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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Don't we have something sort of similar here? Sure there was talk of a fast-track scheme to get people with 'industry experience' into teaching jobs without having to go through the hassle of learning how to teach.

I believe academies and free schools can basically employ anyone they like as a teacher, although I don't know how many unqualified teachers there actually are out there.

Lord Nash, a schools minister, set up a free school and gave his unqualified daughter a job as a history teacher. There was also a case of some aristo who set one up and made his granddaughter head teacher straight out of university, although she resigned after a few weeks.
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Can I ask if this removal of Confederate monuments is happening across the States, and if it is seeing this sort of controversy wherever it happens?

Not trying to be a smart arse or start a fight, just interested. I watched a discussion about this on another site and was shocked at the extent to which public commemoration of the Confederacy is still in place in the South - road names, school names(!), and the like. Watching this discussion it seemed that the Civil War is almost a live issue in some ways, both in attitudes in the South and attitudes towards the South.

It's very much a living issue. A lot of these monuments didn't go up right after the civil war. Many of them went up as a response to the civil rights movement. We're still dealing with the same issues.

Thanks, Trump! :mad:
I get the fire and fleg stuff but they were reported to be chanting "We love Russia!"

There is something really fucked up about Septics celebrating any other country than their own. Lord knows what Russians think.
It's telling that the workers charged with removing those old monuments, have been wearing masks and are accompanied by armed guards. I keep saying that one of the worst mistakes the US has made is taking back the south after the civil war. The ideology that came with them has been a cancer.
Good point. With the emphasis on reconciliation after the war, people of the South were never held to account, so white supremacy stayed entrenched and former slaves remained deprived of basic rights in a system of segregation, control, poverty and criminalisation. Wonder what would have happened if they'd just been let go?
Don't we have something sort of similar here? Sure there was talk of a fast-track scheme to get people with 'industry experience' into teaching jobs without having to go through the hassle of learning how to teach.
I looked into getting a teaching qualification some years ago - it may have changed since then, but I think you have to have a decent first degree, or equivalent experience in the armed forces, and then you can do a shorter course like PGCE to become qualified. I think you can do a "learn as you work" course which isn't classroom based, but you are supervised and assessed as you go along.

The difference in Arizona is it appears pretty well anyone can be a teacher. I'm not sure you'd even have a high school diploma. :eek:
It's very much a living issue. A lot of these monuments didn't go up right after the civil war. Many of them went up as a response to the civil rights movement. We're still dealing with the same issues.
If it's any consolation, they're only now changing names, taking down statues, etc. of British people who made their fortunes from the slave trade - long before the US civil war. Take Colston Hall in Bristol, for example.

There's sometimes opposition to changing names, but I don't think it's particularly because people think it's right slavers should be honoured. It's more folks who just aren't keen on change, with a few being sticklers for history I guess.

Bit like Northern Ireland, stuff that happened centuries ago is still pretty "live" for a lot of people in the Southern USA.
The information Trump relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said that Trump’s decision to do so risks cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and National Security Agency.

“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”

So his blabbermouth could mean intelligence agents, service men and women and diplomats from US "allies" could end up dead. Fuck me! :mad:
It's kind of high-stakes to leak it, too, I would have thought - there must be a very small number of people who knew what was discussed in that meeting.

“I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” they reportedly directly quote El Trumpidente as saying. . .
Yes, you are right. Someone being featured in some of the most widely read media on the planet, and boosted by the most prominent politicians on earth (including the Clinton campaign) can be stopped if we simply wish her out of existence.
She's only "featured" because of public interest in her utterances, if people ignored her she would quickly become an 'ex celebrity'
She's only "featured" because of public interest in her utterances, if people ignored her she would quickly become an 'ex celebrity'
she's embedded within a certain bubble, partly thanks to her ultra-bourgeois upbringing (practically gentry) and relentless self promotion plus a brief career in the higher echelons of tory politics. I'd love it if these people went away without talking about them but as you well know the hard nosed tory scions of very wealthy, old money, families tend to do quite well. And the americans who have embraced her stuff do it because a posh english accent lends a veneer of something'smart'. Of course some see right through her, as the above thing posted by jc3 shows. But no, these people don't go away. If only, I'd been ignoring the existence of Piers Morgan for ages but there he was again, floating across my radar somehow. There's a great piers morgan/mensh interview where he asks her to repeat some of the things she'd said under parliamentary privilege in public and she wouldn't, fell back to 'having a go at me because I'm a woman'. I didn't know who I wanted to win that exchange, either outcome would have done

It's kind of high-stakes to leak it, too, I would have thought - there must be a very small number of people who knew what was discussed in that meeting.

“I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” they reportedly directly quote El Trumpidente as saying. . .
I get the impression there were only a few people who were party to contents of the meeting itself, but perhaps a great many more who were involved in the arse covering that followed it. Those in the latter group might not have needed to know the detail of what was blabbed to do their job, but they would have known that it was something of the highest sensitivity, the ally that provided it hadn't given consent to share and they were going to be royally pissed off about it. One of them could have leaked it to the press.
I get the fire and fleg stuff but they were reported to be chanting "We love Russia!"

There is something really fucked up about Septics celebrating any other country than their own. Lord knows what Russians think.

The "we love Russia" thing isn't really a surprise to me.

Two of my fb friends enjoy sharing pro-trump ideas. There is a selection of how good/strong Putin is - the theme is that Putin doesn't put up with any Muslims, homosexuality, etc. nonsense.
But no, these people don't go away.

They don't go away, but after awhile, pretty much everyone comes to realize that they aren't to be taken seriously. Ann Coulter is a good example.

From what I've read, it appears that this Mensch individual is trying to emulate Coulter: say outrageous things, get recognition, earn money.
They don't go away, but after awhile, pretty much everyone comes to realize that they aren't to be taken seriously. Ann Coulter is a good example.

From what I've read, it appears that this Mensch individual is trying to emulate Coulter: say outrageous things, get recognition, earn money.
yep, I don't know how invested Coulter is in this sort of thing but I do think they both believe what they are saying. Take a 'spite for coins' merchant like Katie Hopkins or an american shock-jock sort, well you can sort of tell they are exaggerating personal traits to be complete arseholes because it pays. Coulter and Mensh...well they haven't just made money from it, they've both been close to power in this path, mensch I know for certain was tipped as a bright young thing for the conservative party. She was my MP briefly, so I take an interest in her spiral into ever more outlandish thinking.

On a wider point, these people on both sides of the liberal/right divide have started welcoming them in. Alex Jones in the whitehouse whipping his shirt off again. Steve 'read a lot of dodgy eurofash stuff' Bannon.

funhouse mirrors of themselves.
I do think they both believe what they are saying.

Not so sure about that...

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."
"If you work in public service you're a failure who couldn't make it in the "real world"."

"Government is easy. All those people are just sucking up my tax money."

Aye, but it's a pity about all those council leaders/heads of NHS foundations/ and the multitudes of beaucrats who have appeared over the last 30 or so years, all on rather fat salaries,
Ok, if we really need them, and IMHO we certainly don't, why are their pay packages so grossly inflated over the people they are supposed to be leading?
And conversely, a lot of these 'fat cats' are people who couldn't make the grade in "the real world" and took employment in the public sector.
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