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    Lazy Llama

White civil rights leader has pretended to be black for years

We are though predisposed to engage in identity, what's so bad about wanting to choose that. Tom Cruise can play a European who becomes a Samurai... overcoming not actually being born Japanese. God help a white woman who really wants to go method on this being a black American lark.

Well as Rutita said, the biggest problem is that she's a liar. But these post-being-found-out justifications are still fucked up. She's wrong on at least two counts. First, she's trying to turn racial identity into some essential thing to being human, which it very clearly isn't. But at the same time as this essentialist nonsense, she also seemed to think that by dying her skin and changing her hair, she was becoming 'black', neglecting all the non-essentialist crap that goes in to growing up black in a racist state like the US. She manages to both overstate and understate the significance of race and racial identity in the society she grew up in.
Well as Rutita said, the biggest problem is that she's a liar. But these post-being-found-out justifications are still fucked up. She's wrong on at least two counts. First, she's trying to turn racial identity into some essential thing to being human, which it very clearly isn't. But at the same time as this essentialist nonsense, she also seemed to think that by dying her skin and changing her hair, she was becoming 'black', neglecting all the non-essentialist crap that goes in to growing up black in a racist state like the US. She manages to both overstate and understate the significance of race and racial identity in the society she grew up in.

I'll have to read the link before I can comment on most of that, but being black means growing up in a racist white society... therefore people from African countries who haven't ever experienced racism at the hands of white people in the day to day sense you mean (global economic injustices of power and economics impacting societies and histories not withstanding for reasons of another level) therefore aren't black, because they did not experience growing up in racist America.
I'll have to read the link before I can comment on most of that, but being black means growing up in a racist white society... therefore people from African countries who haven't ever experienced racism at the hands of white people in the day to day sense you mean (global economic injustices of power and economics impacting societies and histories not withstanding for reasons of another level) therefore aren't black, because they did not experience growing up in racist America.
I take your point, but her point was that she was American and grew up in America. She didn't claim to have grown up somewhere else.
Yeh. But that's clearly not what lbj is talking about. That is one gender role. There are others. Do you think women ended up doing the work they do on the basis of genetics: or would you agree with me that what constitutes women's work is a cultural construct?

Mixed but mostly a construct.
I think historically it made sense for the woman to be at home if she had young and for others to go out hunting which might involve the father but equally other women. But milk producer made you primary child rearer/protector which isn't conducive to fighting sabre toothed tigers if you want the best chance for your offspring. And that biological position may have instructed how things developed culturally between gender roles.

The fact they're expected to do this work for free under capitalism is an interesting discussion and definitely comes from patriarchy / ownership of women by men.
Mixed but mostly a construct.
I think historically it made sense for the woman to be at home if she had young and for others to go out hunting which might involve the father but equally other women. But milk producer made you primary child rearer/protector which isn't conducive to fighting sabre toothed tigers if you want the best chance for your offspring. And that biological position may have instructed how things developed culturally between gender roles.

The fact they're expected to do this work for free under capitalism is an interesting discussion and definitely comes from patriarchy / ownership of women by men.
apparently it's all to do with agriculture (guardian link)
Surely, sex is to gender as phenotype is to ethnicity? In each case, the former is biological, whereas the latter is the socially constructed conception attached (by ourselves and others) to that biology.

On that basis, it's hard to distinguish been transsexualism and transracialism. Though, instinctively, I'm dubious about the latter.

I'd like to understand the difference. I don't think anything so far on this thread is particularly convincing, though.
On that basis, it's hard to distinguish been transsexualism and transracialism. Though, instinctively, I'm dubious about the latter.

Study on the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis a decade or so ago suggested a brain pattern cause in (certain?) transsexuals.
Study on the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis a decade or so ago suggested a brain pattern link in (certain?) transsexuals.
Even if that were true (and it's by no means settled), the fact that some transsexuals have certain brain characteristics isn't evidence for the idea of female or make brains. At most, or could be a weak correlation in trans v cis brains i.e. that trans people have brains similar to each other, but not, necessarily, to cis people of the gender with which they identify.
Even if that were true, the fact that some transsexuals have certain brain characteristics isn't evidence for the idea of female or make brains.
No but it suggested that, in this area males and females had different brain patterning and that m/f transsexuals (for instance) had brain patterns similar to women. And this was regardless of hormone use. I can't find a proper link but this might do

A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and its Relation to Transsexuality
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