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Will you vote for independence?

Scottish independence?

  • Yes please

    Votes: 99 56.6%
  • No thanks

    Votes: 57 32.6%
  • Dont know yet

    Votes: 17 9.7%

  • Total voters
Was talking to a Scottish friend who claims still to be undecided. He did say that the No campaign had been irritating with its scare stories, also that he (and Scotland) remains monarchists and would expect the queen to remain should Scotland vote yes in September.

We can't always get what we expect though. Decades of frustrated Scottish voters can testify to that. ;)
If it possible to say, what is the general feeling in Scotland about EU membership? Is it all jingoism and bananas like down here?

Like Frankie says it's not really that important atm but I do get the impression that a lot of folk are not impressed at the way the banking crisis was handled, and the fact that the EU seem to be doing diddly squat about the austerity cuts/pensions being below regulated levels, etc.
I personally don't like the way they've shat all over Greece, and I'm not alone in that, also the raiding your bank account thing, feck that. I really wouldn't like to call which way an EU vote would go.

Scotland has traded with mainland Europe for hundreds of years. There was foreign embassies in Berwick many moons ago. Aberdeen is closer to Norway than London :)
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...I personally don't like the way they've shat all over Greece, and I'm not alone in that, also the raiding your bank account thing, feck that. I really wouldn't like to call which way an EU vote would go....
The UK govt passed a law this year that lets them go into your bank account to collect unpaid taxes. We'd be best served being in that european free trade association thing, maybe.
Article by Douglas Alexander in yesterday's Evening Standard. Enjoy!

'These individuals, organisations and ideals and the practice of solidarity they embody is what most challenges the Nationalists’ assertion that somehow Scotland needs independence because Scots are better at being fair than the English, or at least would be better at it if the English weren’t around.

Tell that to William Wilberforce, who led the fight to outlaw slavery. Tell that to Emily Davison and the Pankhurst sisters, who fought for women’s rights and equality. Tell that to William Beveridge and Clement Attlee, who created the Welfare State. Tell that to the thousands from across the whole of the UK who marched with us against poverty in Scotland in 2005.'....

'It’s not just that our grandparents stood shoulder to shoulder in the fight against fascism but that they then built the NHS and the system of national insurance that enshrined the principle that sharing of risks by all of us provides rights for each of us.
To now reject this and instead spend the coming years erecting new barriers between the nations of these islands would, for me, represent a retreat from that progressive tradition.'

No one has ever said "Scots are better at being fair than the English, or at least would be better at it if the English weren’t around" apart from Douglas Alexander. The man is a massive cock.
The thing is, people would be forgiven for believing the daft straw men that the Better No Say Thanks (or whatever they're called today) side set up, as the media is so strenuously supporting the Union; almost all we hear of the Yes campaign in the media is what the No campaign says it is.
On the CND site

How to disarm a nuclear bomb

Tools: 1 pencil


1. Go to your polling station on 18 September 2014.
2. Collect a paper – “Should Scotland be an independent country?”
3. Using your pencil, write an “X” in the box marked YES.
4. Fold paper and put in the ballot box.

That's stupid. Those who don't have nukes can still die at the hands of those who do. And have CND registered as part of the Yes campaign? If not, could that bite them?
I actually wondered that when I saw it, too. Unfortunately having just turned 60 and so statistically coming into the expensive time for NHS costs I don't think they'd want me :( .
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