Not-stray is now happily homed. She was so trusting while I drive her down, albeit nervous. Once in the house she swiftly found a good hiding place and we sat and talked so she could hear our voices. The kids (6 and 8) were very excited so they got the talk about being gentle, patient etc. After lunch I reached in and petted her where she was skooshed into a corner down the side of the sofa, and then a bit later when the kids were elsewhere I pulled her out for a cuddle. She was obviously jumpy but allowed me to hold her while the family came to say hello. I walked her round the house and then sat with her in the spare room/office and let her get down, and she promptly climbed behind that sofa. All very normal and predictable.
I warned them that at some point pretty soon they not be able to find her and probably panic, but she’d be somewhere in the house for sure.
Late night reports of voluntary roaming and people-seeking were encouraging. Then at breakfast time on Thursday came the worried phone call asking if she might have jumped out of a second floor window. They couldn’t find her, she was either invisible or had jumped out the window. Rattling the treats identified her location at the back of the kids’ closet. I think it’s a good sign that she chose to hide there, surrounded by their smell and the sound of them in their bedroom.
By tea time yesterday she was purring on a lap.
She’s going to be fine.
They agreed to keep the name I’d given her. Suki.