Testicle Hairstyle
Ugh. There is an intensely disgusting cheesy smell coming from Ken's rear end (not a euphemism, it's not his arse). Google suggests a problem with his anal gland. He doesn't seem bothered - no excess licking or any scooting - so I guess I have the enviable task of monitoring the smell over the coming days.
Male cats do have glands in their anus that are associated with producing the particularly pungent urine they use for scent-marking.
They are also prone to blocking-up and stinking to high heaven, also they do occasionally infect/abscess if left too long. So periodically, vets need to give them a squeeze to clean them out.
The first time a vet did this to old BD, his face was an absolute picture. The next times, the vet had to move very fast to remain un-lacerated - I could barely hold him still when the finger went-in!
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