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Today he's already eaten more than he did all of yesterday.
I popped up to the vet surgery and had a chat with the vet nurse for advice, she gave me some different food and said it's probably the heat, as he is eating just not as much as usual see how he does over the weekend now it's cooler, and phone on Monday morning if he's not back up to speed.
Of course if he stops eating entirely I'll get him seen over the weekend, but the nurse has helped put my mind at ease a bit.
Fingers crossed he carries on eating like he has done today :)
Today he's already eaten more than he did all of yesterday.
I popped up to the vet surgery and had a chat with the vet nurse for advice, she gave me some different food and said it's probably the heat, as he is eating just not as much as usual see how he does over the weekend now it's cooler, and phone on Monday morning if he's not back up to speed.
Of course if he stops eating entirely I'll get him seen over the weekend, but the nurse has helped put my mind at ease a bit.
Fingers crossed he carries on eating like he has done today :)
Yay, relief! Good you checked though, for peace of mind.
Today he's already eaten more than he did all of yesterday.
I popped up to the vet surgery and had a chat with the vet nurse for advice, she gave me some different food and said it's probably the heat, as he is eating just not as much as usual see how he does over the weekend now it's cooler, and phone on Monday morning if he's not back up to speed.
Of course if he stops eating entirely I'll get him seen over the weekend, but the nurse has helped put my mind at ease a bit.
Fingers crossed he carries on eating like he has done today :)

Haven't checked this thread for a couple of days and just been on an emotional rollercoaster with your posts!! So glad he seems better. Cross fingers it continues with the drop in temperature.
Unfortunately things have just got a bit worse - his UTI is back, he's just doing dribbles of wee everywhere again, weed on me just now, and has just left bloody mucus on the puppy pad I put on the sofa :(

I phoned the vet and on their advice I've given him a dose of gabapentin that was left over from his last bout and I have to phone in the morning for an appointment.

I have to just be brave and ask the vet if this is likely to keep happening. If the answer is yes, well... I can't let him keep going through it.
Unfortunately things have just got a bit worse - his UTI is back, he's just doing dribbles of wee everywhere again, weed on me just now, and has just left bloody mucus on the puppy pad I put on the sofa :(

I phoned the vet and on their advice I've given him a dose of gabapentin that was left over from his last bout and I have to phone in the morning for an appointment.

I have to just be brave and ask the vet if this is likely to keep happening. If the answer is yes, well... I can't let him keep going through it.
Oh mate. (((Epona and Jakey))) . It's so cruel the way the universe keeps giving you temporary relief only to snatch it away again. So horrible.
Might have been why he's been off his food for a couple of days, if he's been feeling unwell and in pain and hiding it.

I swear this evening before I realised there was something wrong he started asking me for help - waahing at me and leading me to the litter tray and showing me he was having trouble.
There is some coming out so it's not a medical emergency, but he was clearly in pain and he seemed to realise he'd alerted me OK.
He may be daft but he always has come to me for comfort when needed and tries to communicate his needs with me.

He's currently drugged out of his gourd and sleeping.
Might have been why he's been off his food for a couple of days, if he's been feeling unwell and in pain and hiding it.

I swear this evening before I realised there was something wrong he started asking me for help - waahing at me and leading me to the litter tray and showing me he was having trouble.
There is some coming out so it's not a medical emergency, but he was clearly in pain and he seemed to realise he'd alerted me OK.
He may be daft but he always has come to me for comfort when needed and tries to communicate his needs with me.

He's currently drugged out of his gourd and sleeping.
I wish there was some way we could help him, and you.
Might have been why he's been off his food for a couple of days, if he's been feeling unwell and in pain and hiding it.

I swear this evening before I realised there was something wrong he started asking me for help - waahing at me and leading me to the litter tray and showing me he was having trouble.
There is some coming out so it's not a medical emergency, but he was clearly in pain and he seemed to realise he'd alerted me OK.
He may be daft but he always has come to me for comfort when needed and tries to communicate his needs with me.

He's currently drugged out of his gourd and sleeping.

Wishing you both all the best. I know how you are feeling. xx
Back from vets, we have more antibiotics.
Only to give gabapentin if in dire need as he's been on it recently, don't want to do him damage.
Vet seemed unphased, she said it's not uncommon for CKD cats to get UTIs several times a year, calmed me down a bit about it, if the antibiotics haven't started to do their thing by Monday then bring him back in.
Back from vets, we have more antibiotics.
Only to give gabapentin if in dire need as he's been on it recently, don't want to do him damage.
Vet seemed unphased, she said it's not uncommon for CKD cats to get UTIs several times a year, calmed me down a bit about it, if the antibiotics haven't started to do their thing by Monday then bring him back in.
Fingers crossed.
Back from vets, we have more antibiotics.
Only to give gabapentin if in dire need as he's been on it recently, don't want to do him damage.
Vet seemed unphased, she said it's not uncommon for CKD cats to get UTIs several times a year, calmed me down a bit about it, if the antibiotics haven't started to do their thing by Monday then bring him back in.
finger crossed !
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