Just been chatting to my NEW Manager
Heres what happened leading up to this, a most Bizzare coupla days indeedy.
I applied for a job a while back and was interviewed on Monday, the Manager rang me after the interview and asked why I never went for the higher position of Development co-ordinator, I explained to her that I never knew that the position existed, she replied 'If you are interested in this position could you come back at five Oclock and we will have an informal interview with you' I replied 'Yes, could you email me the person spec' Which she did.
By the time I arrived at the second interview I was decked out in my baggy gardening jeans which were covered in soil, my old holey skate t-shirt and a pair of durteh big shit covered hiking boots, I was also a tad stoned from a one skinner I'd had after the first interview
They asked me a few simple questions about how best to develop the outreach element of the orginisation, I answered the questions, they wrote things down Manically and I left the building after fifteen minutes chit chat with the interviewers.
As I plodded home my Mobile rang, the Manager offered me the job there and then.
The Great thing also is that the Job is only 24 hours per week which leaves my Wednesdays free to work with some of the troubled Yoot of Bolton.
Im one happy Northern Fucka me