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Does anyone else have a cat with a weird miaow? Ryu's starts with a worried mumble and then rises into a kind of alien scream. The first time we heard it he was in the next room and we couldn't figure out what the hell it was :D

Anyway I have a hangover and he screamed at me first thing and woke me up, but I don't even mind because look at him. Little weirdo

Thanks all for your messages and best wishes. It really means alot to me! :)

Really sorry to hear your news mate. Glad that you found him though, whatever the circumstances, at least you got him back. Regal looking boy.

Pretty sure everyone on this thread knows how you are feeling at the mo, solidarity, and be kind to yourself.
Hi all on the cat thread, Sorry to say I have sad news, that my cat, Elmer, passed away last Friday. Went missing Friday morning, and I found him Saturday morning in a neighbours garden. Not sure what happened, he'd fallen from a fence/shed roof. Might have had something medical happen that caused it - the vet couldn't really tell. At least it was quick either-way, and I'm so glad I could find his body. He's being cremated - the staff at Medivet Hendon were fantastic when I bought him in.

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So sorry to read this.
Does anyone else have a cat with a weird miaow? Ryu's starts with a worried mumble and then rises into a kind of alien scream. The first time we heard it he was in the next room and we couldn't figure out what the hell it was :D

Anyway I have a hangover and he screamed at me first thing and woke me up, but I don't even mind because look at him. Little weirdo

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Yes! Our Pan has an unusual miaow, he did it quite late compared to his very vocal sister who miaowed non stop with protest when we brought them home. His sounds more like a slow iaow, it sounds really sad.
Yes! Our Pan has an unusual miaow, he did it quite late compared to his very vocal sister who miaowed non stop with protest when we brought them home. His sounds more like a slow iaow, it sounds really sad.

Interesting, as Ken is also very vocal and Ryu hardly ever miaows. It's like a weird discordant treat when he does. Quite common in human siblings isn't it, when one is really talkative the other is often a much more reluctant talker, or even delayed?!
Interesting, as Ken is also very vocal and Ryu hardly ever miaows. It's like a weird discordant treat when he does. Quite common in human siblings isn't it, when one is really talkative the other is often a much more reluctant talker, or even delayed?!

Yes, that was the sense I had.

Pan also only purrs for H in her room, which is quite specific, although apparently last week when H was away for the night he kept going into her room and miaowing and actually purred when someone else stroked him :eek:

He's very sensitive. I worry a bit about him.
So. If I did get a cat/kitten, or possibly two, what are costs like these days?

Decent diet, annual jabs, insurance etc...

Is PetPlan still the best insurance in the long term?
We've got a fairly low-level insurance policy - £23.65 per month from John Lewis for both. It only covers £2k per cat per year, and with a £200 excess, however, I'll just pay the rest as/when it comes up. Includes an annual online health check. We never insured Stan because he was already 6 when we got him, and it was loads - yes I had to pay out a couple of grand for his cancer treatment/ear removal etc, but that was all in his last 2 years - we were very lucky. I don't know about Pet Plan - main thing is to get cover that Vets will accept, so best to phone your nearest to ask.

I just paid up for their recent emergency treatment - consultation and anti inflammatory injection and take home meds x 2, blood blood work x 1 = ~£300.

Jabs/worming/fleas probably comes to around £200 a year per beast.

Food-wise, we get decent 'dental' dried food as they already have a touch of gum disease even at 14 months :( It works out around £40 per month for 2 - you could do it a bit cheaper and still give them a good diet.

Our other cost is the cat visitor who comes round when we are away £10 per day, as we don't have reliable neighbours and I have housebarrassment.

You already know the value on the other side of the balancing scale. Do it!! Do it!!
Does anyone else have a cat with a weird miaow? Ryu's starts with a worried mumble and then rises into a kind of alien scream. The first time we heard it he was in the next room and we couldn't figure out what the hell it was :D

Anyway I have a hangover and he screamed at me first thing and woke me up, but I don't even mind because look at him. Little weirdo

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I have/had OSH (Oriental Shorthair) cats which are the same as Siamese, so yes :D

Your description sounds very much like the indignant Siamese/OSH yowl (and exactly what Sonic used to do when he was playing with a toy mouse), I wonder if they have some Siamese in them - Siams/Oris originated in (naturally, not by deliberate breeding) and have been in the far east for centuries and a popular breed exported and bred around the world for over 100 years now, so some cats of uncertain heritage are more likely to have a bit of Siamese in them than other more modern breeds.
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So. If I did get a cat/kitten, or possibly two, what are costs like these days?

Decent diet, annual jabs, insurance etc...

Is PetPlan still the best insurance in the long term?
A vet consultation and treatment is likely to be your biggest cost - consultations cost between £50 and £70 in London these days - it's worth getting insurance IMO although if you are good at saving you could put that same money in a separate account and build up a pot for emergencies that way - I'm not so I prefer insurance - I've actually got my moneys worth out of the insurance I had on the 2 cats I had insured with PetPlan, who were awesome and paid claims direct to my vet without quibbling. Jakey isn't insured although I wish he had been as he's been quite expensive in his old age but it's too late now! Be aware that the excess does tend to increase as they get older, with PetPlan a few years ago when they get to 12 years old (and many cats will live longer than that) it was I think £125 per condition and you had to pay something like 20-25% of the bill yourself. But it was still massively helpful, in his life my lovely mogster Radar racked up £10k in vet bills which would not have been covered by me putting away a few quid a month and I'd never want to have to make a decision about a beloved pet's care (and perhaps their life) based on finances rather than clinical need.

Basically yes get insurance. Check with your vet whether they deal with any insurance companies direct, if they deal with one and make claims on your behalf, it removes a whole layer of headache if a pet is unwell.

When they get old or if they have an accident or are ill, diagnostics and treatments can cost an absolute fortune, we're shielded from it ourselves due to the NHS, so the cost can come as a bit of a shock when the vet tells you the price - for a cat a diagnostic blood test can cost over £300.

They absolutely need vaccinations - not all of them are done every year, but some are, along with a health check.

Also as well as food, take into consideration flea/worming treatments. Some vets offer an annual healthcare plan which is not a replacement for insurance, but covers things like vaccinations and checkups and a years worth of flea/worm treatments (don't get these from pet shops, use what the vet recommends even if you buy it somewhere else, there's a massive problem with drug resistance in fleas, and some cheap treatments aren't as safe for your cat) and discounts on other treatment such as dentals (which aren't covered by insurance)
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Hi all on the cat thread, Sorry to say I have sad news, that my cat, Elmer, passed away last Friday. Went missing Friday morning, and I found him Saturday morning in a neighbours garden. Not sure what happened, he'd fallen from a fence/shed roof. Might have had something medical happen that caused it - the vet couldn't really tell. At least it was quick either-way, and I'm so glad I could find his body. He's being cremated - the staff at Medivet Hendon were fantastic when I bought him in.

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Ah. Sorry to hear this
Sorry, that was a very joyless post - I love having a cat/cats, and if you go ahead with it I can't wait to see photos!

Fair warning, kittens are exhausting :D
I have/had OSH (Oriental Shorthair) cats which are the same as Siamese, so yes :D

Your description sounds very much like the indignant Siamese/OSH yowl (and exactly what Sonic used to do when he was playing with a toy mouse), I wonder if they have some Siamese in them - Siams/Oris originated in (naturally, not by deliberate breeding) and have been in the far east for centuries and a popular breed exported and bred around the world for over 100 years now, so some cats of uncertain heritage are more likely to have a bit of Siamese in them than other more modern breeds.

Ah interesting, thanks! The vet did say he looked like he had some Asian breed in him but their mum is half Bengal so I assumed it was that. But could be all kinds in there.
Ah interesting, thanks! The vet did say he looked like he had some Asian breed in him but their mum is half Bengal so I assumed it was that. But could be all kinds in there.

The early ALC/housecat hybrids were often bred to SE Asian type cats so that the breed became more like a housecat but retained the lean leggy sleek look, rather than the round or large and fluffy look of some of the European origin and Middle Eastern breeds of housecat, so that could well be correct :)

EDIT: Oh and Egyptian Mau, for the tabby pattern - they also have a distinctive voice and are very talkative I think?
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