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Where now for the anti-cuts movement?

more devastating critique from
more devastating critique from

i'd have thought a tendency to act the ultra left intellectual whilst cosying up to power and careerists would have been more in keeping with Rik's character.

like I say eat a dick you fraud fuck.
ha - cosying up to what power? You are exactly the type who will be voting Tory in 15 years time.

what i do in 15 years time is a matter for then, you are in Labour now, you know the party that invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, bombed Serbia, continued and furthered the neo liberal agenda of Thatcher, stoked up more racism than the BNP ever could and had a leader who proclaimed "British jobs for the british".

Hang your head in shame you utter cunt.
I know only too well what has happened under the present Labour leadership (nor do I have a romantic picture of Labour in previous eras). Which is why I'm determined to attempt to link up with other socialists - inside and outside the party - who want to build support for an alternative. But those who merely squeak from the sidelines are playing into their hands.
I know only too well what has happened under the present Labour leadership (nor do I have a romantic picture of Labour in previous eras). Which is why I'm determined to attempt to link up with other socialists - inside and outside the party - who want to build support for an alternative. But those who merely squeak from the sidelines are playing into their hands.

no dickhead you are their cover, stop legitimising the cunts!
I know only too well what has happened under the present Labour leadership (nor do I have a romantic picture of Labour in previous eras). Which is why I'm determined to attempt to link up with other socialists - inside and outside the party - who want to build support for an alternative. But those who merely squeak from the sidelines are playing into their hands.

lol it's moon8!
no dickhead you are their cover, stop legitimising the cunts!

Frankly whether the left stays in or promptly abandons the party they will still get huge support by virtue of being the only option that allows for both coalition parties to get kicked out.

In the absence of any electoral alternative (nb. I'm NOT saying that non-electoral interventions aren't more important) it seems perfectly reasonable to organise to force the leadership to distance itself from the full Blairite agenda.

Ed M's position is so weak because he's trapped between a PLP that is basically full of Blairites and THE key financial and organisational prop - UNITE which has a new broad left leadership. Now it the time to lobby McCluskey to organise a full bid to reclaim the party. If this fails, then yes I'd probably admit defeat and leave. But why leave before it's even tried?
To be honest I don't care that you've joined Labour, merely about the fact you tried to hide it.

Anyway have you heard anything about the new broad centre left grouping various MPs and Trade Unions are supposed to be trying to form?
I didn't ever hide it! I just didn't think it was the most important defining fact about my politics so didn't make a song and dance about re-joining.

Anyway - on your other point I've heard it suggested that the unions don't think Compass is upto it as an an organising equivalent of Progress so it wouldn't surprise me. But not much more than that. There is a tiny little grouping that Kelvin Hopkins is involved with (GEER) but that looks pretty hopeless, frankly.
...force the leadership to distance itself from the full Blairite agenda...a full bid to reclaim the party.
At least the trot entryists had a realistic idea of what they wanted - to split people off to join their party. Your one-man-entryism seems to be based on a totally deluded idea of what the LP has been and what it can be.

Frankly whether the left stays in or promptly abandons the party they will still get huge support by virtue of being the only option that allows for both coalition parties to get kicked out.

The LP will always be the lesser of two evils, so deluded lefties will always have an excuse to stay in. I look forward to you still being in the party in 15 years time, even as the LP more and more resembles the USA's Democratic Party.
Is now the time to galvanise the campaign for a new worker's party?

(anti-cuts movement does rather seem to be in abeyance and I can see it coming back in force when the cuts actually start to be felt in a widespread way. The question is, can it achieve anything meaningful or is it likely to be a few noisy/slightly violent protests with little tangible outcome. Sadly, it's the latter, I suspect)
Isn't the stoppage on teh 30th part of the anti-cuts struggle? Not really been following this, but from my mfacebook friends I get the impression it'll be big and involve both unions and lefties and anarcho types.
AFAIK the 30th June is all about defending public sector pensions from proposed govt. changes, rather than specific public sector cuts which I see as a different, if linked issue.

On the university front, it really is hard to see the impact of a strike taken when the campuses are deserted following the end of term. But hey ho.
Well, yeah. If strikes and protests against the effects of cuts don't count as anticuts activity, then the movement is dying, yes.
Is that a ghostian sneer from you at the J30 movement? Even Herbert Read is into it so it must be legit.

Wouldn't go so far as a ghostian - more mid level chuckwilsonian

Hearing anarchists (who are not involved in actually striking) going on about 'outreach' work for 'J30' - just comes across as a bit patronising. I know it's not meant to be and things like this should be done at times like this, but something in it just grates - probably just my own prejudices rather than anything else mind
Hearing anarchists (who are not involved in actually striking) going on about 'outreach' work for 'J30' - just comes across as a bit patronising.
Yes, I know what you mean. "Take the day off and support the strikers"; never entertaining the idea that some anarchsits may be strikers. Unfortunately many active anarchos only work for some eco-coop or something. Mroe and more I feel little connection with the subculture of radical eco-liberalism which passes for anarchoism in the UK.
Unfortunately many active anarchos only work for some eco-coop or something

not all of them, some of them are cops

(in fairness though, I would say in the UK over the last few years there has been more of a move towards a better class based anarchist movement)
Actually I think a sensible discussion around re(de)composition of the pro-working class radical left (whether class struggle anarchist, socialist, IWCAist or whatever) in light of the new austerity and the resurgence of Labour as the only "realistic" alternative is needed now. However I'm not sure this place (or the facebook page of whoever Lusty posts this on) is the best place for that discussion.
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