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Wtf, Japan?

No, that is one thing I physically couldn't put near my mouth (not a long list, lol). Even seeing others eat it made me a little queasy once.

Have you tried it, any good?
Several times over the years. Quite liked it. Obviously, the chefs are well trained to prepare that kind of food.
I'm a pretty adventurous eater, but I draw a line at danger food. I think I'd avoid raw chicken. I also wouldn't eat fugu.
It's a bit bland without the various flavourings, Tbh.

(When I started the thread, my aim was to focus on the less quirky stuff/the serious, to focus on the side of Japan that you don't get in the tourism hype, but it's grand... food can be wtf as well ;))
No surprise here. Grifting is big in Japan.

Probably the biggest hidden Japanese scandal is that it still has an active caste system which specifies that some people are an untouchable underclass - burakumin. Before marriage, and even before getting some jobs, there is an exhaustive search and verification of ancestry to flag possible untouchables.
Probably the biggest hidden Japanese scandal is that it still has an active caste system which specifies that some people are an untouchable underclass - burakumin. Before marriage, and even before getting some jobs, there is an exhaustive search and verification of ancestry to flag possible untouchables.

With some people, that may still be the case... those who practice it may be conservative but that's genuine discrimination and isn't supposed to be happening. Afaik, checking about ancestry isn't legal. It's a very weird and ugly tradition that is some of the worst class discrimination.
They do have a lot of cool trains though - we went on a one piece themed local train and encountered some of the fancy trains of Kyushu as we went around there (we were going to go on one but it was rammed)

Just a thread to counter the current obsession with Japan being "cool/wild/safe/polite" etc.

There's more and more vloggers taking the piss here. Not necessarily the likes of Johnny Somali treating the people and country as a playground, more those who paint the place as somehow faultless.

LGBTQ rights, for starters

Yeah, most of my friends in Japan are constantly in despair.
We often share stories about 'my counties political and ethical state is worse that yours', and I recon Japan mostly wins (or loses).
Just watch that fucking 'happy news' on the TV all day. There is lots of shit to get angry about.
Most of my Japanese friends are all generally part of a left wing counter culture so I often forget how fucked a lot of other things are. . . plus I don't live there.
I think it would drive me absolutely nuts.
Yeah, most of my friends in Japan are constantly in despair.
We often share stories about 'my counties political and ethical state is worse that yours', and I recon Japan mostly wins (or loses).
Just watch that fucking 'happy news' on the TV all day. There is lots of shit to get angry about.
Most of my Japanese friends are all generally part of a left wing counter culture so I often forget how fucked a lot of other things are. . . plus I don't live there.
I think it would drive me absolutely nuts.
Can't vote, so that really annoys. Mind you, the LDP always get in so wouldn't really make a difference.
Had a sashimi selection that included whale, actual raw whale on the plate. I love sashimi, but that was shocking.
Had it in Iceland once. Very strange, more like raw venison than anything else. Extremely lean, because all the fat on the whale is in the blubber. I told myself the Icelanders are actually responsible with their fishing, but 20 years later I probably wouldn't have it again.
I don't think I've ever eaten a meat or fish product outside the commonplace 'everyday' ones where I've been like 'wow this is so good' - it's always at best an average experience, and more often it feels like an inferior alternative. I think I'll be just fine with never eating whale or horse or whatever.
I don't think I've ever eaten a meat or fish product outside the commonplace 'everyday' ones where I've been like 'wow this is so good' - it's always at best an average experience, and more often it feels like an inferior alternative. I think I'll be just fine with never eating whale or horse or whatever.
Yep, whale was not good at all. Horse is also shite (had that a couple of times). Worst of all is Fugu. Tasteless, chewy, just gross. I had it in a fancy pants fugu restaurant that my niece worked at. Something like 12 courses of it served in every conceivable way. I think I managed to eat two, the rest were chewed and discreetly disposed of (and I have never ever had to do that in a resultant before).
Very interesting thread. My daughter is OBSESSED with Japan because of manga and anime. I won’t piss on that fire but it’s certainly interesting to read about
Yep, whale was not good at all. Horse is also shite (had that a couple of times). Worst of all is Fugu. Tasteless, chewy, just gross. I had it in a fancy pants fugu restaurant that my niece worked at. Something like 12 courses of it served in every conceivable way. I think I managed to eat two, the rest were chewed and discreetly disposed of (and I have never ever had to do that in a resultant before).
Horse can be a really lovely meat. Like a lean steak, really tasty. I agree with you that I draw a line at whale. We should be leaving them be.
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