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    Lazy Llama

Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

Life has got worse since Arab Spring, say people across middle East.

Sort of suggests that this is because they stood up to the rulers rather than the issues that drove them to rebel not yet being fixed. Sort of backed up in the content of the thing they're reporting on. When bill gates is on your extreme left, ask yourself why and how.
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Yes, or just the architecture or other features; visited a disused one tucked away not far past Usk a couple of times because it has a rood screen that survived the Reformation and Cromwell.
My gran's church (she lives across the road from it) has s cannonball from the civil war sitting on a ledge. Supposedly there were stained glass windows that were removed for safe keeping so Cromwell didn't smash them or burn the church down, but nobody could find them afterwards so the windows are plain to this day. I've never completely believed the tale.

There is a secret passage around the manor house next door though :)
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Laughably bad piece from the dreadful Simon Tisdale, based more of liberals own political wishes than any real analysis
The appointments Biden makes to his cabinet presage a return to multilateralism and a re-set of the rules-based international order. His flagship initiative is a new “alliance of democracies”.

This appears intended to counter China while avoiding head-on confrontation with Beijing. Ties with other authoritarian regimes, such as Saudi Arabia, will be frostier. New trade deals, such as that sought by the UK, are on hold pending a US recovery, he says.
And what the hell has Nicola Surgeon done to offend the cartoonist?
I thought this was an Onion headline at first:

The main question here is why a supposed 'quality' paper has an entire subsection entitled 'Men's hair'.


Listening to Amnesiac quietly while pinching a pressure point on one's hand is surely the most Guardian hangover cure imaginable. Presumably only works if one loosens one's man bun first.
Do they still employee people at the Guardian to do the headlines? Because that one is god-awfully smug. Checked it out and Jesus is it short. Three paragraphs? Are they paid by the word or by the article?
This one seems manageable and realistic.
I recommend dedicating yourself, as I have done, to unsubscribing from all the email lists that you have signed up to that no longer fulfil your needs or that signed you up without a by-your-leave. Next, I plan to find, flatten and fold every carrier bag in the house and relocate them to one easy-to-access spot, that they may one day fulfil their porting destiny. I have no plans after that. Lucy Mangan, Guardian TV critic
I've nothing to add to the thread specifically, but Barry Glendenning's faux-curmudgeon schtick really gets on my wick.
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