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in that very specific example they should get all the support they need from the government, that social safety net should never EVER go away
So you don't have a problem with, say, a company director scooping a £10m bonus for himself, while some of the workers in his company are struggling on the minimum wage?

Granted you lot are, once again, picking an extreme example to make your point here?

do I have a problem with a capitalistic system that, on occasion, lets grossly unfair greed occur? No problem at all, rather this than Socialism.
Well yes, but do you say that because carers are saving the country almost £120bn a year so it suits you?


carer with bee in bonnet ramming point home over and over again?

Picking one thing, to combat a much broader point, is forum bullshit bingo. you are of course right?

Its like me saying I like doctors. and you lot saying you like doctors, EVEN though Harold Shipman was a doctor?!?!
Granted you lot are, once again, picking an extreme example to make your point here?

do I have a problem with a capitalistic system that, on occasion, lets grossly unfair greed occur? No problem at all, rather this than Socialism.

It's not extreme. There are thousands of disabled people unable to work, there are thousands of carers saving the country £120 BILLION, and there are thousands of people who do work, cleaning the toilets, serving the meals and emptying the bins of people richer than them
Granted you lot are, once again, picking an extreme example to make your point here?

do I have a problem with a capitalistic system that, on occasion, lets grossly unfair greed occur? No problem at all, rather this than Socialism.
Here's the reality of the situation. Read it well:
The claim that the richest 1% have everything while the poorest 99% have next to nothing is not just hot air. In the US, the share of national income going to the wealthiest 1% has doubled since 1980 to 20%. For the top 0.01%, it has quadrupled to levels never seen before. A report published by Oxfam last year found that the UK is rapidly returning to Dickensian levels of inequality...

The tax system should be progressive and limit rather than exacerbate inequality. Warren Buffet underlined the unfairness of a tax system that allows him – on an income of $46m (£28m) – to pay only 17.7% in tax. His secretary, still on an above-average income of $60,000, is taxed at 30%.

Even when they are asked to pay tax, the extremely wealthy can use tax havens and financial secrecy to put their money where it cannot be taxed. It's estimated that a quarter of all global wealth – as much as $32tn– is held offshore, and is untaxed.

Granted you lot are, once again, picking an extreme example to make your point here?

do I have a problem with a capitalistic system that, on occasion, lets grossly unfair greed occur? No problem at all, rather this than Socialism.
is your name Jack? :hmm:
so this was all overseen by Labour government aswell?
"We (Labour) are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich"

i do agree with you, I have a book called Treasure Islands that just shows having offshore banking havens and ease of capital outside of countries just makes a messy horrible race to the bottom for all. gives a really interesting history of it all.
I would also say I do genuinely believe in Laffer curve style mechanics of a declining tax take, the higher the rate is. I believe the OBR have said the optimal tax rate to be 47%, anything less just painful.
The 45% rate WILL take in more tax than the 50% rate. the rich ARE paying more tax under the coalition. (though with that VAT rise it is not as pronounced.) They are doing the right thing to lower corporation tax, and the right thing lowering to 45% for the higher rate. Does anybody point out literally millions of people are now paying the higher rate cos they lowered the bands? They need to reverse that shit.

the reality of the situation is people blame the Tories, when Labour oversaw this financial clusterfuck we will experience for a generation at least.
Granted you lot are, once again, picking an extreme example to make your point here?

do I have a problem with a capitalistic system that, on occasion, lets grossly unfair greed occur? No problem at all, rather this than Socialism.

Get to fuck. Are you a standard bearer for Unum?
I certainly wouldn't wish any such misfortune on him/her, I doubt very much whether they would be able to cope with the concomitant loss of "status".
I dont know what Unum is.

While I dont do a job that gives me moral superiority over everybody else like Minnie, I do my best.
I dont know what Unum is.

While I dont do a job that gives me moral superiority over everybody else like Minnie, I do my best.

I don't have moral superiority over everyone else. I've worked, I've also been unemployed numerous times and had to put up with being treated like shit by people like you and Job Centre staff.
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