Hipster isn't really a thing. As such. It's just young-ish trendy folk. I mean, half of Brixton going by Urban 75 criteria, that's you lot that moved there BTW, could be called hiptsters by the same token 20 years ago. Hate not the hipster.. Well just alittle bit, the cup cake artisan beardy ones, obviously. But mostly they're just as fucked over as the rest of us.
OTOH, maybe I just don't cross paths with the real annoying ones.
Yeah. Choosing.
Fuck you.
I hope you done the decent thing..I saw one the other day with his beard, his fucking glasses, his Hitler haircut and his fixie; his t-shirt read: BRING BACK THE EARLY 90s.
They love the Royals. Because you know otherwise it's Presedent Blair. That's the alternative, yeah.A pay rise for the Queen? She's worth every penny
All that dignity, and all that wisdom, for a penny per person per week. Whoever next gets to shake the royal hand should tell her: "Ma'am, you're cheap."
saw one the other day with his beard, his fucking glasses, his Hitler haircut and his fixie; his t-shirt read: BRING BACK THE EARLY 90s.
saw one the other day with his beard, his fucking glasses, his Hitler haircut and his fixie; his t-shirt read: BRING BACK THE EARLY 90s.
The quality is poor though. Hundreds of cans of Wrongbow, Carling, Fosters etc with value beans, hoops and cereal bars. The real treasure is the stuff left by the traders but it's market staff who grab thatIt's not just the tents... There's gallons of booze and tons of food left behind when the crowds clear-off... At one point last year we were bringing in food and beer by the wheelbarrowload to our encampment post-event... One of the crew was pissed out of his nut sat atop a pile of Strongbow like a jakey Smaug...
Yup. Seen it happen with other papers, too.I think the comments were mostly along the lines of "why employ this sodding criminal, Guardian?" and "Fuck off, Huhne", though, so that's sort of good. Well, maybe a bit good. Less than completely bad. Something like that.
Trolling, trolling, trolling. Keep that clickbait trolling ... rawhide.Huhne has to be the best paid troll, ever.
How? The only trolling i see here is reality trolling the cosy guardian bubble. That bubble thinks it's being principled in publishing huhne rather than cynical and many people are laughing at them as a result.Whether intentional or unintentional, he's still a troll.
Yep, quality may be shite and the best stuff is available to markets but what can you do? It's free and nothing tastes better than free*The quality is poor though. Hundreds of cans of Wrongbow, Carling, Fosters etc with value beans, hoops and cereal bars. The real treasure is the stuff left by the traders but it's market staff who grab that
Yep, quality may be shite and the best stuff is available to markets but what can you do? It's free and nothing tastes better than free*
*Except value beans, they suck regardless....
Chris Huhe takes up the pen to decry the jail sentence for himself - uh, sorry, that should be "for Andy Coulson".
All those talented journalism grads and they give that tossrag a platform...
I don't think that's the case with Huhne. The papers management are in broad political agreement with him - he's one of them, and they think he's been wronged. They also think he's a great informed journo with some inside tracks that either he or they will be able to usefully utilise at some point.
I know - the Guardian is incredibly snobbish.They give him a platform because he's on the same political wavelength as the likes of Wintour and Rusbridger, the Orange Book-loving fuckspuds.
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A tale of two careers: Michael Gove and Iain Duncan Smith
Both men are passionate and sincere reformers determined to give opportunities to the poor, but only one has been demoted
I saw one the other day with his beard, his fucking glasses, his Hitler haircut and his fixie; his t-shirt read: BRING BACK THE EARLY 90s.