. I lovebombed her for a whole summer and she almost became a socialised cat, though was always fucking mental (in a loads of fun way, for me at least - a few postmen refused to come to our house). She died in my mid-20s and my gf at the time thought I was silly for being upset. She was ex-gf pretty immediately.
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Actually thinking about it, as it was taken on Xmas day he is probably waiting for my mum to come back from the bathroom so he can resume his tenancy of her lap. He loves my mum and was glued to her all day. My mum is a bit bemused by this adoration, because she doesn't 'get' cats and doesn't quite know what to do with him.

Mrs SFM’s parents are ridiculously anti cat esp. her dad. Buttons always saw this as a challenge and wouldn’t leave him alone any time they visited (much to his annoyance and her Ma’s discomfort 😁)
I am having an urn/casket crisis again - this seems to be A Thing That I Do while I am struggling in the aftermath as I did the exact same thing after Radar died - ordered one thing, changed my mind, had a massive panic attack about it - well I have just had an almost exact repeat of that last night/this morning about Sonic's urn.

I have now sorted it out and feel a little calmer, but I get really really anxious about their remains and I am probably going to continue feeling anxious until I get his ashes back.

I originally did the sensible thing and when I had been told he was dying, after a couple of days I gritted my teeth and went and looked at the crematorium website to pick an urn or casket, as I knew I would be asked about it at the vets. They had a lovely one that was a modern/contemporary type stylised cat urn that looked a bit like an Ori type body shape and I immediately knew I wanted that one.

Turned out that the vet changed the crematorium service that they use starting at the beginning of this year, and they didn't do that urn. In a panic, I chose a different one, which was out of stock. I then realised after looking around online what the crematorium's markup was on these items (also significantly more expensive for urn/casket/keepsake products than the previous service that the vets used to use), and that I could get the one I really wanted for half the price of my (even cheaper elsewhere!) 2nd choice one if I shopped around. I was starting to feel less and less happy with my 2nd choice anyway and then I started having panic attacks about it in the middle of the night.

Anyway it is all sorted now, the vet receptionist just replied to my probably somewhat insane sounding email about it letting me know that his ashes will be returned to me in the standard scatter box.

I'm a bit odd about this sort of thing tbh - I want to have their ashes when they die, but only because I have nowhere to bury them, and will want their ashes buried with me when I die. In the meantime, I want them here in my home with me, but I don't want anything that looks funerary like a traditional box or urn. So I am a bit of a difficult customer in that regard! The one thing I don't want to do is transfer his ashes into the urn myself, I think seeing his ashes might break me. As I said, I am odd about these sorts of things. I'll get someone else to do that for me.

Anyway I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in knobbing and sobbing but I thought you folks would probably understand, even if it does look a bit like I have lost the plot.

Here is definitely the right place, "liked" in solidarity.

Derail - is the above an old person thing? Having to explain that my Like isn't because I Liked the difficult thing someone posted? Do other people assume that a Like on a post doesn't necessarily mean like?
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