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What 'sports' should be dropped for the 2028 Olympics?


Exasperated, not angry.
The horsey bullshit all has to go, obviously.

Ditto walking - 'look at me, I can go almost as quickly as if I were a lousy jogger!'

Golf - and not just from the Olympics, but from the planet.

Those are my obvious ones, although there are plenty of other competitions within general sports that are also thoroughly dubious. Far too much sailing, rowing, swimming and cycling. They could do with slimming down. Men's football? It is pointless, but the Olympics did play a brilliant (tho arguably no longer necessary) role in developing Women's Football and it would seem daft having a sport only open to one sex

Less is more: LA Olympic Games do not need every sport so let’s cut your favourite | Jonathan Liew - has some more, largely sensible, notions.
Agree completely on golf.

The 93 different shooting and archery ones could be rationalised down to like one or two.

And I was watching water polo yesterday and that was very dull so we could easily lose that. (In fact as someone suggested on the other thread, lose all the team sports apart from relays.)
Anything that's judged, rather than measured.
Though it's a tricky line. Most of the, eg Beam scores are based on agreed marks for completion of particular movements. One judge is unlikely to b e able to spot everything so using a panel makes sense. I did like how, in the surfing at least [another one that is rather dubious unless you can get to do it in Tahiti!] the top and bottom judges scores are removed, so reduce chances of favouritism.
Breakdancing. It wasn't cool, it was a sterilized version of what break is. If you want some sort of 'street' competition to replace it, let's make graffiti
a sport.

BMX was great. In fact the final of the freestyle (?) was probably the best watch of the whole Olympics.

Agree with everything in the OP. Sailing definitely. The Kite thing was best, you could see how insanely fast they were moving, but needed closer finishes.

Basketball, pointless. Actually, too many points. the 3 person one was extra shite too. Get rid.

What is the point of judo? (At least with taekwondo it was easy to understand the point was to kick the other person in the head).

Weightlifting has never done anything for me.

Have I wiped everything out yet?
Although I enjoy watching them sometimes....yes. I don't think they should be in the olympics.
I hate that telegenics seem to be the main criteria...add a bunch or sports with big TV ratings (golf, soccer, tennis) and some that have young girls in skimpy bikinis (beach volleyball).

I'd get rid of the ones where there are already global showcase events...golf etc.

Some traditional point scoring ones I'd keep, like gymnastics and martial arts...just because they've been going for years and some folk enjoy doing them. Other than that, dump the ones where a panel of judges decide who wins.

Boxing's out, it's barbaric. Horses are out as they don't get to consent, and obviously they get beaten a lot.

The goal of the olympics should,d be to encourage people to have a go...go to their local village hall for judo night, or sign their kids up for gymnastics at their sports hall. On this basis, my exemption for my proposal is girls' skateboarding, and that seems to encourage young ladies to get out of the house. Weightlifting does nothing for me either...but who would want to piss on the legacy of Precious McKenzie?
Road cycling is a bit pointless if we're honest. It's just so out of kilter with how the sport works generally. In a way that has some merit, but... it's a bit marginal.

In contrast I think the track disciplines really need it.
Remove the 5000m, 10000m and marathon as individual comps and introduce "The Zatopek" instead

Much like the endless fucking swimming distances largely the same people run the 5k and the 10k so make it into 1 competition but harder.

Also reduce the number of swimming events by 75% - either make everything freestyle or remove all distances except 50m and 400m. Marathon swim excepted. I will allow them to keep that one.

I don't mind the horse stuff, there isn't much of it.
Here's an example of why even this isn't so simple. A clearly demarcated scoring system that failed do to human error.

Rutter had to settle for silver in the women’s skeet final on 4 August after she was judged to have missed a shot in the sudden-death shootout


They've just used the wrong word. She was adjudged - her 'missing' a target was declared to be true, not judged, which is just an opinion, hence differences of opinion in marks given.

And it was human error.
Boxing, because beating people up for the entertainment of others is vile.
tbh, you can remove all the Boxing as far as I'm concerned.
And that might well happen - I've heard that it's not slated to be in the next Olympics, although of course there's time for that to change. I can't say I'd miss it much, but I'd miss it more than other combat events like judo, wrestling or taekwondo.

There's plenty of other things i wouldn't miss either like table tennis, fencing, sailing, and the horsey stuff, obviously. Shooting should be dropped because the Athenians didn't have guns - then again they didn't have skateboards or BMX bikes either, but I'd keep those as I reckon they've been the best recent additions.

Sadly I can't say the same for surfing, which I was looking forward to, but it turned out to be a damp squib (haha). However, hopefully it should be better next time as it'll be held in California - not the other side of the world ffs - with good crowds, rather than no spectators at all. But I didn't like the head-to-head format which was tedious.

I like golf but I never wanted it in the Olympics in the first place. I don't like that there's only 60 players rather than double that in the majors, and also that the Americans got to have 4 players and other countries only a max of 2. However, it's there for a reason - because like it or not (and I know most of you don't) it is a very popular sport worldwide that millions play and watch, and it'll be a big draw next time in LA.

Football's also very popular and draws big crowds, but sadly GB never enters it (except for 2012, which was a one-off) so it's hard to get too excited about it, esp as we all know the mens event isn't the real deal. On balance I'd probably keep it, but it's an odd, unsatisfying competition.

But rather than getting rid of events, I'm more bothered by the new ones they're bringing in next time, which seem to be mainly to enable team USA to win even more golds - like they need any help! Though I'm pleased they're bringing in squash, as I've thought for a long time that ought to be in.
As for the horse stuff, they should keep all the events as they are but just get rid of the horses. If all the shit they make the horses do is so noble and dignified then they couldn't possibly object to being made to do it themselves.

Could combine it with the shooting too, any time someone twists an ankle prancing about in the dressage it's five points to whoever finishes them off.
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