Pickman's model
Starry Wisdom
you did, you pillock:Who claimed this?
How would a cycle lane desgined for women be different than a cycle lane designed for men?
you did, you pillock:Who claimed this?
How would a cycle lane desgined for women be different than a cycle lane designed for men?
you did, you pillock:
Fifty-one per cent of the UK population is female, yet most of our cities are failing to design roads and streets for women to cycle,
jesus mary and joseph you're all over the shop todayWhere am I claiming the article wants separate lanes for men and women?
The article quotes this:
The question of how they would design them differently is fair.
No it isn't cos no one is seriously proposing such a thingWhere am I claiming the article wants separate lanes for men and women?
The article quotes this:
The question of how they would design them differently is fair.
How would a cycle lane desgined for women be different than a cycle lane designed for men?
Who was talking about separate cycle lanes? I wonder.
I'm commenting on the article in which an expert in cycling infrastructure is quoted as saying cycling infrastructure design is "[..]failing to design roads and streets for women to cycle[..]"
Asking what would be different from now is fair given that comment. You won't find me anywhere suggesting the article is lobbying for sperate cycling infrastructure, rather I'm curious what would be different - something the article fails to specify.
You didn't phrase it that way, though. You said a cycle lane designed for women.
Taking women into account would, I guess, mean taking less aggressive cyclists into account, though there are plenty of men like that too. More passing places, maybe?
there's lots of stuff on netflix i have no desire to watch. the same on regular tv, on amazon prime, on bfi player... just because it's there doesn't mean it needs to be watched.Netflix addiction is real – we are entertaining ourselves to death | Arwa Mahdawi
"Netflix has become the opium of the masses. Indeed, it is beginning to feel as though we are living in a real-world version of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest; we are entertaining ourselves to death.
To be honest, I am not sure if that analogy is right, because, like most people, I never finished reading Infinite Jest. But I am sure it will be on Netflix soon."
That's the end of the article. It's 335 words long. Are they under pressure to just do a certain number of articles per month, these "journos"? Do the editors not even read this stuff? It's so bad.
I phrased in the context of the article.
My criticism of the article is it takes a fundamental truth and then weaves in an odd narrative.
That truth is that if you ask most people who want to cycle but don't why they aren't using a bike, they'll say it's too risky because of mixed traffic.
Xavier Brice who is quoted in that article will proudly point out that the investment in the London super highway resulted in a 50% jump in cycling, with electric bikes becoming better and cheaper that'll rise.
If you want people to cycle more removing the risk of mix traffic by building segregated cycle lanes works very well indeed.
I think a lot of people would probably benefit from some sort of cycling course. Like an advanced proficiency test.
That would be Bikeability Level 3, a step up from what used to be known as the Cycling Proficiency, which is now Level 2. It's designed for teenagers and adults, and most local authorities will deliver it in some form.
Latin America’s second largest economy will go to the polls on Sunday
The five-star hotel occupies half of the Beetham Tower, Manchester’s tallest building. It also contains exclusive flats popular with footballers. In 2017 a penthouse owned by the ex-Manchester United player Phil Neville went on sale for £3.5m.
I'm guessing it's not about taking on running a pub.How to be an excellent landlord (Christmas sherry not mandatory) | Penny Anderson
Handy advice I'm sure we can all agree. Who wouldn't want to be an excellent landlord?
I'm guessing it's not about taking on running a pub.
We’ve paid off the mortgage but I took out a £800,000 loan against the house to help my two eldest children on to the property ladder. I bought my daughter a one-bedroom flat in Highbury and my son a one-bedroom flat in Battersea. They’re quite modest ex-local authority properties and I’ve signed them over to the children.
Just your ordinay unassuming multi-millionare no different than the rest of usWhat a gleefully massive cunt