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Worst film you've ever seen?

that one made to look like it was done with a hand held video camera and with some monster... i was rooting for the monster by abiut 15 mins in.

eta cloverfield

you're off my xmas card list for that

it's a cracker, especially if you're a bit pissed
B-movie Ed Wood and low budget horror type stuff is an easy target as is Kung Fu shit, Brit lads films and video game adaptations.

So the worst mainstream high budget feature I think I've encountered is Attack of the Clones, although I couldn't bring myself to see the other Star Wars rehashes. The first film, not made by Peter Greenaway, I have walked out of.

Utterly witless drivel from Goerge Lucas, a man who can no longer direct traffic. Back of a fag packet dialogue and the young evil galactic dictator Darth Vader was a whining little shit, who sounds like he is sulking after not being allowed out to a Justin Beiber concert. Also an early performance from the charisma free Natalie Portman. And when Christopher Lee turns up as a villian called Count Douku I could take no more.

All the later Star Wars entries are like some kind of seepage from Lucas' directorial colostomy bag. They're such incompetently bad films they make you wonder if we were all subject to some Emperor's-New-Clothes style collective delusion about the original ones.
since the memory is still (unfortunately) fresh in my memory- Ill Manors
Ordered by mistake from Lovefilm.
I thought I was getting this:
So my disappointment may have exaggerated the shiteness
Jessica Biel, Chris Evans and The Stath play rich cunts taking coke and arguing in an enormous toilet.
That seems to be it. Other stuff may have happened but i gave up after half an hour

Spawn was awful too.

Troll 2 deserved all of its accolades too but it's one of those bad films that is fun to watch with friends and laugh at its awfulness
Abel Ferrara is a director I don't get on with at all. I don't understand the appeal of his films and think that are all terribly paced. Every single one of his I've seen has bored me to tears.

Bad Lieutenant was bloody awful. Was dragged along to see the remake and even with Nicholas Cage in it, was much better than the original...
Green Street. A film so shockingly wooden and amateurish and generally shite that I'm gobsmacked anyone distributed it.

My sister's seen Green Street 2. Apparently Green Street is Scorese-at-his-best like by comparison. (No, I've no idea what she was thinking either.)
The worst film I've ever seen is Patch Adams. Robin Williams curing sick kids with laughter while wearing a red clown nose and fighting the evil medical establishment who just don't *get* it.
My sister's seen Green Street 2. Apparently Green Street is Scorese-at-his-best like by comparison. (No, I've no idea what she was thinking either.)

They're both great fun to watch. Esp the second as it's set in an English prison and is clearly filmed in California. The prison yard were they play 'soccer' is populated by tattooed Hispanics and bikers in orange boiler suits, bathing in that bright smog-infused LA sunshine.
The worst film I've ever seen is Patch Adams. Robin Williams curing sick kids with laughter while wearing a red clown nose and fighting the evil medical establishment who just don't *get* it.

I've only ever seen the trailer, but that certainly made it look like the worst film ever made.
Morons from Outer Space

It's not even a film I can watch in a 'so bad it's good' kind of way either.

Prometheus is in the top 10, probably through sheer disappointment more than anything else.
I've only ever seen the trailer, but that certainly made it look like the worst film ever made.

Should add my then (lovely if with terrible taste in films) flatmate got it out on video. I'd never heard of it but after about five minutes was so transfixed by its utter terribleness, that I had to watch it to the bitter end.
I just watched the not scary, not funny British "horror comedy" Inbred which qualifies as the worst film I've seen this year.
The Shawshank redemption and Forrest Gump were pretty bad too.

Actually, the winner could be Forrest Gump. Bleughghghghgh.
this IS the worst ive ever seen - this is a ten minute condensed version, which is cheating because to watch the whole thing is an act of endurance, just when you cant take it anymore it launches into a 10 minute final battle composed primarily of stock footage

1,9/10 on imdb is too generous
The Manitou 1978
Utterly crap horror film in which a giant boil on a woman's back contains the evil spirit of a Native American supernatural entity. Lots of awful clichéd depictions of native Americans and "little Plum" style dialogue. Probably Tony Curtis's worst performance ever. I've made it sound better than it is.


One Eight Seven
What a waste of Samuel L Jackson's talent this was. According to this film if kids enjoy hip hop music and graffiti they are on a slippery slope leading to involvement in gangs and organised crime. I found the film very offensive in its ridiculous portrayal of the causes of crime and I felt furious for days after watching it.
The Manitou 1978
Utterly crap horror film in which a giant boil on a woman's back contains the evil spirit of a Native American supernatural entity. Lots of awful clichéd depictions of native Americans and "little Plum" style dialogue. Probably Tony Curtis's worst performance ever. I've made it sound better than it is.

That is shit, but in a fun way. It features a climax where a topless Susan Strasberg, who is floating through outer space in her hospital bed, battles the demonic Manitou by shooting laser beams from the palms of her hands. :D
Harry Brown

I love Caine but this really made me feel like I had to have a shower - no redeeming qualities at all - I have no idea what happened in the end, I turned it off
That is shit, but in a fun way. It features a climax where a topless Susan Strasberg, who is floating through outer space in her hospital bed, battles the demonic Manitou by shooting laser beams from the palms of her hands. :D

I bow to your superior knowledge as I can't remember it that well and the laser beam thing does sound quite cool :D

Last time I saw it was decades ago and I remember at the end of the film I definitely had a WTF? moment and the announcer said something like "What on earth was that about? Descriptions of the plot on the back of a postage stamp please!" or something.
My sister's seen Green Street 2. Apparently Green Street is Scorese-at-his-best like by comparison. (No, I've no idea what she was thinking either.)
Blimey :(. I can't even begin to imagine how that film could possibly be worse.
My walkouts:

1. Fight Club - started OK, just got more and more silly. I missed the plot twist at the end-shame that.:rolleyes:
2. Kids - felt like it was being broadcast from Mars in terms of sound and picture quality (West Ealing cinema opposite Natwest - you are not missed). Felt like I was being exploited - prob just me being precious. Re-viewed on TV later and thought was excellent.
3. Tinker Tailor Soldier Arse- poor lighting, drab filing cabinets and rayon suits against bad complexions. Some spy stuff too. Indifferent to the book, so why oh why did I find myself in the Renoir for this?
Patrick Swayze wandering a post-apocalyptic desert where veveryone fights with swords in 'Steel Dawn. I think it was an also ran cash in on the popularity of Mad Max. Fuck me its bad. Amazing haircuts though
Most recently Osombie. Of course zombie movies aren't an especially bright genre, but they can be fun and there's some really low budget ones which are far greater than the sum of their parts (like Zombie in a Penguin Suit, Fred or Wasting Away). They're also a bit of a camp fad, with lots of folks really interested in just about any zombie movie, so it takes a great lack of effort, talent and skill to make one which doesn't meet the meagre expectations of Cinema Zed. Osombie manages it in spades and will soon have you, undead or not, wishing for death to America if it includes the folk behind this film.
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