The Guardian continues to show its true blue colours by having an article on how difficult it is to make money as a comedian, using an interview with possibly one of the most privileged people in the entire comedy circuit. Her Dad is a senior economist and an advisor to Boris Johnson, and her Edinburgh act was about a boarding school matron. So unsurprisingly she's clearly so lacking in self awareness that she doesn't realise she's a shit person to be talking about poverty as a comedian.
The article is from 2019. Somehow I suspect she's still not broke.
The article is from 2019. Somehow I suspect she's still not broke.
It's the comedy economy, stupid! Elf Lyons on the true cost of standup
After a Franglais Swan Lake, the comic explains economics with sex dolls in ChiffChaff. She talks about loving horror, how guinea pigs helped her through illness and standing up for comedians