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Why Conspiracy Theorists are so prevalent.

of course it exists, it doesn't work though

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

Whether or nor it works depends on a huge variety of factors, but the most important is the wider society's attitude towards it.

Today, for example, belief in the efficacy of witchcraft is compulsory and universal.
fuck off, dwyer

And thus you once again resort immediately to obscenity and abuse.

I'll say it again. Your belief in scientific "progress" and "advancement" reveals you to be an imbecile.

No-one serious has believed in such absurdities since World War One.

After the Holocaust and Hiroshima, in prospect of nuclear armageddon and environmental destruction (all of which are materially caused by scientific "progress"), I would honestly say that continued faith in such eighteenth-century superstitions reveals a mind seriously deficient in either ethics or intelligence. And in your case, both.
Of course, the discovery of DNA etc etc isnt in any way a scientific advance! It explains nothing. How silly of me.

More idealist irrationalism, that's what the world needs!
A lot of it has to do with the prevalence of actual state conspiracies , and the fact western governments are habitual liars who do commit absolutely atrocious crimes against humanity without a shred of remorse . The more loony theorists just tend to push the envelope a bit further .
Personally I dont consider them any more daft than the people who believed the Vietnamese attacked the USA at the Gulf of Tonkin, the Iraqi army were chucking babies out of Kuwaiti incubators in the 90s , that Saddam had WMD, that Gadaffi was issuing his troops with Viagra, Iran are building a nuke and want to wipe Israel off the map etc . That was and is all utter bollocks, to an hysterical and outrageous degree, but because it came from mainstream sources most people appended quite a degree of credibility to it at the time and often still do. Yes the loonies are are daft but people will believe any oul shite . Including more than a few on here who scoff at these loons .

For the record I personally believe there were very sinister elements to what happened on 9 11 , but i simply dont know enough to form a view on it, and probably never will . It wouldnt surprise me at all if the state somehow colluded in those events, however I simply havent heard a compelling enough argument beyond the circumstantial to permit me make up my mind . However I dont believe the states version of events any more than I believe the loons .

Id be just as foolish to accept the explanations put forward by either camp .
Such brief abuse is preferable in every way to your polysyllabic abuse.

Fuck off, Dwyer.

Well it seems the gang's all here today.

But let the heathen rage and tear at the flesh. I'm called away by more serious affairs. If anyone raises any serious objections to my wisdom I shall return to refute them in due course.
'To a certain extent' can mean anything and nothing. Yes, there are many ways in which we must be unquestioning, and just trust our group in what it is doing, but, as a species, we're anything but.
Scott Atran in one of his lectures talks about how humans have evolved to have a very good agency detector due to the threat posed to them by other humans. He talked about this as one of the reasons for the origins of religion. Good fortune and terrible events beyond the control of man were attributed to gods. This may be a factor in the success of conspiracy theories as well. Something bigger must behind this tragedy. The HAARP nonsense would be a good example.
Personally I dont consider them any more daft than the people who believed the Vietnamese attacked the USA at the Gulf of Tonkin, the Iraqi army were chucking babies out of Kuwaiti incubators in the 90s , that Saddam had WMD, that Gadaffi was issuing his troops with Viagra, Iran are building a nuke and want to wipe Israel off the map etc . That was and is all utter bollocks, to an hysterical and outrageous degree, but because it came from mainstream sources most people appended quite a degree of credibility to it at the time and often still do. Yes the loonies are are daft but people will believe any oul shite . Including more than a few on here who scoff at these loons .
Those things are at least scientifically possible, unlike many of the CT claims. Do you really believe it is just as daft to believe that Saddam might have had WMDs as it is to believe that there is a secret cabal of Jews (many pretending not to be Jews) who are clandestinely controlling the world? The former requires some ignorance about the world, and human psychology, the latter requires all that twohundred fold. The former can be rationally based (using false inputs), the latter cant be.

You're basically saying that there is no difference between CTs and the mainstream media, but there is. The two are not flip sides of the same coin, they are not thesis and antithesis. Which isnt to say the MSM is 'right,' but its usually wrong in a very different way.
Not sure about you guys but I was never exposed to any type of critical thinking classes in school. I think this is the case for the majority of people without some basic tools for discerning truth from falsehood people doomed to fall prey to this magical thinking.

That's coz they don't want you to think... (you know who they are, don't you?)
I think it's just because the world is so fucked, run by the rich to fuck over the poor, who are the vast, vast majority of the people on this planet, and people wonder how the fuck it got this bad. Large companies writing their own laws to prevent them from prosecution, goverments controlling what seeds you can grow (or currently trying to), banks rigging the shit out of everything. I mean, there is cause for concern. And that's just a tiny handful of fuckedupness that seems to be accepted as normal in todays world. These are not the acts of good people. The people who we elect do not have our best interest at heart, money is ALL they give a fuck about.

Ofcourse, there are alot of fucking full on crackpots out there, blaming Jewish lizard people, but that's actually a very good misdirection. Nobody wants to be ascociated with antisemitism, and quite rightly so. It puts people off even thinking about the evils done in the name of money. It's got fuck all to do with any religion, and eveything to do with greed.
I think it's just because the world is so fucked, run by the rich to fuck over the poor, who are the vast, vast majority of the people on this planet, and people wonder how the fuck it got this bad. Large companies writing their own laws to prevent them from prosecution, goverments controlling what seeds you can grow (or currently trying to), banks rigging the shit out of everything. I mean, there is cause for concern. And that's just a tiny handful of fuckedupness that seems to be accepted as normal in todays world. These are not the acts of good people. The people who we elect do not have our best interest at heart, money is ALL they give a fuck about.

Ofcourse, there are alot of fucking full on crackpots out there, blaming Jewish lizard people, but that's actually a very good misdirection. Nobody wants to be ascociated with antisemitism, and quite rightly so. It puts people off even thinking about the evils done in the name of money. It's got fuck all to do with any religion, and eveything to do with greed.

Yep. Operation Gladio and the like also make a lot of bizarre conspiracy theories seem rational! Which is obviously not to say that they are.
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

Whether or nor it works depends on a huge variety of factors, but the most important is the wider society's attitude towards it.<snip>
The same could be said of applied psychology, not to mention most types of medicine.
<snip>Today, for example, belief in the efficacy of witchcraft is compulsory and universal.
Get your tongue out of your cheek or it'll stick there.
Don't worry about me, I'm just like the other 99% of you.....some guy behind a desk at HBGary...
I don't agree with all your aliens stuff xes but you're all right in my book. I've never seen you posting/agreeing with anti-semitic shit. And I actually hope to fuck that there are aliens.
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i hope so mate, it would be so great to find an intelligent life form from another planet, and converse with them, learn from/about them, their experiences, views, life, etc. I just hope that we dont end up killing them all as the ruling classes are prone to do.
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