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Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

Adblocker and tracker blocker innit
Can't use at work. I would never be trying to use such a shoddy connection at home in the first place. Really it's monstrous what loads up when you open any guardian page. I was trying to do my usual thing today of opening links in new tabs as I read down a page. Fourth page opening crashed the whole thing. For comparison I can have thirty pages open of u75 and even the computers at work would hardly notice.
Can't use at work. I would never be trying to use such a shoddy connection at home in the first place. Really it's monstrous what loads up when you open any guardian page. I was trying to do my usual thing today of opening links in new tabs as I read down a page. Fourth page opening crashed the whole thing. For comparison I can have thirty pages open of u75 and even the computers at work would hardly notice.

Given that advertising and trackers present an IT security risk, I really think you could make a case for such things to be installed at work.
I know there's a dedicated thread, but this has to be up there for peak Guardian of the year so far?

evil fascist rag

Got to admit that today I also 'bought' a copy of the Guardian in Waitrose...but...hear me out before you all block me for being some sort of #FBPE wanker.

So...to get the free coffee we're cardholders...yadda yadda...and we get sent a voucher for £2 off a £10 spend which (obviously) = 20% reduction...so far so (MC) good, yeah?...but...but...if you load on the free coffee (£2.10) & free 'guardian' (£2.90), that's £5 free meaning we got £2 off an effective £5 spend - 40% reduction of the small amount of reduced stuff we actually wanted.

Obviously left the Guardian on the checkout.

Well...that was my day :)
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