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I've been ruminating on it all day - I wasn't really keen on the stand-in vet we saw this morning.
She seemed very young, maybe newly qualified (which isn't a problem in of itself, I've met and liked plenty of young vets), and just didn't come across as a cat person really.
She wouldn't pick Jakey up to put him on the scales, she asked me to do it.
Then when I asked at the end of the consultation if she would clip his claws for me (I find it tricky because I have arthritis in my hands, and his claws overgrow and get thick due to age) she said she couldn't because there wasn't a vet nurse in to help handle him and she couldn't ask me to help in case he scratched or bit me.

I have never come across this before, I usually hold Jakey while the vet does his claws at the end of a consultation (he goes in every 3 months for a checkup due to his health conditions and medication), I hold him for his vaccinations, I hold him when he is having his ears and eyes and mouth examined and every time he's had the thermometer up the bum. I always have with all my cats (Sonic was sometimes a 3 person job tbf, but even he never bit or scratched, he just sounded fucking terrifying what with the screaming, and he was a very strong wriggler).

It's not even like it's difficult to give him a bit of a manicure, it's just that I can't manage the clippers and all that usually happens is I let Jakey stick his head under my arm while the vet does his paws on one side, and then I turn him round and he sticks his head under my other arm while the vet does the other side - he doesn't need to be "handled" by a team of professionals to get a mani/pedi. She seemed ridiculously wary about handling him, she clearly didn't get the "sweetest cat that ever was" memo! There was very little interaction between them too, she felt his bladder to make sure he wasn't blocked then thrust him back at me without talking to him, most vets talk to their patients a bit.

She hadn't had time to read his notes either, which is somewhat more concerning.
I'm going to try to see Angel next time if he's around, there's also a good female vet I've seen a couple of times and like/trust. Avoiding Saturdays if possible seems like a good idea, unfortunately stuff always seems to go wrong Friday bloody night :facepalm:
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That's a bit strange Epona - maybe t'vet was very junior and not used to people that are able / willing to help ?

I know that most of the vets that we've taken animals to have been quite happy to have us help hold whichever animal was involved.
Even on Chrimble morning when I took Flora to get a cut stitched, I volunteered to scrub up to save the vet calling out a nurse, she was quite happy. My help/presence probably kept Flora a bit calmer tbh.
That's a bit strange Epona - maybe t'vet was very junior and not used to people that are able / willing to help ?

I know that most of the vets that we've taken animals to have been quite happy to have us help hold whichever animal was involved.
Even on Chrimble morning when I took Flora to get a cut stitched, I volunteered to scrub up to save the vet calling out a nurse, she was quite happy. My help/presence probably kept Flora a bit calmer tbh.
Yeah this, I've held all of them to have stuff like stitches removed, and Jakey to have a stitch replaced after he'd managed to pull it out.
It was very odd and I've never encountered it before, I hope it's not some new policy they have because I don't want my cat stressed more than usual at the vets by being in a back room held down by strangers for really basic stuff.
Current vets in our group practice are very good about this, even if we go in mob-handed at times.

I think they like to see our level of concern / care for our companion animals ...
[we got a reference from them covering that as part of giving Bella her furrever home].

I suppose, Epona , that your young vet might have been worried about liability or somesuch thing ...
Current vets in our group practice are very good about this, even if we go in mob-handed at times.

I think they like to see our level of concern / care for our companion animals ...
[we got a reference from them covering that as part of giving Bella her furrever home].

I suppose, Epona , that your young vet might have been worried about liability or somesuch thing ...
I am aware that they were pressed for time, the main vet hospital for the area was down a vet for the day and they were planning to close our local surgery early and the vet go over to the hospital.
If she'd said - really sorry, I don't have time today - I'd have been absolutely fine with that.
But sorry I can't handle your cat and clip his claws without a nurse to hold him and you're not allowed to hold him - that's just fucking insulting to me quite frankly. And my cat. And it was clear she hadn't even read his recent notes about his UTI a couple of weeks ago, let alone general notes which I know full well say that my cat is a complete sweetheart and very easy to handle.
She did really seem to be quite nervous about handling him and no interaction with him like the usual softly spoken things vets say to calm and reassure a patient

(The previous stand in vet we saw chatted away to him constantly "oh hello darling, I hear you've got a problem weeing, I'm just going to try to express some urine to make sure you're not blocked and get a sample, oh you don't like that do you, it's OK sweetheart this won't take long, oh you're such a good boy" - I know none of that is technically necessary to provide good clinical care, but surely calming noises are a good instinctive thing).
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Love reaction for the lovely photo, not for the family drama obvs.
Lovely Vic presented us with a present a couple of mornings ago - it was about 1am and he ran in making the noise he makes when he’s caught something. I leapt up from bed to spare Mrs SFM the gory details and went downstairs to find a huge dead rat at the bottom of the stairs. This bastard easily weighed a pound and a half and was still warm as I picked it up and put it in the bin. Happy days…
Sonic was the one who was really into watching telly, neither of the others really bothered.

As well as football he also particularly enjoyed Formula 1 (back in the day we had a CRT television and he'd sit on top of it and swipe at the cars as they went past).
He also absolutely loved the Bill Bailey series about baboons for some reason, he'd sit right in front of the TV for that.
Also the first flat screen telly we got had to be fixed to the wall on a bracket because the wee terrors were used to a big CRT pumping out heat and kept trying to jump onto the top of it which doesn't end well when it's a flat screen on a stand!
but this is a good example of what we had to contend with during sporting events:

should have got one of these


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